Chapter 48 - Description of results (punishment) for various sins due to non performance of expiation-rites

* Description of results (punishment) for various sins due to non performance of expiation-rites. * Stavan of Shree Hari by Shivram Vipra.

Description of results (punishment) for various sins due to non performance of expiation-rites. 

Suvrat said:- 

The Brahmin said: ‘Thou deserve to narrate to me, as to what birth, a person, who has whatever arrear of expiated sins, gets.’ 1. 

The Sage Narayan said:- 

many sages in Dharma-shastra, the science that regulates the society, that you may know it from there only. 2. 

Major and minor sins are of thousand and thousand types. The doer gets the punishment of his sins, in accordance to the type of his sin. 3. 

O Brahmin! I now, shall tell you about the punishments for them, in brief. Thereby you can find out the special cases of them. 4. 

After death, the cruel servants of Yama, the God of death, throw him, into the hell, named Niraya, in accordance to his deeds. 5. 

Thereafter, experiencing the punishment in hell according to his remnants of sins, they are born, as lower type of animals, like dog, pig, serpent or crow. 6. 

A person, who kills a Brahmin, is born as a dog, pig, mule, camel, cow, goat, sheep, or birds or Chandala or a person with hairy body. 7. 

A person, who drinks liquor, is born as worm, insect, butterfly, filth-eating bird, or as cruel animals. 8. 

A person, who steals gold, gets the next birth as a spider, serpent, lizard, chameleon, reptiles, aquatic creatures or a furious ghost. 9. 

A person, who sleeps with teacher’s wife, is born as grass, shrub, creeper, flesh-eating animal or as a wild bear again andO Brahmin! This result of actions is discussed in detail by again, in his next births. 10. 

After undergoing the birth of birds, whenever they are born as human beings again, Brahmin-killer becomes tuberculosis patient and liquor consumer, black teethed and gold thief, a person with bad nails. He, who sleeps with teacher’s wife, gets skindisease. The person who helps the sinner, for committing a particular sin, is born like the main sinner. 11 - 12. 

Thus, one who is jealous, becomes a mosquito; he who sells sacred Vedas, becomes a tiger; he who gives oblation of banned items, becomes a boar; he who kills a cow, becomes blind by birth; he who eats everything selfishly, becomes a cat; he who eats sweets, without sharing with anybody, becomes a monkey; he who is envious, becomes a black bee; he who sells banned items, becomes a vulture; and he who copulates with an animals, becomes short-tongued or a frog. Thus, all the sinners get the births, as wretched beings, as per their sins. 13 - 15. 

Though they may get the birth as human being, they are born as unhappy and live a very painful and poor life, always dependent on someone else; and some others are born as diseased or blind persons. 16. 

O Brahmin! These are the main features of a person, who does not perform any expiation-rite for his sins, for which he will definitely get the punishments in this world itself. 17. 

So, wise people should immediately undergo expiation-rite, here, in this world only, for his sin; be it a major or minor one. 18. 

If a person does not undergo the expiation-rites, it definitely would result into a great distress. This is the emphasized, in the scriptures; and mentioned everywhere in that literature. 19. 

O Brahmin! Hereby, I have thus, discussed the duties of the people of all castes and Ashramas (different stages of life). In addition to the above points, whosoever, would think or speak about those and follow or hear those sincerely, would also get rid of their sins. 20 - 21. 

Thus, I have exposed the directive principles of religion, for the betterment of people. Moreover, I have discussed, mostly, the statements and interpretations of the great sages. 22. 

Suvrat said:- 

O King! Thus, after hearing the speech, directly from God, that Brahmin was very much pleased and satisfied; and having bowed down, he praised God as: 23. 

Brahmin Shivram praises Lord Shri Hari, the son of Dharma 

Brahmin said:- 

Let the son of Dharma, who is always the follower of Dharma, the righteous code: Who talks about Dharma; has pious soul; keeps himself on righteous path, is the protector-incarnate of righteous code, the son of Dharma, who gave the happiness to Dharma and Bhakti (parents), be pleased with me. 24.

Let the son of Dharma, the bestower of happiness to those, who follow the path of religion sincerely, creating awareness regarding devotion accompanied with Dharma, the best among the followers of Dharma, be pleased with me. 25. 

Let the son of Dharma, the propagator of establishment of Dharma; furthermore, the originator of Dharma; the expounder of knowledge accompanied by Dharma, be pleased with me. 26. 

Let the son of Dharma, the uprooter of those, who are against Dharma, enlightener of the true nature of Dharma and one who is ever absorbed in propagation of Dharma, be pleased with me. 27. 

Let the son of Dharma, the resort of Dharma of Dharma, indulgent in Dharma, the follower of Dharma; the bearer of the helm of Dharma and worthy to be served by religious people be pleased with me. 28. 

Let the son of Dharma, the knower of Dharma; the Dharma incarnate, whose all actions are full of Dharma, who is famous due to pious behaviour; and whose intellect is always engaged in Dharma, be pleased with me. 29. 

Let the son of Dharma, the inspirer of righteous code, one who has borne the helm of the descendents of Dharma, who considers Dharma as the cherished God; whose name is Dharma, be pleased with me. 30. 

Let the son of Dharma, reputed as the protector of Dharma, the child of the wife of Dharma; the preceptor of the Uddhava-cult of Dharma, be pleased with me. 31. 

Suvrat said:- 

O King! Thus, that Brahmin named Shivarama praised God Hari and bowed down to Him. Subsequently, he started guiding extensively, all the Brahmins, about Dharma. 32. 

Those persons, who would read these religious code, on this earth and understand their own respective duties, would never incur unapproved canonical admixture. 33. 

No doubts, those religious devout people certainly earn abundant happiness and fame in this and the other world. 34. 

O King! Lord Shri Vasudeva’s grace, certainly dawns upon such people; then, they get rid of this mundane recurrence. 35. 

So, this code is always to be heard and read, devotedly, by all men, women devotees of Shri Hari, who want to know about their duties, as prescribed in the religion. 36. 

I bow down to the great God: Sage Narayan, who explained the special and general duties of human beings, promoting their own betterment. 37. 

Thus ends the forty-eighth chapter entitled, ‘narration of results of various unexpiated sins,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 48