Chapter 4 - Rituals of bath and Sandhya for twice born

* Rituals of bath and Sandhya for twice born: * Characteristics of Brahmtirth, Pitrutirth, Prajapatyatirth, Devtirth and Aginitirth.

Shri Narayan Muni spoke: -

Rituals of bath and Sandhya for twice born: 

‘O Brahmin! There are six rites, a Brahmin should perform daily: bathing, Sandhya, (Gayatri) japa, Homa (sacrifice), Svadhyaya (self-study) and libation of water to the manes of the ancestors, worship of deities. 1. 

Among these, morning bath is the prime ritual and all other rites, are to be performed after that. He should always take bath first, because a Brahmin is not eligible to perform other duties without it. 2. 

Bath should be taken in a river, a lake, a well or at home. If a Brahmin bathes in unknown or unfamiliar waters, he should take out five lumps of clay before beginning his bath. 3. 

He should take pure clay lumps, cow dung and sesames in addition and put these in a pure clean place and then, take bath according to ritual. 4. 

He should put a knot to his locks on (the back of) his head; then having taken darbha grass in left hand, he should enter the water. Then applying the clay to his limbs (from head to feet) and uttering appropriate mantras; (and then repeating the same with cow dung etc.,)he should cleanse the body with water). 5. 

A Brahmin, while bathing, should chant the mantras dedicated to Varuna, the presiding deity of water and sacred Pavamana hymn. While doing Marjan (sprinkling of water on the parts of the body), he should remember Hari at heart. 6. 

While bathing, he should offer libations of water (Tarpna) to the ancestors and deities and then come out of the water. He should then put on washed, clean cloths and take ‘Achamana’ (sipping of water), in the beginning and perform the Sandhya rite. 7. 

He should never use sesame for libations during the morning bath, but should use water with Kusha grass in hand, whilst standing in the water. 8. 

Cold water bath is recommended by the sages, and not the hot one. Hot water bath, is good for nothing, and it is advised for weak persons only. 9. 

But on Sundays, the days when the sun enters the Mesha zodiac, days of Solar and Lunar eclipse,, new moon day, every sixth day or the days observed as vows (like Ekadashi etc.), nobody should take hot water bath. 10. 

One who is ill or weak, may take water on the body, below the head or cleanse himself with a wet cloth. 11. 

Ancient sages have thought of place, time and circumstance in case of twice-born (i.e. men of three castes) who are unable to take bath in river etc., they have suggested the following alternatives to bathing. One of these is: chanting the Pavamana and sprinkling water on the body with the sacred Kusha grass, called Brahma-snana (bath). The other one is smearing sacred ash to the body, from head to toe. It is called Agneya-snana. Smearing the dust, taken from the hoof of a cow is called Vayavya-snana. Taking ashower in rainwater, when the sun also shines, it is called Divya-snana. Contemplation on Lord Hari is said to be the Manas-snana, by thoughtful persons. These alternatives for bath, are told for the weak or ill persons, but those who are fit and healthy are to bathe in river, lake etc., i.e. perform Varuna-snana. 12 - 15. 

After the ritual of bath, the twice-born should perform Sandhyavandan. The rite of morning bath may be done in short, so that the prescribed hour for morning Sandhya may not be lapsed. The remaining part of bath ritual should be completed by mid- day. 16. 

The twice-born should apply the sacred ashes (Bhasma) or sacred clay paste, like Gopichandan etc., on their forehead in three vertical lines or one and then perform the ritual of Sandhya, according to the tradition of his branch. 17. 

The recommended time for Sandhya-vandan is, two Ghatikas before sunrise, i.e. last two Praharas of night. This is the right time for the morning Sandhya. When the sign of sun rise is seen on the horizon, the Sandhya rite should be finished. 18. 

With his palm stretched in a way it appears like a cow’s ear, the twice-born should arrange fingers in a closed position and take water to sip (Achamana). 19.

A twice-born, should then, open his fingers and thumb and should regularly sip water from Brahma-tirtha. 20. 

Characteristics of Brahmtirth, Pitrutirth, Prajapatyatirth, Devtirth and Aginitirth. 

Water, at the root of the thumb, is known as ‘Brahma-tirtha’ and at the bottom of the fore-finger, is called ‘Pitru-tirtha.’ 21. 

Water, that is at the root of the little finger, when taken as sip for Achamana, is known as ‘Prajapatya’; the water, at the tip of the finger is called ‘Daiva’ and at the midpoint of the palm, is known as Vahna or ‘Agni-teertha’ and ‘Soma-tirtha.’ 22. 

A twice-born, should understand the procedure of Achamana, with respect to each ritual. He should do Achamana three times and then perform Pranayama (breath control exercise) three times. 23. 

A Brahmin should chant Gayatri, with ‘Shiromantra’ (Om apojyoti….), in the beginning and then, with seven Vyahritis and ten Pranavas (Om Bhuh, Om Bhuvaha…….). 24. 

Pressing the tip of his nose with five fingers, is called Pranav Mudra. It is the destroyer of all sins of a householder and a ‘Vanprastha’ (hermit). 25. 

Pressing the tip of the nose with the little finger, the ring finger and thumb is known as the ‘Omkar Mudra’ and it is the destroyer of the sins of the ‘Brahmachari (celibate) and an ascetic. 26. 

Then, contemplating on Surya-Narayana, the indwelling soul of the trinity of Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in the solar orb a twice-born should offer libations (Arghya) to Him before sunrise. 27 

(The reason for offering Arghya to the rising sun, is stated as in the scriptures). There are demons named Mandeha who torment the rising sun. They are undefeatable by any weapon or missile, except by the Arghya, offered to the Sun God. At the next sunrise, due to the boon from Brahma, they become alive again. So a Brahmin should, every day, perform Sandhyavandana (and offer Arghya as per instructions). 28 - 29. 

A twice-born, who doesn’t offer Arghya to the sun to destroy Mandehas, and help the sun, will himself become Mandeha-like. 30. 

A twice-born, should offer Arghya (at the end of Sandhyavandan), in the following manner: in the morning, standing eastward, he should bend a little towards the sun and at mid-daystand erect, and in the evening - should sit and offer Arghya to the sun. 31. 

While worshiping the Sun in the morning - the twice-born should fold his hands in a swastika form, at midday - hold his arms straight and like a lotus-bud in the evening. 32. 

There are three grades of the morning Sandhyavandana. It is performed best when the stars are yet seen in the sky. When the stars disappear, the performance is said to be of average grade and when the sun is seen, it is of a lower grade. 33. 

There are also, three grades of midday Sandhya. Performing it after Sangava i.e. twelve Ghatikas is of the highest merit; performing it after the Kutapa i.e. eight Muhurtas after sunrise is of average merit, and performance at the aparahana hour (afternoon) is of the lowest merit. 34. 

There are also, three grades of evening Sandhyavandana. It is best done - when the sun is seen in the sky. It is of average merit when it is performed at a time the stars are not yet seen in the sky. It is of a lower merit when the stars are visible in the sky. 35. 

If a Brahmin, born on this earth, is engaged in worldly activities and does not perform the daily Sandhya on time, he should be considered a Shudra and despite being alive, is as good as dead. After death, he will be born as a dog in the next birth. 36. 

Thus ends the fourth chapter entitled, ‘Narration of the ritual of bath and Sandhya-vandan’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra (the rules of the code of conduct). 4