Chapter 56 - Introduction to Yoga

* Introduction to Yoga; suitable place and diet for Yogic practices.

Introduction to Yoga; suitable place and diet for Yogic practices. 

Suvrat Muni said:- 

O king! Shri Hari then, lost his interest in all mundane things, other than Shri Krishna and looked towards religious things. He loved Shri Krishna and the religious things only. 1. 

Shatanand Muni, who was always at His feet continued to serve Him, he rubbed and pressed His feet as usual. 2. 

Being very pleased with him, Shri Hari said to him; O sage! You can ask me whatever you wish to ask, I will certainly answer your questions. 3. 

O King! In this way the intelligent Shatanand Muni, being highly pleased, joined his palms with respect to offer Namaskara and asked as under: 4. 

Shatanand Muni said:- 

O Swami! Thou art omniscient, and knoweth everything regarding Yoga. Thou deserveth to be served by the Yogis. 5. 

Due to thy favour and without going through any practicing efforts, I have attained the state of Yoga-Samadhi, which is desirable by all and is very rarely obtained. 6. 

But even then, I wish to know all the features of it, including Yama and everything else comprehensively, as per science of Yoga. 7. 

Suvrat said:- 

O king! Lord Shri Hari was very much pleased with Shatanand Muni, who was curious and eager to know the Yoga. As asked by him, in the interest of practitioners of Yoga, The Lord explained the Yoga, as below. 8. 

Shri Narayan muni said:- 

O Sage! It is good of you, that you asked me more about the Yoga-shastra, the science of Yoga. There is no other thing, in this world, except Yoga, that can fulfil human wish. 9.

Without Yoga, there is nothing that can help the practitioners, to be determined and resolute, in mind. It is certain that, a man can attain Siddhi, spiritual accomplishment, knowledge and devotion, by virtue of Yoga. 10. 

At first, in the hoary past, the science of Yoga was originated, by Hiranyagarbha. Then, it was expounded in Sutras in detail, by Patanjali (Cobra King: Phanindra). 11. 

I shall now narrate to you, the summary of the whole Yoga, along with its eight components. You should know that the characteristics of Yoga, is mental equipoise: Samadhi, in Lord Krishna. 12. 

Just as all the faults of any metal are burnt away and purified by fire, in the similar manner; all the faults of mind are purified by Samadhi yoga. 13. 

So, to destroy all the worldly wishes and faults in mind, Samadhi Yoga, should be studied, with urgency, by the enthusiastic devotee of Shri Krishna. 14. 

A man, willing to attain Samadhi Yoga; must take shelter with a preceptor, who is the storehouse of all techniques of Yoga, with full devotion in him. 15. 

He should, please him by constant service, favour favourable to his attitude. Then, he should follow the path guided by him. 16. 

A man, who wishes to practice Yoga, should live in a region that is without sand and gravel; and which is free from all the troubles and obstacles. 17. 

Wherever there is favourability for fulfilling the needs of the practitioner with food etc. and in which place, there would not be trouble of cold, wind and mosquitoes; and where there is favourable accessibility of water-reservoir and where there would be personal suitability, in such a hermitage, the devotee should practice Yoga, without worry. 18 - 19. 

In addition to the latter point, the place with a river or a well, very nearby should be avoided. Places such as: cremation ground, a place haunted by fear of wild beasts, a place with much noise and sound, a place near the fire, near dilapidated cow-pen, traffic square, a place of bad odour, a place of ruined leaves, branches, and a crowded place, should not be selected for practice of Yoga. 20 -21 

A man, willing to study Yoga, must be free from over-eating, craze for tasty food, over exertion, chatting, over-anger. He should stay away from people. 22. 

A man practicing Yoga, should fill two-fourth portion of his stomach, with food, one-fourth portion with water and leave one- fourth portion empty and thus remain on measured diet. 23. 

He should take barley and wheat grains, mixed in cow’s milk and ghee along with ginger and eat the blend, while practicing Yoga. After attaining perfection, this regulation is not applicable. 24. 

He must totally avoid eating meat, drink wine, liquor and chew or smoke tobacco, opium and such intoxicants and stale food. 25. 

Yoga practitioner, should not take curds, butter milk, sour foods as also black grams, Kulitha, vegetable leaves and also bitter and salt etc. and other, oily food, hot pungent and spicy food. He should neither take too hot, cooked food and too cold, in addition, he must avoid asafoetida or any unknown food stuff. 26 - 27. 

He must always be enthusiastic, and must avoid lethargy; and must totally keep away from any contact with any women. 28. 

He should totally, certainly avoid contact with a person, over attached to women, sinner and very cunning person. Otherwise, even a matured Yogi, may also be corrupt. Then, what would happen to an immature person? 29. 

Thus ends the fifty-sixth chapter entitled, ‘narration of suitable place and diet for Yogic practice,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 56