* Daily rituals to be performed by Brahmacharin. * Mukundanand Brahamchary praises Shri Hari.
Daily rituals to be performed by Brahmacharin.
Shri Narayan Muni said:-
Now, I shall describe the essential duties and rituals of a Brahmachari in brief. He must follow and practise all these essentially without fail. 1.
A celibate should get up early at dawn, during the Brahmamuhurta and should remember and pray to Lord Nar-narayan, in his heart. After meditating upon Him, he should salute his devotees also, after remembering their names. 2.
He then, should take a pot filled with water and go out to discharge the bowels. In addition, he should go alone to the south or to the south west direction, out of the village. 3.
After covering the ground with grass and covering the head with cloth, he should discharge urine and stools, in a pure and lonely place. 4.
Thereafter, he should take his sacred thread and put it round his ear, should uplift his clothes, hide himself among the bushes in a lonely place and evacuate faeces in the morning and evening also, facing south. (These are the rules of discharging urine and faeces in the morning. Nevertheless, there remains a fear of darkness and dangers to life; he may do it during the day or in the evening to avoid the danger of losing his life). 5.
Either in shade or in darkness or during night or day or in the emergency of danger to his life, the twice-born may discharge facing any comfortable direction. 6.
He should not go out of the town at night, but should go near his dwelling place (that is near his Ashrama). 7.
While discharging urine and faeces; he must not stand, he should not do it in water, he must not either face the sun or the moon, he must also not go to ploughed fields for this and he must also not do it on the streets, pool, path or riverside banks; moreover, he must not discharge faeces amongst: cows, corn grains or ruined temples and in front of a woman. 8- 9.
He should, use a place, that is a hundred hand measures away, from a pool, for urination and two hundred hand measures away for stools, and four hundred hand measures away from a sacred ford. 10.
After completing discharge of faeces, he should go to the waterside; clean and wash his rectum with clay and water and additionally wash his hands and feet. 11.
For the cleanliness of body, one should use clay and water to clean his knees, then, go to a water source and collect clay and water to cleanse his hands and legs. He should never use clay, which is full of germs and insects, from unholy or unsacred place or remaining clay of another person, for use in discharging one’s own faeces. 12.
He should take one handful of clay for his genital organ; three for rectum and ten for left hand, seven for both arms and three- three for both feet. 13.
After urination he should wash his genital organ, with one handful of clay; three handfuls in left hand, and again two-two in both hands. This is called urination purification. 14.
A Brahmin should gargle up his mouth with water, for twelve times after discharge of excreta and six or four times after urinating. 15.
A Brahmin should not drink the remaining water in the pot, after drinking from it and also after purification of the discharge. In the case of non-availability of other pot, he should throw away little water and then reuse it. 16.
This is the method of purification, for a householder of twiceborn class. A bachelor should follow its double; and he should follow half of it while on the way or at night. 17.
If he suffers from illness or disease, he should follow it according to his strength, time and place. 18.
If at all, he is unable to get water for the urination and excretion then, whenever water is available, he should take a bath, along with cloths. 19.
If he is in a forest, waterless place, at night or in a path haunted by thieves or tigers, he is not blameable, being soiled handed after discharge of urine and stools. 20.
He should clean, rub and wash the pot from inside and outside with water, after using it for this purpose. Pot made of dry-pumpkin shell, becomes clean by thrice, water-washing and a metallic pot by washing with clay and water. 21.
After doing the purification, he should wash his mouth. Too much brushing of teeth, with wooden stick is not approved. 22.
Since, cutting of a damp or wet branch or twig of a tree is prohibited; therefore he should carry out purification of the tongue, with whatever wooden stick is available. 23.
A celibate should not wash his mouth and teeth, while walking on the way or talking to others. Moreover, he should not face the west. 24.
During the observation of vow, or on fasting day or, death anniversary day or solstice junctures, he should not do the brushing with wood but do it with twelve gargles. 25.
A Brahmachari should then, take a bath either in a river, well or a pool. He should take hot water, during his illness and in calamity, he should take it mentally. 26.
That bath is known as mental bath, which is taken by remembering god, at one’s own heart, and with water produced mentally. 27.
While taking bath, he should remember the holy Ganga, containing water flowing from the feet of Vishnu, and fruit of the penance by Bhagiratha and absolver of gross sins. 28.
A Brahmachari should, after taking a bath, facing north or facing east, offer his oblations to ancestors. After that, he should then go to his dwelling place (Ashrama), with wet clothes on and carrying a pot filled with water. 29.
He (a celibate), should perform the Sandhya ritual in a water reservoir, with wet clothes and having put forehead mark with water. 30.
A Brahmin, should perform propitiation etc. while standing in water, with wet clothes, he should mutter the Gayatri Hymn, outside the water; since she has the face, in the form of fire. 31.
While taking a bath, the Brahmachari should not wipe his limbs with hands, holding cloth; he should not flutter his hair and also he should not wave clothes. 32.
It is said that there are thirty and a half crores of hair on a human body. So, he should not, in that way, wash all the holy tirthas, while bathing. 33.
Gods drinks holy water with head; forefathers drink with mouth, Gandharvas with chest and all other germs with their lower part. 34.
He then, should go to his dwelling place (Ashrama) and wear the clothes after washing hands and feet and wear a pair of washed cloths; so that those would not be polluted by touch. 35.
Clothes, which are washed once, washed by women, washed by Shudras and which are dried with tentacles to the south, should be considered as unwashed. 36.
O Brahmin! There is no touch pollution for washed silk clothes, woollen clothes, jute clothes or Valkalas (bark clothes) are worn. 37.
A man should not remain with one costume during Sandhya, Homa and Japa, so is the same case whilst performing obsequy. 38.
If at all, there is no upper garment, he should use the other part that means; half part of his lower garment or additional sacred thread. 39.
He would be as good as naked, by wearing soiled clothes; and also deemed to be naked, wearing only loin cloth. He is deemed to be naked, by not tying Kaccha or not wearing upper cloth or leaving the Kaccha lose. 40.
At home, a person is deemed to be naked, if he wears wet clothes or clothes having one kaccha or having two kacchas, without west-band. 41.
If Kaccha is tied beyond the garment, it is said to be demonic and should be meticulously avoided during religious right, by the learned. 42.
A Brahmin, during religious or oblation rituals and routine Sandhya-vandan etc; should not use water, brought by the Shudras. 43.
A Brahmin, should himself collect flowers, Kusha blades (sacrificial grass), Darbha (pointed sacred grass) and the Samidha (holy fuel). He should not worship the Lord of Rama, with items fetched by Shudra or purchased in market. 44.
After collecting worship materials, as per availability and having arranged them properly, he should take seat on a sheet of blanket, placed on pure and sacred spot. 45.
The adept should then, sit facing the east, the north, composing Svastika posture, should sip holy water, regulate breath and apply Pundra on his forehead. 46.
After taking bath, he should prepare Pundra with clay (white), after giving libation into fire and taking the ashes. Then having worshipped gods with sandalwood paste and with water, offered into water. He should then, apply five Urdhva-pundra marks with pure clay named Gopichandan, while reciting Vaishnav Gayatri Hymn. 47-48.
A Brahmachari should apply it on his forehead, neck, upperarms and chest, with (right hand) finger. In case of, non-availability of clay, he should use the holy ash (Bhasma), from the domestic perennial sacred fire. 49.
While performing morning Sandhya rite, he should repeatedly, recite the Gayatri Mantra accordingly; for one thousand and eight times, or hundred and eight times or ten times in difficulty. 50.
Thereafter, he should perform the daily Homa; then before beginning the daily worship, firstly, he should purify the five gross elements (Pancha-mahabhoota), constituting his body; and then he should perform spiritual consecration of god, after the alphabetic assignment (Matruka-nyasa). 51.
So, after this, he should meditate: remember Shri Vishnu in his lotus heart. Therefore, by remembering Him in the heart, he should then commence the outward worship of Lord Vishnu. 52.
First, he should not invoke God Hari, in Shaligram pebble. However he may do it, (invocation) of Hari then, perform His worship in a stable image elsewhere. 53.
He, should perform the worship as per the prescribed rituals, by reciting the prime chant (Moola-mantra); and the Purusha-sukta and accordingly offer things (such as flowers and so forth), as per availability. 54.
There are five repetitions of this Hymn, here over. Having learnt them from an eligible preceptor, along with ritual method, he should carry out all the procedure with that method only (Deha-nyasa, Deva-nyasa, offering Upacharas, Abhiseka and praise Lord by praying to Him). 55.
In case of non-availability of flowers, Dhoopa (incense lamp), he should offer those mentally by reciting the chant. He should constantly and meticulously adore God with intense love and being mentally absorbed in Him. 56.
Having made mental resolve and the ritual of chant assignment on body and on the idol, he should perform worship of the pitcher and also adoration of conch and bell, with respective chant. 57.
He should sprinkle water on the worship-material. Then, he should perform serial rituals: meditation, invocation, offering of seat, feet washing water, reverential water, and sipping water. Then he should serve ablution with fivefold nectar-blend (milk, curds, ghee, sugar and honey). Then having completed mini adoration and ablution, he should offer clothes, secred thread, sandal paste, various flowers basil-leaf, turmeric vermilion: fortune item; incense-fumigation; and also lustration by lamp and the food oblation: fruits etc. and water for hand wash. 58 - 60.
Then, the Lord should be offered water to wash his mouth, betel leaf with all other spices (Tambula) and the holy money as Dakshina. Thereafter, an oil-lamp (Aarti) should be circumambulated, to Lord Hari, clockwise; and he should offer handful of flowers. 61.
Subsequently, the worshipper should take circum-ambulation, clockwise, around the idol of Shri Hari, praise and offer Him Namaskara, by asking God to excuse him from making any mistakes. The Brahmachari should start reciting the Krishna Mantra and Vaishnavi Gayatri as per his capacity. 62.
A rosary garland for chant muttering (Japa-mala), with beads, made of dry sticks of holy basil (Tulasi), is the best. Alternatively, the seeds of lotus or Dhatri also fetch good omen. 63.
He should sit, in a Svastika-asana, with concentrated eyes, rosary covered with a cloth and silently chant the name. 64.
Then, he (the celibate), should read and recite the Vedas, Purana or Bharata and Hari’s anthology, according to his strength. He should further; recite, repeat the name of his teachers (Guru) and bow down to them, with deep respect. 65.
He should then, ask for uncooked food as alms from a pure Brahmin, cook it himself, after taking bath, perform the mid-day ritual of Sandhya (Madhyana sandhya) and offer oblations to his forefathers. 66.
A celibate should then, offer the mega oblation (Mahanaivadya) to God, respectfully. He should again bear, in his heart the image of Hari, after invocation. 67.
Unfiltered ghee, milk and water should not be offered to Vishnu; likewise food mixed with hair and burnt whilst cooking, as well as having foul smell and impure, should not be offered. 68.
A celibate should then, perform the pantheon-sacrifice (Vaisvadeva) and offer food to anyone, who comes to him as a guest. He should, with a smiling face, honour and respect the guest very happily, sharing food with him. 69.
Thereafter, the celibate should put the remaining food in a plate, by placing it on square shaped ground, by sprinkling water on it. 70.
He should then, ritually sip water (Aposhana) and offer oblations to inner vital breaths (Pranahuti), by facing towards the eastern direction. Then he should eat food, as Lord Krishna’s grace, without uttering a word i.e. observing silence. 71.
If, any holy Brahmin invites him to offer food as alms, and not ask for it, then, he should go to his house for eating food. 72.
Then, he should eat food after giving oblation to his own Vishnu Diety, as before. He, should partake food in a Shraddha ceremony, if thereby, no violation of his own vow occurs. 73.
Completing meals, he should drink a spoonful of water, gargle his mouth, purify the pots and go to a solitary place to study the Vedas and righteous scriptures etc. (Shastras), throughout the remaining day. In the evening, he should again take a bath, perform the evening Sandhya and Homa ritual, recite and repeat the Krishna’s Mantra and read the story of Hari. 74-75.
A celibate should, therefore spend the first part of the night, by meditating upon Hari, at heart; and then, go to sleep on the ground, among the group of celibates. 76.
These are all the daily rituals of a Brahmachari, that I have described you, in brief. All those, should be known from the religious law books (Dharma-shastra). 77.
A Naishtika celibate (who is strict and regular), should know the rituals of Sandhya, worship, Vaisvadeva, Homa and so on, from practical manuals. 78.
One, who acts, according to all these rules and rituals; will obtain cherished object, in this world and ultimate salvation in the celestial world. 79.
One who listens to these religious codes and one who repeats those, with deep love and devotion, both of them would attain divine abode (Devaloka), from heap of sins. 80.
O king of celibates! Those celibates, who are keen in performing their own rituals; and who have abandoned their homes, and acquired acute detachment; strictly meditates on Lord Vishnu, by severe penance and keeps ardent vigour in mind, by them alone these vows are to be observed continuously, in this world for their own benefits. By that, Lord Krishna would bestow on them, all that is prayed by them. 81.
Mukundanand Brahamchary praises Shri Hari.
Suvrat said:-
Having thus listened to the codes, explained by Lord Hari, the preceptor of the world, for his own benefit, he (Mukundanand) got superb satisfaction, praised the Lord of saints, with pleasure, O king of people! 82.
Mukundanand said:- O God! Thy two holy feet, are adorned with precious jewels, which offer welfare. O the lord with loving and compassionate eyes, O the brother of the poor, O the owner of all kinds of wealth, O bearer of the epithet: destroyer of all sins; I always pray and bow down to Thee, as the great teacher. 83.
Thou art sun, the destroyer of the darkness of ignorance. Thou art the satisfier, donor of all that, I had asked for. Furthermore, Thou art a divine, wish fulfilling tree (Kalpa-vrikasa). Thou art One, Who gives salvation to those, who act accordingly by following the religion. I always pray and bow down to Thee, as the great teacher. 84.
Thou art, the Brahmic aperture; hence object of meditation by the experts in Yogic art. Thou art, the Lord assuming thousandpetalled lotus. Thou art, singular cause of the origination of divine wish-fulfilling tree, in the form of Veda. I always pray and bow down to Thee, as the great teacher. 85.
O Lord! Thou art the one, who disciplines, those people who are addicted to the sinful acts such as; eating meat, drinking wine and illegal sex related acts, for their benefit. Thou protect the perennial religion and non-violence-sacrifice. I always pray and bow down to Thee, as the great teacher. 86.
O Lord! I bow down to you, as Thou art the one who punishes, all those demons engaged in lust, greed, affliction, pride and such other vices; and in whom haughtiness generated by the conquest over all people, while residing in the womb. Then, Thou becomes manifest with valour. I always pray and bow down to Thee, as the great teacher. 87.
In Thee, Who hath, by Thyself, abided by the righteous code strictly and totally, the designation of worthy teacher becomes very much meaningful, in this world. Thou tend thy own disciples, on the path of righteous code. I always pray and bow down to Thee, as the great teacher. 88.
Thy reputation alone, celebrated by the name preceptor, regulates day by day, the shrewd persons, whose talent has become dull due to indulgence in woman and greed for money. I always pray and bow down to Thee, as the great teacher. 89.
Thou art, alone the sun, guiding all the way, towards attaining ultimate salvation. Therefore Thou art, resorted by the sages, seeking salvation. Let my devotion, stay near Thy Lotus feet, without being interrupted. I always pray and bow down to Thee, as the great teacher. 90.
Suvrat said:- O King! By praising the Lord Hari, in this way, the chief celibate, the great soul of liberal attitude, saluted Hari and then acted according to the religion and served the Lord daily with deep love, gratitude and devotion. 91.
Thus ends the fifty-fourth chapter entitled, ‘narration of daily routine duties of lifelong Brahmacharin,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 54