* Shatanand Muni, composes Shikshapatri and Satsangijivan, at Lord Shri Hari’s command; His approval. * Description of innumerable miracles and incidents caused due to blessings of Bhagawan Shree Hari.
Shatanand Muni, composes Shikshapatri and Satsangijivan, at Lord Shri Hari’s command; His approval.
Suvrat said:-
O the doyen of King! It was on the thirteenth date of the dark fortnight (of the month of Ashvin), known as Dhanatrayodashi, (the Samvat 1885), the sage Shatanand, began to compose ‘Shikshapatri ’. 1.
He completed it, with right intelligence, on second date of bright fortnight of Kartika (Yamadvitiya). There are 212 verses (Slokas). 2.
Then, He began writing elegant commentary on it, for the satisfaction of the Lord; and completed it (Shikshapatri), on the fifth date of bright fortnight of Margasheersha. 3.
O King! On the same day (Tithi), afternoon, he offered it to Shri Hari, who was seated in the assembly, along with sages. 4.
Shri Hari perused the commentary along with, His own Shikshapatri and was very much pleased. Further, He praised Shatanand (Muni), very much in the meeting: He addressed the sages and devotees, as per my opinion, whatever important was intended by Me, all that has been entirely brought in this work, without any remainder, by this sage.’ 5 - 6.
Thus, being very pleased, the Lord took off the garland, that was around his neck and gifted it to Shatanand; and as a blessing he put both His hands on Shatanand’s head, with great pleasure. 7.
Then, Shri Hari made Nityanand Muni to read aloud, the Shikshapatri, in the assembly. O king! On hearing it, the devotees and Sages were very much pleased. 8.
After that, Shri Hari addressed all His own devotees as,listen all of you! Whoever would be dedicated to me, by them, this Shikshapatri should be read or heard every day.’ 9.
The rules of reading this are: before taking meals, this Shikshapatri should be ever-read by them, after being pure and after sitting in Svastik-aasana; then, food should be taken, in normal times, except in contingency. 10.
In the event of absence of suitable leisure, during day, having performed own routine duties, this text is to be read, at night, respectfully after sitting together. This Shikshapatri should always be read, by those, who have taken shelter in Me, slowly, with clear literal pronunciation, in such a way that, the flash of its meaning would occur in their own hearts. 11 - 12.
Having heard these diktats of Shri Hari, all the devotee folks, after bowing down, said as, ‘we all shall act upon this alone.’ 13.
Shri Hari then, conveyed to Shatanand Muni, the appropriate import intended by Him and addressed as, ‘O great intelligent one, write a treatise: you are quite capable in such composition.’ 14.
It appears to us that, owing to the favour of Krishna alone, such talent is gained by you. Otherwise, who else would be capable of expressing our intention, in clear words? 15.
Thus, addressed by the Lord, Shatanand Muni saluted Him and returned to his own hermitage, after receiving His blessings, which was difficult to be obtained, even by Gods. Miracles witnessed by the listeners as well as the devotee-visitors, to various temples, consecrated by Shri Hari: 16.
Thus, after attaining omniscience, owing to the blessing of Shri Hari, Shatanand Muni, the king of Yogins, began writing biography of Swaminarayan: Satsangi-jivanam, on the sixth date of the bright fortnight: Champashasthi, of Margashirsha month.. 17.
Sage, Shatanand Muni, after completing the volumes (Prakarana), one by one, read it out to Lord Shri Hari, who was residing in his Hermitage. 18.
He (Shri Hari) listened considerately to that reading, every day, along with the sages Shukanand etc. who were residing along with Him. Thereby, he used to be very much satisfied. 19.
O King! He also continuously listened to tenth and fifth volumes (Skandhas), again without break, of Shrimad Bhagvata, after keeping aside his routine activities. 20.
People witnessing miracles and actual presence of the Lord in the idols, installed by Shri Hari, in various temples. Shri Hari, in the afternoon, after sitting on the altar of his own residence, gave pious and precious Darshana to all the devotees, who were exclusively dedicated to Him. 21.
Description of innumerable miracles and incidents caused due to blessings of Bhagawan Shree Hari. When two, three or five or sometimes three or four days were passed, some marvellous incidences occurred in front of them. 22.
O King! I now report those wonders, which the people: dwelling in that town, as also those who came from other countries, witnessed in front of Shri Hari, in that assembly hall and who were astonished. 23.
Whatever idols of Lord Krishna: Nar-Narayan, LaxmiNarayan, Gopinatha etc. had been consecrated by Shri Hari Himself and whatever other image of Krishna, wherever and whenever was installed, at all those places, from that day onwards, miracle happened and all the people: devotees as well as non-devotees, men as well as women, witnessed all of them. 24 - 26.
Oh King! Sometimes and some other times, those idols exhibited various actions, pleasant to mind, like Krishna. Sometimes, those idols laughed at the people, observing their own actions. Sometimes, they themselves received the garlands etc. and also the offerings. Occasionally, they (idols) use to eat, meals that was offered to them. At times they drank the milk, or sometimes water, offered to them. 27 - 29.
They, sometimes offered their own Darshan, to those devotees, who had a vow of having daily Darshan and who were retained in some other town due to some obstacle. 30.
Some Deities have granted sons to some devotees, who observe vow, aiming at such desire. Similarly, they release some devotees from some strong enemy attack. 31.
Occasionally, those (Gods) have delivered money to poor, moneyless people, offering service to them, by prompting a wealthy person, in dream, to give them money. 32.
Sometimes the people, who were having vision (Darshan) of God, suddenly attained Samadhi-equipoise: and sometimes they saw dazzling brightness while looking at them. 33.
Such, several other miracles, happened at those various places. Having witnessed them, several people, resorted to that respective place. Some people, who had gathered there over, after. 34.
Witnessing such and similar marvel, reported all that to Shri Hari, seated in the assembly at respective occasions. After hearing that miracle, people, seated in the assembly got surprised; and began to understand, that it was all due to the majesty of Lord Hari. 35 - 36.
Narayan muni, heard all that account, considerately and explained to those reporters and also to his own devotees, who were seated in that assembly, as, ‘It should be understood that, there is no difference between Lord Krishna himself and those idols of Nar- Narayan etc.’ 37 - 38.
When all the devotees heard this explanation from Shri Hari, they all were very much pleased and satisfied. O King! In this way, Lord Hari, spread his Majesty also, through the idols. 39.
Thus, one and half year passed, while Shri Hari, the auspicious Lord, relishing in own Self, had spent His presence, delivering beneficial favour to people. 40.
Thus, the victorious Majesty, of Lord Shri Hari, spread in all global directions, from pervading, town to town and village to village, extending up to the limit of seashore. All the men and women in each house, sang the glory of Shri Hari, affectionately, permanently, widely and openly, O ruler of people! 41.
Thus ends the sixty-seventh chapter entitled: ‘narration of the magnanimity of the idols installed by Lord Hari,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 67