Chapter 32 - Beginning of Shree Harigita. Refuge of God as the means of ultimate liberation

* Beginning of Shree Harigita. Refuge of God as the means of ultimate liberation. * Methods and fruits of taking shelter of the Lord. * Characteristics of noble persons whose shelter should be sought.

Shri Hari Gita’s Five Chapters 

Shri Hari Gita: 1. Means to attain devotion. 

Suvrat said:- 

O King! The all virtuous and affectionate mother asked her son Shri Hari, an incarnate of Narayan. 1. 

Premavati Said:- 

’Salutations to you O God Shri Hari! Who takes away miseries, O sage Narayan! Who is the reliever for the seekers of liberation.’ 2. 

O Shri Hari ! Please guide me the way by which, there will be the final end of the ignorance known as illusion and the root of the cycle of birth and death. 3. 

O Noble one! I have come completely surrendered unto you, leaving those natural temporary pleasures; hence tell this seeker of salvation the beneficial means. 4. 

I know that you are the sage Narayan himself; having incarnated here on the earth for the benefit of the living beings. 5. 

As the darkness is dispelled instantly at the sight of the sun, take away my ignorance, you who hide the divine nature in the self - created illusion, I pray you O Lord ! 6. 

Suvrat said:-

Thus having been enquired by his loving mother, Shri Hari of pure and perfect knowledge, himself pleased at her, began to tell the guidelines of spirituality to the seeker of liberation. 7. 

Shri Shri Hari said:- 

Listen to me, O Mother ! I tell things that are good for you, in conformity with sacred guidelines. As you are the seeker of liberation and a detached one, I explain what has been concluded by the learned Vedic scholars. 8. 

Lord Shri Krishna is himself Lord Vishnu, the Supreme-Being and so he must be worshipped wholeheartedly by those who wish to be liberated. 9. 

By His illusion, the people being confused are entangled in the cycle of birth and death. Hence only those, who take his shelter, can cross that. 10. 

First knowing His greatness through the intimate company of the virtuous people, He should be worshipped with devotion consisting knowledge, doing one’s religious duties, and detachment toward worldly things. 11. 

O great one! Devotion, together with three proper complementaries, like knowledge, doing one’s own religious duties, and detachment, will not be destroyed by any obstacle anywhere. 12. 

Due to adverse situations of time and place this devotion, if given up without any of its complementaries, will be disrupted certainly. 13. 

There is no other way to come out of the cause and effects of the great illusion, than perfect devotion, for men. 14. 

When the illusion is destroyed, the worshipper of Lord Krishna becomes pure and attains the highest stage which is called ‘Brahma’ (salvation) by the sacred books of religion. 15. 

In that abode which is free from death, illusion and fear, he attains the desired bliss that is eternal and imperishable. 16. 

Suvrat said:- 

Mother, having heard her son’s words based on precepts from Pancaratra agama, Purana and the Vedas, she again said to him. 17. 

Premavati said:- 

O Knower of all the principles and meanings of scriptures! From you, this conclusion has come, which suggests that devotion to Krishna together with its components will remove the web of illusion. 18.

O You of great intellect! I wish to know all the precepts of philosophy, moreover myself being a woman, please tell me as I can understand it. 19. 

Please tell me the greatness of Shri Hari, and the devotion to be followed with its components like one’s own religious duties and others, and the signs of noble people as well. 20. 

O! All knowing Krishna as you are explain me individually the characteristics of religion and others. 21. 

Suvrat said:- 

Thus having asked by desirous mother, the ancient sage Shri Hari, honouring her told about noble religion and others. 22. 

A company with noble saints. 

Shri Shri Hari said:- 

O mother, you have rightly asked the question, beneficial to all and which leads to the final bliss of the self, and to be known by the wise, even. 23. 

O sati, first I will explain you the characteristics of noble men, who should be adored and served by the persons wishing salvation because, the company of such people is the cause or source of the devotion with its components. 24. 

They are compassionate, forgiving, well wishers of living beings, forbearing, un-envious, composed, without rivalry, jealousy or hatred, without pride and hostility, respecting deservedly, truth and sweet-speaking. 25-26. 

Conquering the inner enemies like lust, anger and greed, and without pride, ego, and self-interest, they are engaged devotedly in one’s own religious duties, without hypocrisy, pure, subdued, upright, modestly speaking, with controlled senses, not intoxicated, unwavering and courageous. 27-28. 

Their minds are free from emotional fluctuations; they do not accept things from others, masters in imparting knowledge, dedicated to the Self, doing good to all. 29. 

Fearless, without expectations, not addicted to bad habits like gambling etc. believing in god, generous, observing austerities and sinless. 30. 

Avoiding awkward conversations, digging in studies of sacred scriptures, disinterested in sensual objects, keeping trust in god and discriminating. 31. 

They never touch meat or wine; they adhere firmly to their vows, void of brutality and theft, not disclosing secrets of others. 32. 

With controlled sleep and intake of food, contented, of settled intellect, non-violent, desireless, they are indifferent to pleasure and pain. 33. 

Sin-fearing, avoiding self-praise and censuring others, with restriction and demands, observing celibacy accordingly. 34. 

Stable in physical posture, with controlled breath, taking shelter at the feet of Shri Krishna, immersed in devotion to Him and doing all their activities in His name. 35. 

Days together they spend listening and singing the stories of Lord Krishna and his incarnations and meditating on Lord Krishna. 36. 

Even a moment they do not stay away from devotional activities; O sinless one, know that persons enriched with such marks, to be the saints. 37. 

The knowledge of Krishna’s nobility comes through the company of such saintly people and then follows the great devotion of Shri Krishna with its supporting components, for the seekers of liberation. 38. 

From them you could hear the life and deeds of incarnations of Krishna and His miraculous deeds. 39.  

From them only you could know about the infinite magnificence of the Lord’s abodes like Vaikuntha, Goloka and Akshardham, and also the nobility of the Shvetadvipa, placed in Kshirasagara, pervaded by radiance of the Brahman. 40-41.

From them you know the glory and importance of holy places like Vrindavan, Dwarka and Visala (Badrikashram) with Pulahashrama being prominent of them, on this earth; and also they will enlighten you about the fame of the holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna and others, in this sacred land of Bharata. 42-43. 

Those who listen to the words of the devoted sages, can realize the extra-ordinary greatness of entities related to Shri Krishna. By the sages are rightly narrated and sung the glories of Shri Krishna and by listening to them, devotion to Krishna along with its components like observance of one’s religious duties, is attained. 44-45. 

They destroy completely the stream of sins of countless past births instantly, if and when they are seen, touched, saluted, served, or given food or worshipped. They are praised by Krishna as the nearest to his heart, and at whose feet all the auspicious aspects are present, and what is impossible to attain for the seekers of liberation, who are in the company of saintly people. 46. 

Thus ends the thirty-second chapter entitled ‘Narration of the signs of the noble saints in the Shri Hari Gita’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 32