After Maansi Pooja one should perform Bahya Poojan of their Ishtadev - Shree Radha-Krishna’s idols given to them by their Guru/Acharya. Poojan inclusive of Shastang Namakar is to be performed, where eight parts of the body are surrendered to the Lord:
Paadbhyam Karabhyam Janubhyamurasa Shirsa Dasha |
Maanasa Vaachasa Cheti Praramoashtanga Iritaha ||
‘Surrender of one’s legs (Paadbhyam), hands (Karabhyam), knees (Janubhyam), chest (Murasa), head (Shirasa), sight (Dasha), mind (Manasa) and speech (Vachasa) is called Shashtang Namaskar.’
One should perform Poojan depending upon the type of Murti one is worshipping, as taught by Shastras. One should then perform Shree Krishna Ashtakshar Mantra Japa (eight – syllabled) or alternatively Sharana Mantra Japa.
Only after this, should you go about your daily routines of going to work etc. Pooja Vidhi is different for different types of people and therefore one is advised to approach a Sadhu for a detailed Vidhi. They will be able to show you in detail exactly how Pooja is to be performed.
Pooja can be as detailed as you want to make it. Many reject performing Pooja because they feel it takes up too much time. This however is inappropriate as to start with one may perform two or three Japa Malas and a few Shikshapatri Shlokas. This can be done in about five to ten minutes and so will not be in any way time consuming. What I’m trying to get at is that we should do something everyday, however little. The benefits are there and it is our duty to take out a little time in the day for worship of God. God continues to give endlessly to us - should we not repay this huge debt that we owe?
Although Pooja Vidhi is different for different people (i.e. Brahmins should perform a fire-sacrifice during Pooja), there is somewhat a common format which can be followed by most and is as follows: Firstly there is a need for cleanliness and purity before performing Pooja: Devam Bhutva Devam Yajeta - those performing Deva Pooja should themselves become Deva-like and so bathing is required for purity of the external body and Achaman for purity of the inner body as already described. Tilak-Chandlo should then be marked.
After which the mind is to be purified by concentrating it upon the Lord. Only after the body and mind are pure, can we begin to perform Pooja. Note that those who perform Pooja must observe the Panchavrataman of refraining from alcohol, meat, thieving, adultery and refraining from those food and drink which are unacceptable (one should not offer such foods and drinks to others also). Only then can the Pooja derive the desired fruits. Before Pooja we should chant the ‘Avahana Mantra’ in order to invoke the Lord:
Ootishta Ootishta Hey Nath Swaminarayana Prabho |
Dharmasuno Dayasindho Svesham Shreyaha Param Kuru ||
Agacha Bhagwan Deva Svasthanaat Parameshwara |
Aham Poojam Karishyami Sada Tvam Sanmukho Bhava ||
‘O Lord! O Swaminarayan! O Prabhu! Awake my Lord. O son of Dharma! O river of compassion! Bestow thy favour upon me, your humble servant who has come to thee for thy shelter. O Parameshavara! O Bhagwan! O Deva! who resides within my heart and soul as well as within Akshardhaam, I ask you to come from such abode and to reside within these Murtis before me so that I may perform Pooja of thee.’ Then one should offer flowers, fruits etc. to the Lord.
After which one should perform Mantra Japa - both Diksha Mantra and the Ishtanaama Mantra of ‘Swaminarayana’ as we rotate the Mala, should be chanted. Tapani Mala, Pradikshana and Dandawat Pranama can then be performed. Finally we should then read a number of Shlokas from the Shikshapatri and chant Janmangaladi Stotras (108 names of God etc.).
Then the Pooja should be concluded by chanting the following Mantras with hands together:
Aparaadha Sahastrari Kriyanteharanisham Maya |
Daasoahamiti Mam Matva Kshamasva Parameshvara ||
This is the ‘Kshama-Yachna Mantra’ which is asking for forgiveness of mistakes committed in the performance of the Pooja. Then the ‘Visarjan Mantra’ is chanted to conclude the Pooja:
Svasthanam Gacha Devesha Pujamadaya Mamakim |
Istakama Prasidyartham Punaragamanaiya Cha ||
Atmesha Parameshwar Visarjayami Hrudi Me |
Swaminarayana Prabho Sada Vastu Hrudi Me ||
‘O Lord! After accepting my Pooja may thee return to thy place of residence. Continue to bless me by daily coming to receive my Pooja. O Swaminarayan! May you reside always within my heart.’
This is simply a rough guideline to how Pooja should be performed. One should bear in mind though that it is not what you do or how long your Pooja lasts, but with what devotion you perform Pooja with, which is of importance.