Chapter 42 - The duties of mixed castes

* The duties of mixed castes.

The duties of mixed castes. 

The Brahmin (Shivarama) said:- 

O preceptor of the world, please guide us regarding the duties of those other than the four castes, and those who live on robbery and such other acts like Kirats. 1 

Narayan Muni said:- 

Those born of intermixture of cast like Suta (one born of Kshatriya by a Brahmina woman) and Vaidehas (one born of a Vaishya by a Brahmin woman) and others; And those who aborigines or the tribes men like Kirat, kank and Shak, etc who live on robbery etc, O Brahmin. Such people should serve their parents, teachers, the Ashramits like Brahmcharis etc and landowners for their own good. 2-3. 

Men of mixed castes may take to the means of livelihood that have come from their family tradition. However, they should give up theft and violence, even though it may be their traditional occupation. 4. 

Non-violence, truth, freedom from anger and hatred, purity are said to be common rules of conduct for all. 5. 

They all should perform Shradha for their ancestors, dig wells and establish water distributing centres for travellers. They should give gifts to Brahmins with devotion, as per their means. 6. 

Those who are wealthy among them should give sacrificial fees for the sacrifices. They should nourish their wife, children, family, and other members of the household, with food and clothes. 7. 

Nobody should ever kill a female among the living beings and take away a woman by force. He should strike only when one stands to fight against. 8. 

He should fight to protect cows, gentlemen, Brahmins and should never kill an ascetic, a child, and a timid one. 9. 

He should serve ascetics and devout persons in all possible ways and treat the guests by offering food (uncooked), fruits and pure water. 10. 

He should always respect deities, the dead ones and the Brahmins, very sincerely. Those who trouble them should be punished accordingly. 11. 

Even bandits (Dasyus) should never steal grains from another’s field as it is the means of their livelihood and no-one should take away the means of livelihood of anybody. 12. 

They should never cross their limit even mentally in case of good people and if they do so, all their merit will certainly be destroyed. 13. 

O Brahmin! Thus, I have told you the duties of bandits and those born of mixed castes; as stated in the scriptures for their own welfare and betterment of all. 14. 

Suvrat said:- 

O king (Pratapsingh)! Having thus listened to the description of the duties of the Dasyus and the mixed castes the Brahmin (Shivarama) was pleased and again asked Lord Shri Hari - 15. 

The Brahmin said:- 

O Lord! You have told me about the duties of men of all castes, being in all stages of life i.e. ashrams; and also of those who are of other than four castes with all the aspects, separately, in sequence. 16. 

O Master! Now I want to know about the expiation rites prescribed by the scriptures, if sin is committed by a man of any caste. 17. 

O preceptor of the world! Now you tell me about the atonement rite recommended for major or minor sins, to be observed by everyone in all possible ways. 18. 

O Master! Please tell us all the details and aspects, about the other expiation vows like kruchhra and others. 19. 

Suvrat said:- 

O King! When He was thus asked by him, Shri Hari was verymuch pleased and started telling him all the secrets of religious duties as described in the scriptures with a happy mood and by being generous towards him. 20. 

Thus ends the forty-second chapter entitled, ‘narration of the duties of mixed casts in the code of Dharma,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 42