* Life story of Shri Hari in the conversation between Shivgupta Vaisha and Brahmin-Ramsharma. * Ritual and celebration of Shri Hari Jayanti (Birth- anniversary) festival.
Life story of Shri Hari in the conversation between Shivgupta Vaisha and Brahmin-Ramsharma.
Suvrat Muni said:-
Hearing the divine life story of Shri Hari, King Pratapasimh was fully satisfied and felt the joy of contentment and asked Suvrat again. 1.
The King said:- O Sage! I have heard the biography of Shri Narnarayan Muni, again and again. My mind does not get satisfaction; and my urge to listen is growing. 2.
O Sage! I also want to know about all the rituals, during the celebration of Shri Hari-jayanti festival, and also the duties, which are to be followed by men and women, devoted to Him. You deserve to narrate all that.’ 3.
Suvrat said:-
‘O King! You are blessed, since you want to listen again, to Shri Hari’s life story. You consequently want to hear it, with deep devotion and respect, as if it is new. 4.
O King! I shall narrate all the ritual procedure of Shri Hari’s birthday anniversary festival. Even by listening to it, the fruit of vow is gained. 5.
O King! In the Suharsha city, there lived a great, pious, religious, generous, quiet- tempered merchant, named Shivagupta. 6.
O king, even though he was prosperous with all wealth, he was issueless. Hence, he remained sad and worried, along with his wife. 7.
‘Whatever was told by whosoever person, for getting son, all that, vow etc. was performed by him, as per proper procedure; and also the motivated vows to deities. But even then, since he could not get a son, he proceeded in search of some expert (astrologer), in the guise of pilgrimage; and wandered about, on the surface of earth. 8 - 9.
After finding the hypocritical tales, worth disbelief, he happened to see, a very good hearted Brahmin, on the banks of Gomati-river. 10.
He was, Ramasharma by name, and devotee of Krishna, master in Vedas and Shastras, and strict observer of religion. He (Shivagupta) went to him and sat beside him, after paying respect, in tearful eyes.11.
That Brahmin, Ramasharma, also having noticed that merchant in that plight, bearing his body emaciated by worry, asked him about his condition. And he also narrated to him his real plight. 12.
At this point, the Brahmin comforted him as ‘give up your worries and be calm. Obey whatever I instruct you, immediately. You will get a son. 13.
Observe the Vow of Shri Hari’s birth anniversary affectionately and according to rituals. Whatever is desired by you, out of four goals of life, would successfully materialise, immediately for you.’ 14.
Vaishya said:-
‘O Brahmin! Who is Hari; and what is Hari’s Vow? How can I observe it? Please tell me all about it, as you are alone believable, for me.’ 15.
The Brahmin said:-
‘Lord Krishna himself came down on this earth. He became famous as Hari, Krishna and Narayan. 16.
He is popularly known as Hari Krishna, Ghanashyam and Neelakantha, and also Swami Sahajanand and Swaminarayan. 17.
He bears many names, according to his virtues and deed. I shall briefly tell you, all his divine virtues and his deeds that he did on this earth. 18.
Here, in our country, there is a nice village named Chhuppaaya, in North Kosala. There lived a best Brahmin, named Deva; always pure, pious in heart, attitude and actions. As he was religious and followed all his duties regarding religion; therefore he became famous as Dharma (Deva). His beautiful wife named as Bhakti; was always engaged in devotional duties of Lord Krishna. 19 - 20
This couple Deva and Bhakti were beyond all the wishes. But, they always served Lord Shri Krishna alone, with full devotion and dedication at heart and having control of sense organs. 21.
Even though numerous demons haunted by the Kali, and bearing the guise of royal officers, troubled the land and region continuously, this couple never deflected from their courage to attend daily religious duties. 22.
Lord Hanumana, their family deity, who had gentle glance on his surrendered devotees and bore the body, creating fear to all ferocious calamities, conferred protection to them, in spite of all the serial tortures. 23.
With firm devotion, love and faith, they performed a Vishnuyaga, as per norms, at Vrindavan; and pleased Lord Shri Krishna by their exclusive devotion. 24.
Lord Shri Krishna, being pleased on both of them, decided to destroy the non-religious cults of Kaula etc., prompted by the demons, that were against religion and were causing tortures to the earth, proposed to be born as a son, of both of them. 25.
That Narayan, the God of all gods, affectionate to Dharma, obtained sonship of those two alone, out of compassion and assumed divine human form in Kaushala country. 26.
In spring (Vasanta) season, on the ninth bright day, in the month of Chaitra, Monday, on Pusya-constelation (Naksatra), at the third Nadi (Ghatika), of second Yama, an auspicious omen occurred on the earth (a son was born to this couple). At that time, it created joy in the hearts of saints and the adherents Dharma. Simultaneously, fear was felt by anti-religious peoples and demons and the treacherous agents of mighty king. 27 - 28.
Dharmadeva performed all his sacramental rituals: begging with natal rite (Jata-kriya), and ending with thread ceremony, in proper manner. The son named as Hari etc. pleased his own mother in all respects. 29.
But soon (after his thread ceremony), the son, being very much disinterested in worldly pleasures and happiness, left the house of comfort; and set out on a pilgrimage. On the strength of his extreme influence, he established religion on the surface of earth, by uprooting its adversaries. 30.
He established own religion, and singular devotion (Ekantiki Bhakti), to Lord of Shree (Laxmi), combined with scientific knowledge and detachment, among the people who took shelter in him, on the earth. Thereby, the haters of Dharma got suddenly perturbed. 31.
The troops of the preachers of the demons having foundation of anti religion, spread at various places and also rulers of earth, who were violators of righteous code (Dharma), who were proud of their dry knowledge and were the devotees of hypocrisy, became jealous of him on observing the establishment of true Dharma in proper way; and also His uncommon majesty, carried extensive hatred-campaign about Him; since they were not able to reach His exalted position. 32 - 33.
Those wicked persons, got extreme infatuation on account of the sin, produced through their humiliation of Him. They reached their annihilation, after striking blows on each other while carrying weapons, in thousands. Some others had to face to such heinous treatment as amputation of nose, ears etc or drowning to death, in sinking boat, inflicted by king etc, on committing despicable offences. Some of the kings, who were antagonist to Hari, perished due to fatal disease and some others at the hands of enemies. Some others were robbed off their wealth, by mighty king etc. and some others got very bad plight, indeed. 34 - 36.
He (Hari), of such great valour, while travelling on the earth, uprooted extensively the products of irreligiousness. He also propagated religious practices, by eradication of temptation for demonic food: liquor and meat, by administering instant Samadhi: spiritual equipoise to human beings on earth. By virtue of His own willpower, Hari astonished the practitioners of Yoga, who had put in enormous attempt, striving for it. 37 - 38.
Shri Hari protected those also, who sought shelter in Him, without knowing His very great magnanimity, from the clutches of Yama’s messengers. This doyen of compassionate gods, gave salvation to them. On the other hand, others also, who wished to get salvation, were well educated and good people, noticed his efficiency and virtues; and thereafter, came to Him, thinking that, He was Lord Krishna Himself. 39 - 40.
Some others, watched auspicious and divine signs on Shri Hari’s hands and feet, and realised him to be the incarnation of God. Some others, after watching uncommon faith on religion of the devotees, sheltered in Hari, ignoring the signs described in scriptures. They understood Him to be really, the Lord of the worldly saints. 41 - 42.
Lord Hari demonstrated his own Lordship, which was astonishing and uncommon, by extending His Yogic potency, to those people who were hypocrites, who had not abandoned their opinions and faults; and did not take shelter of Krishna. 43.
All those people, in thousands, attained instant Samaadhi, at heart, without attempt. Having visualized their own respective favourite god, therein, they got enormous joy. 44.
After getting up they affirmed that, He (Hari), was Himself their favourite God. Then, converting Him in pictorial (iconic) form, they took His resort for self-emancipation and stood by His dictates, after abandoning their own individual dogmas. 45.
Those persons who were learned in dry knowledge of Vedanta; were defeated, with proof in debate. Then, he infused the adoration of Brahman, directly assuming the divine human form, with devotion. 46.
Those learned Brahmins, who had sought shelter in Him, began to worship Radharamana Shri Krishna, with full devotion, along with their six daily ritual duties: bath, Sandhya etc. 47.
Those ascetics and saints, who had taken His shelter, continue to abide by their great and austere vow, in eight fold ways and observe the entire saintly code, were very different from the worldly saints. 48.
Other People, belonging to various social orders: Varnas (Brahmin etc.) and stages of life: Ashramas (celibacy etc.), while observing their own righteous code (Sva-dharma) and moulding their behaviour, in this world, always as per scriptures, adored Hari, with full devotion, after abandoning all their own faults, due to His influence. 49.
Those married women, who had surrendered to Him, gave prestige to the righteous code of married women, faith to husband (Pativrata dharma). Widow women followed the rules of widowhood, serving Him with strict celibacy; and attained dignified status. 50.
He frequently celebrated various festivals: Krishna’s birthday (Janmastami) and others, by collecting enormous materials, which were pure and astonishing even to kings. He thus made ‘Annakootas’ and gave meals to thousands of people. 51.
O excellent merchant (Shivgupta)! He also arranged various Vaishnava-sacrifices, by spending much money, which surprised the king. He continued serving meals for many months, to both Brahmins and sages in thousands, repeatedly. 52.
He arranged at various places, mega sessions of food service, for the satisfaction of pilgrim-folks. There over the traveller people, who arrived, got full satisfaction, by getting favourite food of various varieties. 53.
He constructed many wells, lakes and Dharmashalas – caravanserais - in various places (villages and towns), for the comfort of pilgrims. He also donated special villages for Brahmins, along with amenities. 54.
He also arranged, thread ceremony of many Brahmin children, by giving essential monetary help. In addition, he arranged marriages of Brahmin maidens, at the hands of Brahmins, with due marital rituals. 55.
He paid off, all the loans of many people, who were at His feet and were serving His lotus like feet. He gave monetary help to them and made them free from their money lenders immediately. 56.
Those Brahmins, who were in need of money for maintaining sacred fires, such as: Upasana-agni, Tretagni and Avasathya-agni etc. were helped by him. In addition, he gave them stipulated annual maintenance-alms, whereby, regular performance of religious rites, was ensured. 57.
He protected and encouraged religion on this earth; gave alms in the form of cows, land, gold etc. and money to worthy Brahmins, on many occasions: solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, Amavasya and other Parva-kala. 58.
He showed his devotees, by giving them the experience of Samadhi, at heart, the divine Brahma-loka, Golok-dhama and many other divine domes, of his own, endowed with those respective majesties. 59.
He, the extreme powerful divine Bhagavan Shri Hari, simultaneously showed His previous incarnations, along with respective attendants, to His chosen few pious devotees. 60.
He also explained the nature and scope of individual soul (Jeeva), cosmic illusion (Maya), primordial matter (PrakritiMahat) and the controller Lord (Ishvara). He also explained various views of experts, in philosophical science, in various assemblies. He also displayed some of those cosmic tenets, through His own majestic power. 61.
Those Kings, who had lost their kingdoms, due to the strong enemies and who had lost their wealth, came at His feet and surrendered to Him, regained their prosperity, better than previous one. 62.
The devotees, having material desires, got the fulfilment of their personal goals, according to their own wish. Many other devotees, who had no material desire, also experience the joy of material pleasure, in many ways and spiritual salvation (Mukti), in the world above, only because of His favour. 63.
Shri Hari, spread the path of devotion (Bhakti-marga), on this earth, for long time. Furthermore; he constructed many big shrines of Shri Krishna. Even the great Kings were surprised to see those shrines, pleasing the hearts. 64.
For the sake of spiritual welfare of people, out of limitless abundance of compassion, He established the responsibility of His own, the lineage of His own righteous cult. Then, He proposed to make and exit from the drama of human embodiment. 65.
Thereafter, Shri Hari, who was direct preceptor of the world, became recourse of surrender, in all respects, performing such miraculous feats, in this world. Even now, He gives his own direct holy vision (Darshana), to His own devotees, at His own wish, as before. 66.67
(during His life time). At the time of their departure from physical body, He gave His own, overall holy Darshana; and also emancipation, while rescuing them from Yama, the God of death. 68.
Ritual and celebration of Shri Hari Jayanti (Birth- anniversary) festival.
On His birthday, great festival should be celebrated after observing fast; and it is common experience that, thereby all desired object is fulfilled. 69.
By observing this vow (Vrata), even a man who does not wish to have anything, gets knowledge, detachment and spiritual achievement and also nourishment of devotion. A person, who wishes religiosity (Dharma), attains it (Dharma). A pleasure seeker, gets pleasure; one, who wishes wealth, gets wealth; and who wishes liberation, gets liberation. One, who wishes good wife, gets good wife; and one who wishes to have son, gets best son. So, this vow of His birth anniversary should be celebrated on the ninth bright lunar date of Chaitra month. 70 - 72.
One, who wishes to observe and celebrate it, should select exact ninth lunar date (Navami tithi). It must not be overlapped by eighth lunar date (bright Ashtami), of Chaitra (Madhu) month. The ninth lunar date, at the sunrise, should be accepted by vow-keepers for keeping fast. 73.
If this lunar date is pure but eclipsed and has vanished, then, the earlier lunar date should be accepted for vow. 74.
When on the previous day alone, at night, at the advent of Ashvini constellation (Naksatra), there occurs conjunction of ninth date, moon rise and also Pushya constellation. And if it is not on next day, then, the ninth lunar date, even though overlapped by eighth lunar date, is to be selected for celebration for vow. It is so, because such conjunction had taken place at the time of Hari’s birth. 75 - 76.
The right to celebrate this birth anniversary festival belongs to a member, of any one of four social orders, accompanied by wife. Therefore, this vow of Hari’s birth anniversary is to be celebrated by both: men and women. 77.
On this birth festival of Shri Hari, full fasting should be followed by his devotees, on the ninth lunar day. Bhagavan Shri Hari Krishna should be worshipped, throughout the night, without sleep. 78.
A person, who observes this Vrata, should take little food on eighth lunar date. On ninth lunar date, at dawn, he should get up and think of Lord Shri Krishna and perform his bodily purification. 79.
He should not use wooden tooth stick, on vow day. He should gargle with pure water for twelve times, for cleaning his mouth. 80.
After taking bath, he should carry out all his daily rituals; and bow down with respect, in front of Lord Shri Hari. Then, the person holding the vow should accept a regulation, by uttering the following chant: ‘O Hari, the Lord of the world, I shall remain without taking food, day and night. I shall take food tomorrow (as Prasada). This vow of mine may be guarded, by Thee, O Hari!’ 81.82.
Having accepted that regulation, he should finish his routine ritual. On that day, the vow-abider should not do any duty for his livelihood. He should do that work only, which is related to Shri Krishna. He should observe celibacy; and keep himself totally away from anger. 83.84.
His vow of celibacy would be violated by, even a glance at women, touch by them or dialog with them, other than his wife; and even the contact with his own wife. 85.
Sleeping during the day, eating betel, eating even a speck of food or taking water frequently, will all, mar the vow. 86.
Women, observing this Vrata, should not lament (on sad news), or should not weep (on sad occasions); should not spin cotton thread, should not quarrel and should not wash bulk clothes or stitched clothes. 87.
A person observing this vow should collect the material for worship such as: the flowers, garlands and so on, during the day, according to his capabilities; and at night he should worship Lord Shri Krishna. 88.
On this day, he should install, at a sacred place, a Mandap and decorate it, by placing Plantain trunks, flowers and mango leaves and foliage. 89.
Thereafter, at its centre, he should construct an excellent altar, beautified by multicoloured Rangoli-design. Then, upon a splendid Mandala diagram, named Sarvato-bhadra, prepared with rice grains and is beautified with five colours. The vow-keeper should place a spotless copper pitcher, filled with water, on eight-petal lotus, fashioned over rice grains; and dip five jewels, in that copper pot. Thereafter, he should spread a rich cloth, on the pot’ and install a gold-image of Lord Shri Krishna, on the plate, according to his affordability. 90 - 92.
Wherever there is an image of Hari Krishna, accompanied by the idols of Bhakti and Dharma, either stationery or mobile, in a temple, the vow-keeper should worship that alone, as per prescribed rite. Elsewhere, a gold image should be prepared for worship. 93 - 94.
An idol of Bhakti (mother), should be installed on His right side and Dharmadeva on left side. At the rear side, an image of Samkarashana, having an umbrella in His hand, should be installed. In addition, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, wielding chauries, also should be installed in front of the images of Dharma and Bhakti, respectively. In front Hari, idol of Uddhava, made of silver, should be installed. 95 - 96.
He, who observes the vow, should perform the mega-worship of Hari, accompanied by Dharma and Others. Then, he should keep awake: singing and narrating the stories of Shri Krishna as well. 97.
If he is unable for fasting, after the worship of Hari, at night, should take some fruits or drink a little bit of milk. 98.
Then, in the morning, he should again do the worship and dispose of the material. He should then donate the idol, to a Brahmin; and then, offer meals to Brahmins. 99.
Then, the person, who observes the vow, should take meals and celebrate the fulfilment of the vow, along with all his relatives. If he observes the vow in this manner, all the wishes, which he has in his mind, would be fulfilled. 100.
If he is weak and himself, unable to perform the worship of Hari, then, he should pay obeisance to Hari, worshiped by someone else, with respect. A person, after having seen his righteous devotees, would directly get the fruit of His worship. This vow should be observed by all the persons, in all respects. 101. - 102.
This vow should be observed by all women, men, excepting children as well as old and sick persons, every year, lifelong. 103.
When the circumstances are favourable and economic ability increases, then, he should celebrate the fulfilment ceremony (Udyapana), of the vow. Thus, the vow ritual will be completed. 104.
Suvrat said:-
Thus addressed by that Brahmin, the merchant became happy in mind. Then, being desirous of observing that vow, asked him about the ritual of fulfilment. 105.
Vaishya said:-
‘O great Brahmin! Please tell me about the winding up: fulfilment ceremony (Udyapana vidhi), by which it would be totally fruitful to observers of the vow.’ 106.
The Brahmin said:-
‘Without a winding up ceremony, any observance of a religious act is fruitless. Hence, it should be performed as per ability, as a duty and there should be no deceit. 107.
Having kept the vow on the ninth bright lunar date, every month, as per convention, its conclusion should be done as per suitable place and time. 108.
Alternatively, the observer should first celebrate the concluding ritual and then observe it, very month, for the whole year, peacefully. 109.
The concluding ritual or the winding up ceremony should be performed on the ninth date of bright fortnight of Chaitra, (excepting Adhika-masa i.e. intercalary month). There should be no setting of Jupiter and Venus in the sky. 110.
Just as, there is great enthusiasm in a marriage ceremony, in a very similar way, enthusiasm should be shown, yet as per monetary availability. 111.
All the relatives and friends and devotees of Hari, who are in other places, should be cordially invited, by sending invitation letters to them. 112.
The ceremony should commence on the first bright date of Chaitra. The observers of the vow should celebrate it, as per their economic ability and capacity. 113.
Celibacy should be observed; and Shri Hari’s biography (life story) should be heard every day. Songs of His virtues should be sung with devotions. 114.
Devotees of Shri Hari, Brahmins, saints and celibates should be ever adored with sandalwood paste, flowers and so on. They should be given meals, according to economic ability. 115.
A knowledgeable Brahmin, who knows the ritual (of Shri Hari’s birth anniversary), should be previously consulted. Then, on bright eighth date, the essential materials, suitable for Hari’s worship, as per monetary affordability, should be kept ready. 116.
He should make a splendid Sarvatobhadra mandala, at the hands of Brahmins, in an elegant Mandap. 117.
He should adorn it with four auspicious plantain trunks, leaves and twigs of mango tree, Ashoka etc; and fruits, flowers, rich garments and mirror. 118.
He should place eight pots: either earthen or of copper, in eight different directions; and in the central place, a copper pot without any leakage. 119.
In all those eight pots, betel nuts, copper-coin, rice-grain and Ladoo should be separately placed. 120.
After that, person should place eight pots, made of bamboo, along with plates. Then, he should place a coconut, separately in those pots, along with two-two white cloth pieces. 121.
Having filled the central copper pot with water and having dropped a fruit, along with jewels; and it should be covered. 122.
He should place a golden image of Shri Hari, along with Dharma etc. on a sheet of soft cloth, as per his capacity. 123.
The vow keeper should then, perform mega-worship of the image, as per the rituals; and mega festival at night. Thereafter, he should perform mega-ablution with water; and offer mega oblation (Maha-naivedya). 124.
Having concluded the worship ritual of Hari; and having kept wakeful night by listening to His anthologies, he should again perform morning worship. 125.
Thereafter, he should perform Homa-sacrifice, uttering eight syllabled Mantra, by offering oblations of sesames, ghee, porridge in the fire, for 108 times. He should then, honour the Brahmins. 126.
He should offer gifts to a worthy Brahmin, in the form of milch cow. She should be of brown back and good omens and adorned with golden horns, silver hooves. 127.
In the contingency of non availability of such cow, or a worthy recipient, or one’s own incapability, the person should donate ransom amount; and perform chant-muttering. Moreover, he should also offer a sesame pot, a pot of ghee, gold as per affordability. Eight fold gift: food, cloth etc. is to be given to a twice-born Brahmin. 128 - 129.
Then, he should offer a gift of bed, or if unable, a comfortable seat; and then clothes, useful to a couple. 130.
He should offer silk clothes or cotton clothes, or mixed clothes, if he is moneyless. Thereafter, he should bid farewell to God, along with His companions. 131.
He should then, donate those eight pots (which had been placed in worship) to the religious students or Brahmins. He should donate the central pot, along with the golden image, to the preceptor (Guru). 132.
He should then, offer profuse alms, to sages and Brahmins, in big number and offer them meals. If he has meagre money then, he should feed either twenty or twelve Brahmins. 133.
By the observers of vow, the festival of swing oscillation (Dolotsava), should be witnessed, beginning from the bright ninth date at night, till the second dark day (Vadya Dvitiya). 134.
Having performed this ritual, the vow would reach completion. Thereby, the wishes of the minds of the vow-observers would be fruitful. 135.
You should observe this vow. I am telling this, as beneficial to you, out of friendship. You will get a son, in this world and salvation thereafter. 136.
Suvrat said:-
O King! Advised in this way, by the Brahmin; the good natured merchant, believing in those Brahmin’s words, determined that, Hari is the Lord. Then he became firmly surrendered to Him. 137.
He came home, along with his wife; and observed the vow as per convention. In due course of time, he begot a good son, as grace of God. 138.
Thereafter, many other devotees also observed that vow, for fulfilment of their own individual wishes; and got their full cherished fruit. 139.
O King! In this way, the excellent procedure of celebrating birth anniversary of Hari Krishna, has been narrated by me. It is donor of cherished goals of the devotees. 140.
The person, who listens to the performance of birth anniversary of Shree Hari or one who narrates it; both of them, would obtain the fruit of vow performance, by virtue of Hari’s grace; and also whatever is cherished by Him. 141.
Thus ends the Sixty-ninth chapter entitled, ‘narration of the ritual and vows to be observed on Shri Hari Jayanti’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 69