Brief description about festivals celebrated at numerous places by Bhagwan Shree Hari.
Brief description about festivals celebrated at numerous places by Bhagwan Shree Hari.
Suvrat said:-
O King, just as Lord Shri Hari organised several religious functions in Durgapattan, in exactly the same manner, in other places also, he arranged the celebrations of similar huge functions with great festivity. 1
For example, He organised numerous great festivals in Vruttalaya, Shrinagara, Jirnadurga (Junagadh); and other places to the satisfaction of his adherents. 2
At the request of His disciples, He went there in person and every second or third year organized a great festival in Jirnadurga (Junagadh). But in Shrinagar he did so every year. Whereas in Vruttalaya, He repeatedly held such celebrations, twice or thrice or at times four times in a year. 3-4
Special names of Ekadashis occurring in each month of the year: Shri Hari organized religious festivals in Vrittalaya, on one or more of the 24 Ekadashis, occurring each year, which have different names as given below in regular sequence. Sometimes He organized festivals on Mokshada or Saphala Ekadashi, i.e. 11th day respectively of the bright or dark fortnight of the month of Margashirsha, ; at other times, on Annada or Tilada Ekadashi, or sometimes on Jaya and Vijaya, or on Dhatri, then onwards Papamochini or Vimala or at times Varuthini Ekadashi, or Mohini, Nirjala, Yogini, Shayaini, Kamika, sometimes on Putrada or Aja Ekadashi, on Padma, Indira, Papankusha or Rama, Bodhini and Abhaya Ekadashis. Thus he celebrated this festival on different Ekadashi days. 5-9
Sometimes He celebrated this festival on Janmastami day, i.e. on the birthday of Shri Krishna; at times on Shivaratri day or even on Dipavali day, festival of lights etc.; Thus Lord Shri Hari, pleased men and women and all His devotees in that city, (viz. Vruttalaya). 10-11
All the devotees of God and people from other places came to know about these festivals that occurred every year. 12
All the devotees who lived in the surrounding area (vicinity), every year attended each and every festival where Shri Hari presided. 13
People in the mid-regions, attended two or three such festivals. However, those from far - off regions, could attend only one such celebration in the whole year. 14
Sometimes Shri Hari performed a sacrifice named VishnuYaga. At other times, he initiated devout Brahmins to continuously chant the names of Vishnu or recite the Vishnu hymn and perform a sacrifice by reciting one million or even one crore chants in praise of Vishnu. 15-16
There sometimes, He offered food to thousands of Brahmins and at times He also presented generous gifts in their honour. 17
Sometimes he arranged for the thread ceremony of Brahmin lads. At times he organized a grand festival of the installation of the new idol of the Deity. Sometimes he performed sacrifices related to this ceremony and at times he carried out charitable works and thus he promoted the Bhagavata dharma. 18-19
Wherever Shri Hari resided, in a city or in a village or in a forest, people reached there in hundreds and thousands. O King! He rescued numerous people from the noose of sinful path and directed them towards the path of virtue by His own spiritual prowess. 20-21
O King! While He lived on this earth, sins had almost disappeared from here and the impact of the dark era of the embodiment of the devil Kali became weak too. As a result the virtuous path got well established. 22
O King! In accordance with your querry I have thus narrated the whole story of Narayan. What else do you want to hear from me now? 23
King said:-
Despite having heard the story of Shri Hari as narrated by Suvrata muni, the king desirous of deliverance from bondage requested that great sage to narrate the same in great detail. The king said to him, “ O the best among the sages! Despite drinking the nectar of the tales of Lord Shri Hari, I do not as yet feel contented. Thirsty still, I would like to drink the same nectar once more.” 24-25
O Brahmin! Since you have said that the Lord Sri Hari used to organise many religious festivals in Vruttalay, I wish to hear about those celebrations in greater detail. 26
O Sage! Do please narrate to me all the other activities of Shri Hari who appeared in a human form on the earth. 27
Being requested in this manner by the master of this earth, who appreciated the relish of His narration, Suvrat, who enjoyed remembering Sri Hari repeatedly spoke to Him thus. 28
Suvrat said:-
O protector of the world! Well have you asked. Indeed you have a very pure heart and that is why you want to hear the stories/ deeds of Narayana alone once more. 29
It is not possible for me to recount at length extensively all the deeds of Shri Hari, while He was enacting a human role. So I will narrate those to you in brief. 30
O King, Shri Hari who was keen upon the establishment of religion among people often sojourned. He, the bestower of all happiness organized many large scale festivals there in Vruttalaya. I shall briefly narrate only one of them. The other festivals celebrated on the same lines can be guessed about. 31-32
Thus ends the forty-sixth chapter entitled, ‘Narration of depiction of the query concerning the festivals that were celebrated in Vruttalaya,’ in the third prakaran of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 46