Chapter 37 - The general code of conducts for the women

* The general code of conducts for the women.

The general code of conducts for the women. 

Shri Narayan Muni said:- 

A woman, who is in her menses, may she be a widow or one whose husband is alive, should not touch anybody, be it a woman or a man, for three nights. 1. 

It is said that, the forth part of (contamination) the sin caused by killing a Brahmin was given to ladies by Indra that appears in the form of raja (menstrual discharge) every month. On the first day of menses, she is said to be a Chandali, on the second day the killer of a Brahmin, on the third a washerwoman and on the fourth day she is like a Shudra. On the fifth day she is purified and eligible for the rites concerned with deities or ancestors. In case of an emergency she is considered as pure by observing fast even on the third day. 2-4 

A woman should never conceal her menses. If she conceals, then she can never be free from the great sin of killing a Brahmin. 5. 

If a woman in menses touches another woman who may be in her menses too, or otherwise, or any other woman intentionally touches her, it is a sin. 6. 

It is stated in the religious code, that the vow of Kruchhra is the only expiation for this particular sin. However, it is not possible for all the women to observe such a difficult vow in this kali age. Hence, I shall tell you an atonement rite which is easy for all women to observe. A woman who touches one who is in menses intentionally should fast for a day. 7-8. 

If a woman unknowingly touches a lady in menses, then she should immediately take a bath with her clothes on and chant the name of Shri Hari. 9. 

In difficult times if a woman knowingly touches such a lady, she is purified by taking a bath. Same is the rule with males too.10. 

It is said by the great saints that menses should not be concealed by a lady. The right path of religion is thus guarded by pious ladies. 11. 

The sin of murdering a Brahmin is removed by disclosing the period of menses by that lady. Moreover, the doubt by relatives of pregnancy by/from a strange man is also removed. 12. 

So a lady, belonging to any of the four castes, and believes in a pious way of life and desires to earn religious merit should abide by this ancient rule. 13. 

In this world, a woman, who instigates to break the vow of celibacy of a man or a woman by sweet cheating words, goes to hell and there the servants of Yama with angry red eyes, prick and beat her with red hot iron rod whilst she is crying out very loudly and thereafter, burn her and cook her in hot boiling oil, in the hell named Kumbhipaka and finally throw her into the pool of filth. 14-16. 

At that moment, she undergoes tremendous tortures for years together (as many as the hair on her body) and then she is born as a she-devil in desert land in the forest. 17. 

A lusty person, who breaks the vow of celibacy of a man or a woman, goes to hell after death. There he is cooked, baked again and again in the hell called as Kumbhipaka. There serpents bite him repeatedly and he is beaten up by the servants of Yama. At that time he cries very loudly, very pathetically. 18-19. 

Those who protect, help to keep up the vow of celibacy may they be the male or a female shall attain the same abode that is attained by the celibates. 20. 

O you eminent among Brahmins! I have told you about the duties of women which are prescribed for the good of all women folk, known as Sati- Gita. A woman who reads or hears this Satigita, both of them will surely get their desired fruit. 21-22. 

A lady who will regularly read this code, will surely become famous here, and after death she will attain the abode of Shri Hari. 23.

O Brahmin! Thus, I have explained to you, the code of conduct for men and women being in the second stage of life i.e. of a householder. Ladies and gents, both of them, should read, hear and follow this code. 24. 

Thus ends the thirty-seventh chapter entitled, ‘narration of general rules of conduct for women,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 37