* Lord’s praise by Shatanand Muni. * Shri Vasudeav Stotra by Shatanand Muni. * The Lord giving boon to Shatanand Muni for writing the biography of Himself.
Lord’s praise by Shatanand Muni.
Shri Narayan Muni said:-
O Sage, the yoga I have explained to you could be successful, if it is practised in suitable conditions like pious place, etc. otherwise, it leads to destruction if it is practised in an inauspicious surroundings etc. 1.
The (eight) essential things for the success of yoga are - a proper place, time, activity, meditation, knowledge of the science, traditional initiation (diksha), chanting of God’s name (Manu i.e. mantra) and company of holly men. When practised all these conditions together being auspicious, it will develop right understanding (and strong) will in men, and if these being inauspicious, men will certainly develop inauspicious will no doubt, about it. 2 - 3.
Considering this, a wise one wishing his own good, should aband- on unfavourable place, time, etc. and resort to auspicious ones. 4.
I have narrated the secret of Yoga-shastra to you, who enquired about it, with its major and subsidiary features entirely, which are approved by the knowers of Yoga. 5.
As per your query, all the science and the salient features of yoga have been completely narrated to you, you being intellig.ent and worthy to know. 6
Thus, churning all the aspects of science of Yoga and taking the essence of all, I have narrated it to you, for the good of all. 7.
Both of them, who narrate and listen to this science of yoga, that I have told, will be freed from multitude of their sins. 8.
Suvrat said:-
O King, thus, listening to the yoga shastra, narrated by (Shri Hari) the Guru of all, Shatanand Muni was very much pleased and satisfied. 9.
Other sages who had taken shelter in Him and were listening to the discourse at that time, also experienced highest bliss. They began to utter words of praise and saluted him. 10.
Shatanand became very happy and felt blessed. He bowed down at His feet with great respect and began to praise Lord Shri Hari, incarnated in the form of man. Shri Vasudeav Stotra by Shatanand Muni. Shatanand muni said:- ‘O Shri Vasudev I seek refuge in you, the son of Bhaktidevi and Dharmadev’ - I seek refuge in you . . .11.
The dweller of pure, lustrous imperishable abode, having crystal like blue lustre and two arms and at times four arms (to save your devotees), whose name Narayan saves from the hellish sufferings. 12.
Who has come down to this world, to teach the one pointed devotion, eight fold yoga with all its aspects and other related subjects and the great vows (like truth, non-violence, celibacy etc) by your own example; to those men who adore you. 13.
You who, while exhaling and inhaling experience oneness in Your Self as the Supreme Self like the full, limitless sea in which the tides flow backward and forward. 14.
While the group of inner (mind. intellect, etc) and outer organs are working; and the inhaling and exhaling process of the vital breath in going on and their supernatural agencies (Adhidaiv) are functioning, during their rise, sustenance and fall (You stand aloof from them) look Yourself distinct from them (like a witness), by your spiritual power. 15.
You who, took support of the principals of Nirbija Sankhya and Nirbija yoga to prove absence of (any possibility of) illusory forms, Tamas (ignorance and other Tamasik qualities) and inauspicious qualities (of Prakruti) in the Supreme Being. (N. Sankya philosophy declares that - the two principles Prakruti and Purusha are quite different in character and they are separate from each other and the knowledge - realization of separateness of these two principals leads to kaivalya; and the teaching of Nirbija yoga is - Purush is imperceptible, invisible, etc.) You took support of Salamba Sankhya and Salamba yoga theory, to promote worship with proper rituals and devotion of Ramapati i.e. Vishnu or Narayan possessed of divine form, magnanimity, boundless glories and auspicious qualities. Thus, you have removed the inconsistency between Nirbija Sankhya and yoga and Salamba Sankhya and yoga, by combining these together with skilful reasoning. 16 - 17.
Like those who are given to lust, thieves, actors, addicts and who hate others all the time think of their own desired object and cling to the same; You unceasingly remember, meditate on Lord Narayan (being Sva i.e. Your Self) delightfully in your heart. 18.
Just as the devoted wife (Sadhvi), Chakor -bird, moth (Shalabh), a fish (timi), peacock (Kala-kanth) are deeply attached to their own object of love ( to husband, the moon, flame, water, rain-cloud, respectively), your mind is intently and delightedly attached to the form of the Lord (Narayan). 19.
As one who is, in want of love or who is afflicted by hunger, fear, or disease, seek for shelter in the reliever, without pride or self respect; You seek (friendship) association with the noble, virtuous sages, leaving aside you greatness. 20.
You, who preach that, those who have no attachment to sensual pleasures like sound (touch, etc), who strictly follow their religious duties and who ponder over the unity of the imperishable Brahman (Bruhat) and their own Self, should worship the divine form of Shri Hari in the glow of lustre (Mahah). 21.
You are the one who is fond of reading, hearing the noble scriptures, and teaching spiritual lore i.e. Brahmi vidya (like Upanishads) in the assembly of sages; O you! the loving friend of all those Jivas (individuals) who are caught in the web of transmigration (Samsar). Thus you teach the spiritual discipline to Sadhus (by your own example). 22.
Suvrat said:-
O king, saying thus in praise and prayer, bowing down with deep respect and devotion, Shatanand Muni joined his palms and stood before Him. Pleased with him the Lord said 23.
The Lord giving boon to Shatanand Muni for writing the biography of Himself.
O great sage, I am pleased with you, ask me whatever you wish; be sure, I shall give it to you. 24.
Shatanand said:-
O Lord, if you are pleased with me and if you wish to favour me with something, then today, You may please fulfil my wish that I have nourished long. 25.
I wish to write a story of your life and deeds, by which, the purpose of pains taken by me for studies and learning in (Shastras) will be fruitful, so O Lord, as You are the bestower of the desired boon to your devotees. Please allow me to do so, as You have promised me, before. 26 - 27.
O King, hearing this prayer made by the wise, dear devotee, Shatanand Muni, Shri Hari was very much pleased and said, O Yogi, you do write a book as you wish. O sinless one, you may write an account my life as you have seen and heard. Your mind will be endowed with knowledge of three times (past, present and future). 28 - 29.
Certainly, you will be able to know the thoughts and views in mind of others and there will be nothing unknown to you (regarding Me). You are my dearest one. 30.
After my exit from this world, this book of my biography written by you will be the only valuable support to live on, for those who have taken refuge in me. 31.
First you compose ‘Shikshpatri’ written by Me, in simple language, in verse form metered in Anushtubha and then start with this large treatise (on my life and teaching). 32.
However, in complete solitude the mind could be steady and undisturbed to work with concentration, so from now, you may stay in a hut, in the premises of Lord Krishna’s (Gopinath) temple. 33.
Suvrat said:-
O Sage, thus, Shatanand Muni was very pleased and satisfied (with Shri Hari’s love for himself) and left for his own place. 34.
Shatanand thought to himself, that Shri Hari’s command is the only auspicious time (muhurt) so he went to stay in the cottage near the Gopinath’s shrine and started working on ‘Shikshpatri’. 35.
Thus ends the sixty-sixth chapter entitled, ‘narration of grant of boon, on Shatanand Muni,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 66