Chapter 46 - Expiation of miscellaneous sins

* Expiation of miscellaneous sins.

Expiation of miscellaneous sins. 

Sage Narayan said:- 

These miscellaneous named as Prakina papas (i.e. sins) are considered to be minor sins. However if they are not properly expiated, then they do trouble us in the next world. 1. 

A Brahmin, who eats remains of the meat even at the rare occasion of sacrifice, would be expiated by the chandrayan vow only for purification and not by any other vow. 2. 

If a woman in her menstrual course is touched by a chandal or a corrupt person, she should undergo the chandrayan vow and should feed Brahmins to get purified. 3. 

A Brahmin who eats or drinks somebody’s leftover food, water or ghee, should observe the chandrayan vow to get purified. 4. 

If a Brahmin happens to drink water mixed with the water running down from the washer-man’s washing stone, he should observe chandrayan vow. 5.

A Brahmin, who eats food from such a damned Brahmin who does not perform five (daily) sacrifices though being a sacred fire keeper: then that Brahmin should perform chandrayan vow. 6. 

A person who eats food given by a courtesan or an actor, or a person distributing food to masses indiscriminately or a great sinner; should undergo Chandrayan vow. 7. 

If a Brahmin drinks milk mixed with salt or eats barley (saktus) with curds at night or eat food given by one who has done minor sins should perform Chandrayan vow. 8.

If a Brahmin eats food prepared for purificatory or funeral rites; or accepts food from very low caste person, or from one who is undergoing defilement (on account of death or birth), he should undergo rigorous, Tapta Krucchra vow. 9. 

If a Brahmin eats food given by a prostitute or eats while he is resting or lying on a bed, he should observe Prajapatya vow for his purification. 10. 

If men of three castes drink water from the well of a Chandal, unknowingly, they should fast for three days only on barley and cow’s urine. Thus, they will be purified. 11. 

If a Brahmin unknowingly eats some prohibited items like onion, garlic, etc. he should undergo a rigorous Tapta Krucchra vow. 12. 

If a Brahmin speaks arrogantly with his teacher or elders, he should ask for forgiveness and please them take a bath and observe fast for a day to get purified. 13.

If a Brahmin fastens somebody by the rope, beats him even by hay, or defeats him in argument, he should apologise and please the person, thereafter he is purified. 14. 

Men of three castes, who take meals without the sacred thread on, should keep fast in the following order; Brahmins – for three days, Kshatriyas - two days and Vaishyas - one day. 15. 

If a Brahmin cleans his teeth directly by his finger, eats salt directly and eats soil, he should observe a quarter of Krucchra vow. 16. 

O Brahmin! there are various kinds of sins like drinking prohibited drinks (like milk of camel, ass, etc); touching untouch- ables (heretic, mlencha), and having naked bath, and etc. 17. 

Taking into consideration the nature of sin whether it is major or minor, the learned Brahmins should be consulted, and one should do the expiation rite appropriate to his sin. 18. 

Kshatriya should observe expiation rite, one fourth less than a Brahmin, vaishyas should observe one fourth less than a Kshatriya and a shudra only one fourth. A celibate should observe double expiation advised to a common householder. 19. 

O Brahmin! The sages, who have renounced everything and are initiated in Vaishnava tradition, should observe expiation for major sins, same as the celibate. 20. 

A person should observe fast for a day, followed by celibacy in case of minor sins. 21.

In case of sins for which atonement is not specifically mentioned, carefully taking into account the place, time, age and ability, expiation should be advised. 22. 

The expiation rite should be always accompanied by uttering the name of Lord Vishnu, and then alone it gives results and thus it becomes faultless. 23. 

The sins cannot be eradicated completely without chanting Lord’s name. Hence, the expiation rite should always be accompanied by that. 24. 

One should chant Lord’s names like, Narayan, Hari, Krishna, Rama, Govind, Madhava and so on, in the beginning, middle and at the end, while performing the rite. 25. 

I shall now tell you the worst type of sins in brief. (1) To offend, to be jealous or to censure the Vaishnava men and women, (2) To abuse Lord Hari or Shiva and breaking their idols, (3) To disregard Shaligram or Jyotirlinga, (4) Refute the Vedas, (5) Intentionally abuse -Gods, Brahmins, cow or pilgrims places, (6) Treachery towards orphans and pious woman, etc. 26 - 28. 

If one willingly looks at or touches such sinners, the quarter of Krucchra vow should be observed. 29. 

O you best! The great sages have not mentioned any expiation rite for these sins, anywhere. The sinners should pacify the offended ones, and only by their grace they will be purified and not by any other means. 30 - 31. 

This expiation is said for the sins which are known to others. For the sins unknown to others, one should utter God’s name and donate according to his own ability, by himself. 32. 

If it is major sin, one should recite, Purusha-sukta from morning to mid hour, every day for one year and for minor sins should do half of it (six months). 33. 

Men of three castes should observe all the Yama and Niyamas, take bath and eat limited food, and chant ‘Jitante Pundarikaksha’ stotra which is known as ‘Mahapurush vidya’; or the Gayatri mantra every day. 34. 

Every day he should sit before the idol of Lord Vishnu and look at it steadily, and concentrate upon it, and chant the name of the Lord ‘Shrikrishnaya namah’ etc. devotedly, for five thousand times. 35. 

A wise man should evaluate the seriousness of his own sin, with balanced mind and execute the expiation at proper time. 36. 

Thus, I have told the expiation for sins, in brief. Details of various sins and their expiations are shown by Sages in other religious texts. 37. 

if one observes expiation rite here only for a particular sin, committed in this world, as a result he doesn’t need to face punishment in the other world i.e. abode of Yama. If a householder commits a sin and does not observe expiation, then a religious King, being a ruler, should compel him to do it. 38 - 39. 

the order of a king does not affect a celibate, forest-dwelling hermit, or a renunciate or a devotee of Hari. So, they should observe expiation for their sin on their own, out of fear of Yama. The expiations like death sentence or entering fire, which I have told you, are as prescribed by the ancient sages (suitable to old times). 40 - 41. 

O Brahmin! In such cases as death sentence, it should be understood in the sense of lifelong penance, instead. In the kali age, it is good for one, because the death sentence brings the sin of self killing. If for one who has committed the grave sin, has to face a calamity like harsh condemnation by the public, he should migrate and live (incognito), but should not give up his life. 42 - 43. 

There, he is supposed to live in a holy place, and keep himself away from ordinary sensual pleasures, sustain on grains got in alms, and worship Lord Hari day and night. Thus, he will be freed of all his sins. 44.

Thus ends the forty-sixth chapter entitled, ‘narration of atonement for miscellaneous and excessively grave sins in the code of atonements,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 46