Chapter 45 - Description of ritual of Prayaschit of Upa-paap

* Description of ritual of Prayaschit of Upa-paap. * Ritual of Prayaschit of Gau-Hatya. * Prayaschit of Upa-paap named Vratya. * Prayaschit of Upa-paap of theft. * Prayaschit of selling things not worthy to be sold. * Prayaschit of Parivedan-Parivitya paap. * Prayaschit of Upa-paap of selling Vidya worthy to be purchased. *

The atonements of the minor sins. 

Shri Narayan Muni said:- 

O Brahmin! The general rule in regard to the secondary type of sins is that, those can be washed away by observing Chandrayan vow or a vow of subsisting on milk in small measure only, for a month. 1. 

The secondary type of sins are enumerated as below: 1) killing a cow, 2) Absence of purification rites, 3) Stealing, 4) selling a prohibited commodity (like milk, curds, water, flowers etc), 5) being unmarried while younger brother is married, 6) marrying before the elder brother’s marriage, 7) Learning from paid teacher, 8) Teaching on payment, 9) Keeping sex relation with another’s wife, 10) Killing a woman and others, 11) Atheism, 12) Violating a religious vow, 13) Selling a pond and such other things, 14) Sex relations with a low cast, 15) not clearing the debt, etc. I shall now tell you the expiation for these sins. 2 - 4 

Expiation for the sin of killing the cow. 

If a Brahmin unknowingly beats a weak, old cow with a stick or a stone and she dies, then that person having controlled his senses should observe celibacy, fast for a month by taking only the five products of cow, and serve the cows promptly. 5 - 6.

He should serve the cow by standing on his toes, being energetic. He should take a bath thrice a day; barefoot he should follow the cow, going to the forest for grazing, without preventing her from going anywhere; where ever the cow goes he should follow her; if the cow stands he should also stand; if she moves he should move; if she sits he should sit; and should undergo the heat, cold and wind with the cow. The person who observes the vow should sleep in a cow-pen with the cow and without a bed. That restrained person should observe the above stated daily routine for one month. 7 - 9. 

A cow, which is afraid of thief or tiger, ill due to some disease, fallen and clung in mud should be rescued even at the cost of his own life. 10. 

If a cow is eating something from one’s own or others house, farm or at the place of thrashing grain, or a calf is sucking the cow, one should not inform his master. 11. 

After serving cow for a month, he should gift it, to a deserving Brahmin by performing due rites. That cow should be good natured, milky one, clothed one good-looking, and having bright eyes; (young fertile) having only one calf; decorated with golden horns, silver hooves, copper cover on back; accompanied by a calf and a bronze vessel for milking; It should have been purchased by the master. Thereafter, he should generously gift money (Dakshina) without cheating, and offer tasty food to the Brahmins and worship them. That person is thus purified after their permission. 12 - 14 

If a person kills a good cow of a Brahmin by a weapon; he should then cover his body by that cow’s wet skin, declare his own sin to all and beg for his survival, for three years. After completing the period (of three years) he will be purified from the sin of killing a cow. 15 - 16. 

If one breaks the bone, cuts tail, uproots teeth or horns of a cow, he should observe the vow for half of the month. 17. 

If cows are injured or die by fall of lightening or get burnt by fire, or hurt by falling of wall or other things, then that sin does not fall on anyone. 18. 

This expiation recommended for killing a cow should be observed by a Brahmin - in full, while by Kshatriya three quarters of it, and in that sequence half by Vaisya of a quarter by Shudra. 19. 

Expiation for a Vratya. A Brahmin, deprived of purificatory rites at right time or even at optional time is known as Vratya. So he should observe expiatory rite to remove the blemish (of being Vrataya). 20. 

He should only drink Barley water for two months, then only milk for one month, boiled milk mixed with curd (Amiksha) for a fortnight and only ghee for eight days. Furthermore, He should live on food that has got unasked for, six days; on water only for three days; and fast for one whole day. After undergoing this process, he will then get purified by performing proper rites (like Upanayana). 21 - 22. 

Expiation for theft. Theft is also a sin. 

In that case if a Brahmin steals something other than gold, grains or money from another Brahmin’s house, then immediately he should observe the Krucchra vow for one year and during that period he should observe celibacy with other rules. Thereafter, he will consequently be purified. 23 - 24. 

If a Brahmin steals from the house of a Kshatriya, he is recommended to observe half of the expiation (six month) advised for theft from Brahmin’s house. Moreover, half of that (three months) is for the theft from Vaishya’s house and half of that (quarter - one and half month)for the theft from the house of Shudra. 25. 

If one has stolen a gem, precious metal, grains, an animal, grass or wood, etc then the punishment should be in proportion to the price of that particular commodity. 26. 

If one steals grains for a one time meal he should pay the cost (money) of stolen grains and observe fast for a day, by eating only five products of the cow. Thus, he is purified. 27. 

If one has stolen grains for both, day and night meals, he should give double the price and fast for two days. 28. 

The expiation should thereby be understood in this sequence. It should be in proportion with the stolen thing. In all cases of theft firstly, he should return the stolen thing or its price, and then he should undergo the vow. 29. 

He should observe the Krucchra vow continuously and repeatedly upto the recommended time of expiation period ends, according to his capacity. 30. 

If someone steals land, gold, cows or a horse and then repents for his misbehaviour should return whatever he has stolen, and if he is able to convince, to please the owner by whatever he could do and owner is satisfied, then and there only he is purified. 31. 

If the King is convinced on a confession of the sinner and makes him free without paying any fine, he should observe penance and get himself purified, if he needs to pay fine he is considered to purified then and there. 32. 

Expiation for sin of ‘Apanya-vikraya’ - selling banned goods. 

If a Brahmin sells goods which are banned to be sold by a Brahmin, like cooked food, jaggery, sesame and fruits or flowers, then he should undergo a minor Krucchra vow for expiation of his sin. 33. 

If a Brahmin sells sealing-wax, salt, oil, milk, curds, ghee, leather, garments, he should then undergo the Chandrayana vow. 34. 

If a Brahmin sells shell, red arsenic, fragrant gum, collyrium, red chalk, asafoetida (hing), woollen blanket, cow-horn, stone, weapon; teeth, bone and nails (of elephant or a tiger and others), a house, Gem, pearls, corals, bamboo, material of bamboo, land or material made of clay (pot etc) he should observe a ‘Tapta- kruchhra’ vow. 35 - 36. 

Expiation for Parrivetta and Parivitti. 

If a younger brother marries and maintain sacred fire, before his elder brother, it is known as ‘parivedana’ and the younger brother is called ‘Parivetta’. 37. 

If the elder brother marries and maintain sacred fire after the marriage of the younger one, it is called ‘Parivittya’ and the elder brother is called as ‘Parivitti’. 38. 

Both of them should ask for alms at a Brahmin’s house for one year and simultaneously perform Prajapatya and Krucchra vow to get purified. 39. 

Expiation for selling and buying knowledge. 

In case of learning and teaching on payment basis, the teacher and the student, both of them are known to be sinners therefore they both should drink (milk mixed with) fresh suvacrhla Brahmi, for one and half month and thereafter they are purified. 40. 

Expiation for keeping illegal sex relations. 

The sin of keeping sex relation with another Brahmin’s wife and its expiation both is the same, that with the wife of a preceptor. If a Brahmin intentionally goes to a Brahmin lady of loose character, then, he should observe the vow for three years by remaining celibate and if he goes to a Kshatriya lady he should observe the vow for two years. 41 - 42. 

O you best among the good! know that, penance is most important in each vow. So the atonement rite should always be accompanied by the strictly observed penance. 43. 

If a woman conceives by even one sex relation then the expiation rite for removing the sin is recommended twice of the normal one for everybody and everywhere at all times. 44. 

If a Brahmin goes to Vaishya lady, he should observe the vow for one year and if he goes to any lady of the same lineage (Gotra) then the sin is equal to that of going to a teacher’s wife. 45. 

If a Brahmin goes to a low caste - shudra lady only once, he should observe that vow for six months and if that lady conceives, he should observe the vow for the three years. 46. 

If a Kshatriya goes to a Kshatriya lady, he should observe the vow for two years, and if to a Vaishya lady then for one year, and if to a shudra lady, then for six months respectively. 47. 

If a Vaishya goes to a Vaishya lady, he should observe vow for one year and if to a Shudra lady, he should observe the vow for six months. If a Shudra goes to another Shudra’s wife, he should observe vow for six months as mentioned above. 48. 

If it occurs in the opposite sequence. i.e. a Shudra goes to a Brahmin lady and so on, then the vow is recommended life-long. If a person of lower cast goes to a Brahmin lady he should therefore enter fire. 49.

If a Brahmin goes to a low caste lady of loose character by folly, then he should observe a couple of Chandrayana vow once. 50. 

If sex relation occurs in the same caste or in a higher order that lady should also observe the vow and other rules, for three years as told before for a man. 51. 

If a woman is weak she should observe Chandrayana vow and Krucchras as per her capacity and thus she can be purified from sins. 52. 

Sage Parashara says, that a weak man also gets rid of the sin of going to another’s wife by a Chandrayana vow. 53. 

If a Chandala, a Yavan or a Mleccha enjoys a woman even once or even if she eats their food, she should enter in a burning fire. 54. 

Expiation for killing beings. 

If a Brahmin approaches a slightly loose Brahmin lady and innocently kills her, he should perform krucchra vow for one year with a controlled mind. 55. 

If a Brahmin kills a lady of loose character, unintentionally; he should observe the vow for six month if a lady is Kshatriya, three months if she is Vaishya and one and a half month if she is Shudra. 56. 

If a woman killed, was of a good character and if she is Brahmin, the duration of krucchra vow is for twelve years, if Kshatriya six years, and if vaishya three years and if she is a shudra lady then six months only. 57. 

If a Brahmin kills a worthless Kshatriya, Vaishya or a Shudra unknowingly, then he should undergo the expiation vow advised for crime of killing a Brahmin, is three years, half of it (one and half yr), and half of that (three forth of the yr) respectively. 58. 

O Brahmin! If one kills a worthy Kshatriya, vaishya or shudra; he should undergo the expiation rite for eight, six and three years respectively to get rid of his sin. 59. 

If one kills an elephant, he should gift five dark blue bulls; for a parrot a calf of two years; for a hooved animal like an ass, goat, ram he should gift a bull for each; and a heron bird (Crouncha) a calf of three years. 60. 

For killing a swan, falcon, monkey, any flesh eating animal, any reptile or animal moving on a ground and in water, peacock or a cock or a vulture; that man should gift a cow for each being. Whereas, for a vegetarian animal: (e.g. deer) he should gift a she- calf. 61. 

If one kills a serpent he should gift an iron rod to a Brahmin. Moreover, if he kills an eunuch animal or a bird he should gift three small units of led. 62. 

If one kills a pig he should give a pot filled with ghee, for a camel- the smallest unit of gold; for a horse - cloth; for the francolin partridge (tittiri bird) - a bowl (Dron) full of sesame; If the killer is unable to give such gifts, prescribed for killing of elephant etc, he should observe Kruchra, eat the five products of cow on the first day and fast on the second day, for purification. 63 - 64. 

In case of killing a cat, an alligator, a mongoose, a frog or bird, one should drink only milk for three days or observe one forth of kruccha vow. Besides the above, for killing insects which are boneless, born of juice or sap of fruits or flowers or food items, he should eat a little ghee only (in place of food) for a day and exercise Pranayanam as an expiation rite. 65.66. 

If a person cuts fruit-giving trees or blossomed creepers or shrubs, etc he should utter the one hundred stanzas (Ruchas) from the Rig-Veda. In addition, if he cuts the trees in full blossom and famous trees like fig, etc, in a sacrificial premises or crematory or the outskirts of a village or city or some sacred place or a temple; he should utter the chants twice. 67 - 68. 

If a person sheds semen (anywhere), lies, or does unmannerly actions of hands, feet or speech; for that he should therefore utter the Gayatri chant thousand times. 69. 

If one condemns Vedas and Vedic literature due to atheist views, he should undergo the Prajapatya vow once, as expiation for his purification. 70. 

If a celibate student (Brahmacharin) and a lifelong celibate, break their vow of celibacy and goes to a woman (loosing semen is said to be ‘Avakirna’ and the man is cold ‘Avakirni’) even once then he should go to the forest and choose a cross road; there, he should give oblation in the household fire to the Goddess of Death (Nirruti) by hooves of a squint. After that, he should wear the skin of that ass whose hair are cut (that killed ass) and live in the forest. 71 - 72. 

He should hold a red-coloured vessel, go to a village and beg for food in seven houses only and eat that food only once, be of controlled senses and take a bath thrice a day. If that woman happens to be a Brahmin then, he should observe the vow for three years; if Kshatriya- two years; if Vaishya- one year; and if shudrahe has to enter into the fire and then only he gets purified. If he himself sheds his semen, then he is purified only by sacrifice (giving oblations to Godess Nirruti). 73 - 75. 

If he sheds the semen in his dream, he should take a bath, worship the Sun and utter the Gayatri chant for eight hundred times. Thereafter, observe a fast after which he is purified. This sacrifice is for a celibate. If a householder is observing Chandrayana vow and during that period he approaches a lady for a sex relation, then this sacrifice is recommended for him, too for getting purified. 76 - 77. 

If forest-dwellers and ascetics break the vow of celibacy they also should observe the vow recommended for ‘Avakirni’ (Verse 71) followed by three ‘Parak’ vows. 78. 

All the celibates and others who are unable to undergo this vow should remember Shri Hari in the heart for their whole life and live a pious life, observing austerities. 79.

If a person sells a pond, well or garden maintained for himself or his merit (Punya); his wife and children; his own self , he should be alms for food and visit pilgrims places for one year. 80. 

If a person goes to an animal or a prostitute for sex, then, he should undergo Prajapatya vow. After that he gets relieved from that and such other sins of sex with a low level one. 81. 

Now, all the minor sins are enumerated together here and a common expiation is recommended for them in general. The minor sins are as follows. Not repaying the Vedic and social debts; to neglect and give up household sacred fire without any emergency or inability; to take undue interest on money and live on it; producing salt; to earn money from illegal occupations; to conduct a sacrifice for those who are not qualified for that; to disown parents or children; misbehaviour with a daughter; to give up learning of Veda, due to love for other subjects (Shastras); crookedness; dropping off, from one’s own vow; to cook only for one’s own satisfaction (without offering to gods, manes and others); to enjoy sex with a liquor addicted wife; using a woman for a livelihood; to sell (mal)medicines; to produce deadly weapons; eighteen types of addictions; serving a Shudra for livelihood; friendship with a mean person; to indulge in unworthy scriptures; to work as an officer on mines, to give up routine rites; not to belong (not to do any duty prescribed for) any of four Ashramas; sex relation with a man; and to accept gift from unworthy people. All these are minor types of sins and to nullify them a Brahmin should observe the vow for three months for each sin, by controlling himself with rules and regulations (Yama and Niyamas). 82 - 88. 

Celibacy, kindness, forgiveness, generosity, truthfulness, noncrookedness, non-violence, not stealing, sweetness and forbearance. These qualities are known as Yama (restraints). Taking a bath (everyday), keeping silence, fast, worship, self study, and control over sex, serving elderly persons, cleanliness, being void of anger and negligence. These qualities are known as Niyamas (rules). 89 - 90. 

That self controlled person, should eat only barley for one month and the next two months- he should eat vegetables or food prescribed for oblations, and that also once a day, limited and begged in alms. 91. 

A weak person should observe Chandrayana vow for a month, uttering the ‘Krishna chant’ which removes all sins. 92. 

O you highest of the Brahmins! One, who does not observe the expiation rite for his sins in this world, is surely punished in the other world. A person cannot get rid of his sins without undergoing the prescribed expiations. 93.

Thus ends the forty-fifth chapter entitled, ‘narration of atonement for minor sins,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 45