Shlok 53

A Chandlo is considered to be an ornament. Bhrighu Rishi says: Vidhava Dharyeneva Shukshmavastramalkrutim - ‘Widowed women should never wear revealing clothing nor any ornaments’.  Therefore, since a Chandlo is considered an ornament, widowed women should not wear the Chandlo.  The Kum-Kum Chandlo is also famed as one of the signs of married women.

After Tilak-Chandlo has been marked, one should prepare for ‘Maansi Pooja’: Maanasa Poojanam Karyam Tataha Krushanasya Chaakhilauha - they should meditate upon Shree Krishna, his form and his pastimes.  One should always perform ‘Dhyana’ or meditation first and then perform Poojan.

God himself has explained the ways in which one should perform Maansi Pooja: ‘Men sitting alone in a peaceful place and without laziness should meditate upon me.’

One should understand the use of ‘Krishna’ to mean his consort Radhikaji as well and so meditation upon the Jugal (twin) Murti is propounded.  Radha is the servant and wherever Krishna is, Radha is always there in his service.  They are both of one form and therefore Krishna, though alone, is always with Radha.

Shatanand then explains that Brahmins and others should perform ‘Sandhya Vandan’ - praise in welcoming of the morning.  This is explained in more detail in the Vishesha Dharmas later on.

The Lord himself has explained the Samanya Dharmas to be observed by all: ‘Sauch - cleanliness, Achaman - sipping of water, Snaan - bathing, Sandhya - morning praise,  Sararta - simple heartedness, Tirtha Seva - serving places of pilgrimage,  Japa - chanting of Mantras,  Asprushya - staying aloof of the opposite sex by never touching,  Abhakshya - observing the code of clean eating and drinking by not consuming those things such as meat, alcohol etc. and Asambhaashya Tyage - purity and control of speech; these are the Samanya (basic) Dharmas of all.  All should have affection for me and focus their mind, body and speech upon me.’

The Lord asks that we strive to uplift our actions, mental thinking and mastery of speech.  These can be achieved only if we perform the daily morning rituals as mentioned.  Physical Pooja and other good deeds will purify our actions.  Maansi Pooja will make us mentally strong and Japa, Kirtan or Hari Nama Dhoon will cleanse our speech.

In these Shlokas the Lord puts emphasis upon the elevation of the mind.  Firstly we are to mark the forehead with a Tilak/Chandlo which itself strengthens the mind and then we are to perform Maansi Pooja.  Maansi Pooja can be considered as a form of ‘Yoga’ for concentration of the mind.  The mind is a very powerful tool that creates a virtual reality allowing us to do things that may be physically impossible in real life.  It can take you to places where you otherwise would never encounter.

Maansi Pooja is very difficult but it is very necessary.  One can show true devotion to God by mentally imaging that we are performing every service to God, in the presence of God.  It is the best thing in terms of getting close and intimate with the Lord.

One should perform Maansi Pooja five times during the day - in the early morning, the afternoon, around four ‘o’ clock, evening time and at night time, just before going to sleep. One should serve the Lord mentally in whatever way appropriate at that time of day.

For example, one may perform morning Maansi Pooja in the following manner: Gently wake the Lord by singing Prabhatiyas (morning Bhajans).  Escort him to the bathroom and allow him to answer the call of nature and perform ‘Datana’.  Then prepare him for bathing. Visualise that you are performing ‘Panchamruta Snaan’ by bathing him using milk, yoghurt,  Ghee etc., chanting the appropriate Mantras as you do so.  Wipe his body gently and dress him in rich silkier clothing.  Sit the Lord down upon his ‘Asana’, perform Achaman and mark the body with Tilak/Chandlo.  After which begin to perform Poojan of the Lord.  Chant the Lord’s glorious name as you perform ‘Japa Mala’.  Perform Tapani Mala (standing on one leg),  Pradikshana (cicumabulations)  and Sashtang Dandavat Pranaam (prostration).  Then read from various scriptures asking the Lord to comment upon what has been read, thereby receiving the Lord’s Vachanamruta.  Perform Arti of God, after which ask the Lord for forgiveness for any faults committed unintentionally in the Pooja and hence conclude the Pooja.  Then take the Lord for ‘Bhojan’ and offer the Lord the fifty-six types of foods.  Visualise the Lord then offering you Prasad and thank the Lord for his favour.  Ask the Lord for his favour throughout the day and always and praise the Lord’s greatness.

Such Mansi Pooja shows intense love and devotion for God at an interpersonal level.  It keeps the mind free from impure thoughts.  It builds the mind and hence, one’s intellect.  It keeps the mind focused throughout the day.   For these reasons, Maansi Pooja is considered great and all are urged to perform it, as well as performing the normal physical Bahya Pooja.