Chapter 53 - Importance of studies of Vedas for Varnins; Origin of the universe, of speech and Vedas

* Importance of studies of Vedas for Varnins; Origin of the universe, of speech and Vedas.

Importance of studies of Vedas for Varnins; Origin of the universe, of speech and Vedas. 

Shri Narayan Muni said:- 

A Brahmachari should study the Vedas every day. The Veda is said to be very ancient and embodiment of Narayan Himself. 1. 

The understanding of, the meaning of the Veda, is to grasp the extreme magnanimity of Lord Hari, which is not possible without that. Therefore its meaning is to be pondered over with deep respect. 2. 

Veda is recognised by ancient seers, the knowers of the meaning of the philosophy, to be the highest standard proof, of all proofs of knowledge. 3. 

The Veda, is originated from Narayan Himself; and it is the origin of Pranava i.e. Om. I shall now tell you, in short, as to how, it is so. 4. 

In the (cosmic) beginning, there was only one excellent Purusha, Who was transcendental to Prakriti, as well as Purusha. Narayan was the only One: Vasudeva, there over, in the Akshardhama: the eternal Domain. 5. 

Then, He wished for creation; and that self dependent Lord generated eggs, with His own glance. Thereafter, He awoke sleeping Prakriti and Purusha, sleeping in Brahma’s domain. 6.

The Lord, in the form of Purusha, laid the semen into Maya, i.e. cosmic illusion, through His glance. She received it, as if a woman receives embryo from a man. 7. 

Then, many Purushas were born (from Maya). Then, The Lord laid the semen into Prakriti, in the form of Purusha. 8. 

Then, that semen of The Lord, of sentient form, mingled with non-sentient attributes (Satva, Rajas and Tamas); thus, emerged the Mahat, composed of Gunas. 9. 

Then, Maya delivered the golden sheath of egg, which is veiled by six covers: Ego, Ether etc. 10. 

That One, named Virat, resided in the water named: the ocean of the cause, which was the recluse of innumerable eggs, generated by the Mega-Person. 11. 

Therein, lay the Vairaja-Person, who stayed there, in the egg, in the womb-fluid, having unmanifested organs, for a long time. 12. 

He was not able to generate pleasures and pleasure-enjoying organs and abodes, for the Gods: Brahma etc. and also individual souls. 13. 

Thereafter, the external organs like hands, feet, mouth and so forth, and also the internal organs: heart etc. became manifested, due to the temporal-power (Kalashakti), of The Lord. 14. 

Then, from the outer layer, sprang out Varuna and such other Gods’ and the Moon. 15. 

The body of that huge great person (Virat purusa), then extended into three bodies and each body manifested separately like gross etc. (subtle and sublime) selves, there over. 16. 

As a coconut exists in three forms, in ripe stage, his one body manifested in three fold form. Likewise, all the three are cumulatively called Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha. He thus, pervaded those (three components) by assimilation of gross physical organs, subtle cognitive sense organs and the presiding gods. 17- 18. 

Having existed in such state, therein stayed Narayan, who is said as having thousand heads and is known as the Sahasrasheersa (having one thousand heads). This Purusottama: excellent person is named as ‘Thousand-headed-person. 19- 20. 

At first, that Purusha entered a thousand petals lotus, in Vairaja head and created a sound, the embodiment of Aksharbrahma, after revealing Himself. 21. 

That sound suddenly, went through Sushumna-nadi and pervaded the Vairaja-Purusha’s navel bulb and rose upwards, accompanied by mega breath. 22. 

The navel lotus was its petal downwards, like the plantainbud: and from the upper region, it pervaded the region of the heart of that Vairaja-purusha. 23.

And from navel centre, produced sound, names as ‘Para’: which is sublime speech, revealed by the Lord in seed form, for the sake of generation of the Veda. 24. 

After that, Paravani, which was of the stream of lustre and of half phonetic measure (Ardha-matra), entered the void of heart and then reached the state, known as Pashyanti: observer. 25. 

In the throat region, it culminated into the state, what is known as Madhyama; which then, reaching oral region, indeed becomes, what is known as Vaikhari: speech. 26. 

It goes upwards, after going downwards, like water in an aquatic fountain. The sound goes up to the mouth after diving into the navel; and thereafter reaches the places of head. Moreover, then all the three-fold Varnas- phonemes (vowels, consonants and nasals), bearing all the three worlds manifested , serially in the regions; states Vaikhari etc. as well as the regions of mouth, throat and heart. 27- 28. 

The first one to come (uttered) was ‘A ‘, the second was ‘U’ and the third was ‘M’. Thus, all the three are said to be having the three attributes (Satva, Rajas and Tamas). 29. 

They lie in their places as; Vishnu, Brahma and Maheshvara. They are the masters of the three attributes (Satva, Rajas and Tamas). 30. 

Staying in their respective places; all these letters merged into one form, in the void of heart, due to the will of Shri Hari and thereafter arose the Pranava sound: OM. 31.

The sound containing Mahaprana: mega breath, reached the state of mind, in the heart and then, the state of sense organ, in the throat, manifested in the mouth (as speech). 32. 

All the phonemes: semi-vowels, nasals, vowels, aspirates, consonants etc. arose there from and also the Vedas, at the beginning of cosmic creation. 33 

Just as, even though phoneme is one alone became fourfold, due to different locations, likewise Lord Narayan became fourfold. The God in the navel lotus is Para: the sublime sound, known as Vasudeva. God known as Sankarshana is like-wise Pashyanti, the deity residing in heart; that known as Aniruddha is the deity, presiding over Madhyama, in the throat. That God named Pradyumna, is the presiding diety of Vaikhari-speech, uttered through mouth. 34- 36. 

Vishnu and three other Gods worshipped Pradyumna and others: respective presiding deities of speech in due order, while remaining in their own places. 37. 

Sankarshana and others are the concrete forms of the Lord. Vasudeva himself remains in attribute less state, in the Navellotus. Thus the Veda, which enlighten all the import emerge out of Lord Narayan Himself, the direct incarnation of the venerable Person, par excellence: Purushottama, at the beginning of cosmic creation. 38-39.

Amongst all the literature; main is the Veda; because it is produced from the mouth of Narayan Himself. Hence, Brahmachari should, study Vedas. 40. 

He must think, that one’s own self is unbreakable, having the impartible spirit and different from body. Having realised his identity, with Brahman, he should pray to Shri Hari, contemplating to be identified with Him. 41. 

All the pleasures are never satisfied by enjoying them. But they all spring up like fire that enflames more, as the offerings put in it. 42. 

Whatever exists on earth: paddy, Barli grains, gold, cattle and women; all that has one stem, realising this, wise one is not baffled. 43. 

In course of time; ageing man’s hair, teeth and other limbs are weakened, but the wish to live and enjoy grows like a young maiden. 44. 

Owing to perishability of body, he must give up all the wishes, wills and lust, for all objects, belonging to the body and thus, be religious and pray and worship Shri Hari. 45. 

A man must give up service to such land, time, action, God, Shastra, Mantra and men, who are unrighteous. But he should always serve those, who are righteous. 46. 

Those who resort to unrighteous countries etc. in this world, they inevitably go to untruth only. Therefore, O Doyen of sages! Those are to be avoided from a distance, by a person desiring his benefit. Only saints are to be served. 47. 

Thus ends the fifty-third chapter entitled, ‘narration of origination of Vedas on the occasion of Vedic study by lifelong Brahmachari,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 53