Shatanand says that Dwarika is the best amongst holy places. By going to such holy places - Tirthas, one swims across the ocean of life (Sansar Samudra). The Tirtha is a Punya Kshetra a place of fruits or benediction. One should go to such places, perform Mahapooja of the Lord, be charitable towards Sadhus and Brahmins and celebrate such places. Shatanand explains that a Tirtha is a form of Bhakti or devotion and for such reason it is thus glorified.
Ugrashrava has said, ‘O Brahmins! Visiting Tirthas makes a person more faithful (to religion) and makes him more eager to listen to the Lord’s Katha’. Those who cannot perform an extensive Yatra of all holy places should visit Dwarika. Dwarika is famed here, as it is the home of Lord Shree Krishna who is said to have resided their for a hundred years. Dwarika, the ‘City of Gold’ is thus famed as the greatest of Tirthas. The Eleventh Canto of Bhagwat says ‘Remembrance of the holy city of Dwarika destroys all evil and spreads auspiciousness’.
The Yatra Vidhi is explained in Kashikhanda: ‘Before leaving for Yatra, an Upavaas should be performed and Poojan of Ganapati. Forefathers, Brahmins, Sadhus and Elders should be worshipped. Additional religious practices should be adopted, only then should one begin their Yatra. When one returns from Yatra, they should again perform Poojan of ancestors and elders.’ ‘One should never test Brahmins during Yatra. They should openly give food to the needy and they themselves should perform Upavaas. They should shave their heads and perform ancestral offerings (Shraadh). They should never look upon another woman with lustful intent. They should never lust or kill another living being or speak the untruth. Those who have control of their hands, feet and mind and who are blessed with learning, penance and fame, obtain the fruits of the pilgrimage.’
‘Those who do not anger, who has level mind and intelligence, an ally of trust, who performs Vratas (self discipline), who is not egotistical, who has good intentions and who looks upon others as he does himself, attains the desired fruits of the pilgrimage; such person is never again reborn in the womb of an animal or bird, nor is he reborn in a country to face hardship. Such a person attains the heavens, as he understands the path to Moksha. In such Tirtha Kshetras are destroyed his sins - Anyasthane Krutam Papam Punyakshetre Vinashyati.
Those who are capable should not eat twice, explains Skanda Purana: ‘Those that eat twice receive a third of the Punya. Those that profit from a Tirtha in some way also receive a third of the Punya. Those that only aim to make money at such places receive no fruits. Those that perform Yatra in some vehicle receive half the fruits and those who perform the Yatra with the aid of an umbrella or shoes receive a quarter of the fruits.
If a Brahmin, severely poverty stricken, makes money for his well being and then donates a tenth of what he makes to God then he does not receive any sin.
Nirnyasidhu explains further about the act of shaving one’s head at Tirthas. Deval Muni explains, ‘One should shave their heads and perform Upavaas at all holy Tirtha places except for Kurukshetra, Badrinath, Lornatirtha and Gayaji’. If one performs Tirtha again after 10-12 months then one should again shave their heads and perform Upavaas accordingly.
Visiting the Tirtha, one should respectfully pay homage to the presiding deity therein by performing Mahapooja, Alpapooja (ordinary) or at the least offering fruits. They should offer food or Dakshina (money) to Brahmins. They should perform Poojan of Vaishnavas (devotees of Vishnu) and donate cows. They should display affection for all of Gods creatures as they would friends and family. They should never mistreat anybody.
Vyaas explains, ‘One should always be compassionate towards the poor, those with physical defect, those women who are poor or ill and the misfortunate. Those Brahmins that insult or disregard a poor person face destruction of knowledge just as water is lost from a broken vessel.’