* Anatomy of human body - Description of various Koshas, cells, bones and nerves (nadis). * Number of bones lying in the body.
Anatomy of human body - Description of various Koshas, cells, bones and nerves (nadis).
Shri Narayan Muni said:-
O Sage, there are six koshas (sheaths) in the body according to the seat of fire (Agni - hit, here is digestive faculty). Amongst them the food in form of juice (chime) digested by the gastric fire in the stomach (jataragni) turns it, into blood. 1.
The fire in the sheath of blood again digests and turns it into flesh and then in the same way flesh is turned to fat. The Fat again turns into bones and bones to marrow and marrow again turns into semen. 2 - 3.
There is no product further to semen (veerya) and it is nearest one i.e. the first seat of the Self (Atman). These six koshas are in the body as the bark of banana trunk. 4.
Number of bones in Body:-
There are three hundred and sixty bones in human body. Amongst them, there are thirty two teeth and bones at the root of teeth and thus together are sixty four, and nails are twenty. 5.
The stick-like bones of hand and feet are counted as twenty; three bones in each finger and thus there are sixty bones in twenty fingers. 6.
There are four bones in the ankle and two in the heels, in the arms there are four, of measure of forearm, and leg-bones are four. 7.
There are two bones each - in the knees, in thighs, in shoulders, in cheeks, in waist and palate (space between eye and ear), in pelvis; and one bone in penis. 8.
There are one bone in chin, fifteen in the neck, two in supra sturnal notch (collar bone), two below chin, forty five in rib (cage).9.
There are two bones between the eyes and the cheeks, two each in forehead, one in nose, the tubercles along with the head of the ribs and supporting bones to ribs together are seventy two. 10.
There are four bones in the cranium(head), two in temporal region (between eyebrows and ears) , and seventeen in pericardial region. This way bones in human body are described here. 11.
Vitality (Oja), Navel (naabhi), Anus (guda), Semen (Shukra), Blood ( Rakta), Temporal region (Shankha), head(shira), pharynx (Gala), heart (Hriday)etc. are the seats of the ‘Prana’ (vital air). 12.
In human body there are forty main vessels carrying Vitalair (Vaata), Bile (Pitta), Phlegm (Shlesma) and which are again divided in seven hundred extremities. 13.
There are twenty four main nerves (Dhamanis) carrying the vital-air, originate from navel; again divided into two hundred extremities. 14.
There are 29,00,956 (twenty nine lacks nine hundred fifty six) vessels (shira) together with the nerves (Dhmains) and their extremities. 15.
There are nine hundred ligaments and muscles joining the major and the subsidiary parts of the body and tissues (Peshi) are five hundred in number. 16.
There are three lacks of hairs in beard and moustaches (smashru) and head; and one hundred and seven vital parts (Marma);and two hundred main joints of bones. 17.
There are 54,67,50,000 minute openings at the roots of hair, covering entire body(layers of skin) which are divided in opening of sweat and gases, as approved by Yogis. 18 - 19.
No one can see all these subtle bodies by physical eye, but yogis expert in Samadhi could perceive them in Samadhi with the help of subtle eye. 20.
The vital elements in human body are of measured in handfull (anjali - quarter Kg) as follows- nine Anjalis of essence of well digested food (Sara), ten of water, seven of faeces and eight of blood, four of urine, five of bile (pitta), six of phlegm (shleshma), one of marrow (majja), two of fat (meda) and three of vasa (oily substance of flesh). In addition, Sneha (lubricant) in head, essence of phlegm (sheshma-sara)and semen (virya) each, half in measure. The measure of elements described above is found when the major ingredients (Dhatus) are well balanced, in the body. 21 - 23.
In human body, the seat of mind is said to be in heart and also of cough (kapha), and navel is the seat of bile (pitta). The stomach (amashaya)is situated above the navel and colon (pakvashaya) is below the navel; in the middle there situated the gastric-fire (jataragni) which is the seat of vital-airs (asavah-pranaha). 24 - 25
There is an oval shaped bulb (Kanda)measuring four fingers(angulas), in the midst of it the navel plexus(Manipur- chakra) is situated, on which the body itself sustains. 26.
The Self (Jiva) moves in that Navel-plexus like a spider moves on the net created by himself, propelled by merits and sins, mounting on (arudha) the vital air. 27.
O Sage, rear to this bulb, there sleeps the vital power ‘Kundalini’ coiled like a snake, in eight circles; obstructing the entrance of the path towards the abode of Brahman. 28.
Seventy two thousand channels (nadis) originate from the Navel-plexus, of which fourteen are the principal ones. These channels are namely: Sushumna, Pingaala, Ida, Varuna, Sarasvati, Yashasvini, Hastijihva, Poosha, Vishvodaraa, Kuhu, Alambusha, Gandhaari, Shankhini and Payasvini; and among these fourteen, the first three are considered to be the chief of them, O Sage. 29 - 31.
There, running from the navel (nabhi kanda), Sushumna has an upward motion and goes to the Brhma-randhra in the head. It is the most superior to other channels. 32.
Pingala originates from the right of naabhi-kanda, has an upward direction and goes up to the right nostril and Idaa originates from the left side and ends in left nostril. 33.
Varuni naadi originates from the lower part of nabhi-kanda spreads upward and downward in all directions and Sarasvati naadi originates from the naabhi-kanda and goes upwards and settles in the tongue.(in the same way following nadies originating from nabhi kanda — up to 49) Yashasvini from the right side goes downwards to the right toe and from the left Hastijihva goes towards the left toe. 34 - 35
Poosha passes from the rear side of pingalaa up to the right eye. Naadi named Vishovadaraa passes up to the central part of the mouth. 36.
Kuhu originates from eastward i.e. front part of sushumna and passes up to the penis. Moreover, Alambusha naadi turns again downwards from the middle part of mouth. 37.
Gaandhaari naadi originates from rear side of Idaa and passes up to the left eye, whereas Shankhini naadi passes upward ends in left ear. 38.
Payasvini naadi moves upwards up to the right ear. Originating from these fourteen naadis, thousands of other naadis (extremities) are spread in the body. 39.
Thus all that whatever exists in one’s own body composed of five elements, could be viewed by an expert Yogi alone with the help of yogic eye and none else. 40.
O great Sage, owing to the worship of the lotus feet of Lord Vasudev those Yogis who become worthy of His blessings, for them, there is nothing that is unattainable in this and the other world. 41.
Thus ends the sixty-first chapter entitled, ‘narration of constitution of elemental body, in topic of Yoga,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 61