Chapter 15 - Shri Ramanand Swami suffers tremendous miseries due to curse of Durvasa Muni

* Shri Ramanand Swami suffers tremendous miseries due to curse of Durvasa Muni. * Shri Ramanand Swami comes to Vrindavan where he has divine darshan of Lord Shree Krishna and realises himself to be Uddhavji. * Establishment of Uddhav Sampradaya. * Special characteristics of Uddhav Sampradaya.

During pilgrimage Ramanand swami receives initiation from the Lord; beginning of his new sect. 

Suvrat said:- 

Looking at his magnanimity, other Vaishnavas could not bear it as they were envious, vain, and lustful. 1. 

In the manner as insult would accrue among the people, they re- sorted to cause false charges on him. 2. 

Having seen his excessive splendour undiminished, they proceeded to put forth Shastric arguments, where they were also defeated. 3. 

Then being excessively enraged, they took to beating and abusing him; but he withstood it considering like the poor man of Avanti (to take a low note). 4. 

Some naked men, some with matted hair, holding iron rods in their hands, wiped out vertical mark on his forehead, and cut his Tulsi garland. 5. 

They broke down even Vasudeva’s throne in wrath, and some rude fellows carried away the idol of his daily worship. 6. 

Shri Ramanand Swami comes to Vrindavan where he has divine darshan of Lord Shree Krishna and realises himself to be Uddhavji. 

O King ! Thus considering the disturbance created by wicked people for no reason, as his own share of fate due to his past deeds, he continued to roam on the earth not disclosing his identity. 7. 

Outwardly leaving the path of Ramanujacharya as besotted with troubles, he went to Vrindavan, constantly thinking about Lord Narayan. 8. 

Every day he used to bathe in the Yamuna River, accomplish his daily routine, and have Darshana of Shri Krishna in all the temples. 9. 

O king! He used to listen to the holy Bhagavata Purana as explained by various devout Brahmins in the afternoon. 10. 

Thus residing there without disclosure of his identity that good-hearted sage developed devotion to Krishna and kept meditating on Him daily. 11. 

The Lord was pleased with him and revealed Himself to him during a trance, in the form of the consort of Radha, the heroine of Rasa dance playing in Vrindavan. 12. 

Repeating the name of Shri Krishna in his mind with concentration, he suddenly saw once the eternal divine flame flashing before him. 13. 

He saw there, two armed Krishna along with Radha, playing flute, enchanting, and looking beautiful with blue lustre. 14. 

Like a great actor, adorned with a number of ornaments, wearing a diadem and Vaijayanti garland around His neck. 15. 

Having seen Him, he experienced highest bliss, and then he was blessed with two Mantras by the Lord and felt accomplished with the attainment of the Supreme Lord. 16. 

Whenever he contemplated on Him, he saw Him, and also had Darshana during his worship, in the flash of Arati. 17. 

He used to offer articles of worship in actual presence of the Lord every day with love and in doing so, he got satisfaction. 18. 

Establishment of Uddhav Sampradaya. 

That great Brahmin, getting rid of his mental worries, enjoyed the pleasure of direct vision of Krishna. By His will, he knew himself to be devout Uddhava. 19.

He came to know the disturbance from wicked people as brought on by curse of sage Durvasa, and with renewed devotion he served Lord Shri Krishna, his favourite deity. 20. 

Then remembering that Krishna had established Himself on the earth for the benefit of all living beings, and of himself, he continued to live as before. 21. 

O King, Taking clue of the Lord’s advice and considering the spirit of scriptural lore, he promulgated his own new sect, fearlessly. 22. 

Special characteristics of Uddhav Sampradaya. 

He stated his conclusions about individual soul, the Lord, and His power (Maya) as mostly told in works of Sri Ramanujacharya. 23. 

This is the significance of the path of Uddhava that: one should be firm in devotion to the Lord of Radha along with observance of religious code according to one’s social class (Varna) and the stage of his life (Asrama). 24. 

He resided for one month happily in that place where it was revealed to him that he was Uddhava in previous birth. And he advised those who surrendered to him and who were desirous of liberation. 25. 

The pilgrim, the best of Brahmins, leads those who were desirous of liberation, towards the path of the devotion to Shri Krishna following the righteous way. Moving from place to place he reached the best of holy places Prayag, and O king, know that one named Dharma began to serve him, there. 26. 

Thus ends the fifteenth chapter entitled ‘Ascertainment of the beginning of Uddhava Sect’ in the first prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 15