Chapter 10 - Various births taken up by demons on Earth and their means to spread havoc

Various births taken up by demons on Earth and their means to spread havoc.

Evils caused by the demons, influence of Kali 

Suvrat said:- 

O king, in the meantime, there on the earth, took birth - thousands of lusty Asuras, demons, Rakshasas and Yakshas. 1. 

In the past, when there was a war between gods and demons, the gods, with the help of Vishnu, killed the demons, who maintained the enmity with Achyuta (Vishnu). 2. 

Those non-religious people decided to destroy the eternal religion, because they knew that it was very dear to the Lord. 3. 

They took birth on earth in between Kali and Dwapara age, some as human beings, some of them as birds and some as animals also. 4. 

They knew that Vedas, gods, sages, Brahmins and righteous are the followers of the Lord; so they frantically troubled them. 5. 

To kill them, knowing that they are burden to the earth, the Lord Badri Narayan took birth on the earth, in the family of Yadus, by name Krishna. 6. 

He himself killed many of those Asuras in strange ways; and annihi- lated some of them at the hands of Baladeva and Arjuna. 7. 

The demons who were annihilated by Himself or by others, whose minds were fixed on him and those who were seen by Him at the time of their death, obtained the desired salvation because the compassionate Lord took even their hatred as devotion. 8-9 

Among those enemies, who were not dead this way, and who were lusty about the sensual enjoyment and who were killed in the war, with illwishes were again born in this Kali age, knowing that the Lord has taken birth to Dharma due to the curse of Durvasa. 10-12 

O king, all those demons were born in hundreds and thousands as humans as they wanted to torture the sages and Dharma with his wife to continue their enmity with Krishna. 13. 

Some of the demons and Danavas were born in royal families. Yakshas and Rakshasas, knowing the secrets of Brahmins, took birth in Brahmin families. 14. 

To hide their own demonic nature, they took initiation in the sects like, Vaishnava, Shiva and Shakta; and became the teachers of men. 15. 

All of them, due to the enmity with Krishna, trampled time and again the religious traditions and devotional activities which were very dear to Him. 16. 

To destroy the sacrifice performed by the son of king Vena (Pruthu), Indra - the holder of the Vajra, accepting the form of an ascetic, left it, likewise the demons in disguise of teachers first accepted and then left the traditional ritualistic deeds. 17. 

In the same way, three types of female demonises came out of the mouth of the demon Bala, and began to tell in various ways, the merits of eating flesh-eatables that are offered to god. 18. 

The fraudulent demons, lured people in three ways in the form of heretic dresses, attractive women etc. and made them fail from their pious duties and devotion to the Lord Shri Hari. 19. 

They were addicted to eating flesh, uniting with other’s wives, enjoying wealth, liquor and tasty foods. Due to the influence of Kali (age), they used to charm the people with the use of Mantras and mystical diagrams. 20. 

They behaved in such a way that people began to believe and respect them as righteous persons and provided them with maid- servants, wealth and food etc., 21. 

They preached the principles of philosophy, devotion and one’s own religious duties, by distorting scriptural-declarations in their favour to fulfill their selfish-motives. 22. 

They told that all the Vedas prescribe animal sacrifices, and in the name of sacrifices, they slaughtered many birds and animals. 23. 

According to their own different likings, they twisted the meanings of Vedic hymns and other Smriti texts by distorting the original meaning there in. 24. 

They emphasised the drinking of liquor as the principal means to realise the Supreme Brahman, rather than renunciation. 25. 

They, think that liquor, flesh and sexual enjoyment is the main instrument (way) to see (get Dharshan of) and to please the deities Vishnu, Shiva and Kali. 26. 

They thought that offerings of flesh to the deities and manes, in rituals, would appease them. They often offered meat even to the virtuous gods. 27. 

For the fulfilment of their selfish motives, they committed great sins like having union with other women (not their wife) even in temples of their favourite deities. 28. 

Usually they stayed in sacred places, temples or in the cities; some of them wearing ascetic dresses and some of them having weapons. 29. 

Wherever they had the strength of their followers they openly committed crime, elsewhere they secretly carried their terrible acts. 30. 

They wrote new books to promote their own thoughts, and also changed the original meanings of the Vedic hymns accordingly. 31. 

Accepting them as preachers, the rulers being Asuras originally, with their commands broke the religious order. 32. 

The subjects of those kings were not afraid of committing irreligious acts, as is often said ‘As is the king, so are his subjects.’ 33. 

The Vedic tradition of sacrificial rituals - was completely uprooted. Hence, Brahma and other gods became weak. 34. 

Those crooks empowered by Kali began to behave in such a dishonourable manner that the earth trembled frequently. 35. 

The Earth was not able to bear the burden of those evil ones. Hence the piety, holy fords, gods and virtuous people were afflicted. 36. 

There occurred frequent famines, strokes of lightning on this earth, and huge trees were uprooted owing to storms. 37. 

O King! in this way when irreligious practices prevailed among people along with inauspicious signs, Dharma with his wife, the sages and Uddhava, took birth as humans. 38. 

Thus ends the tenth chapter entitled ‘Description of the evils caused by demons’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 10