Chapter 34 - Portrayal of Gyan

* Portrayal of Gyan (knowledge) which is part and parcel of Bhakti. * Knowledge of the Soul and God. * Evolution of the universe or Virat Purush. * Supreme Almighty Lord as all- controller.

The nature of individual self and the supreme self.

Shri Hari said:- 

‘O, mother, the characteristic of knowledge is to know the thing as it is by (the reliable) evidence. That knowledge is twofold - knowledge of the self and that of the nature of Brahman (Parmatma). 1 - 2

Knowledge of the Soul and God. 

The Self is known as Jiva who resides and pervades the body. He enables the external and internal organs and their deities to function accordingly. 3. 

The self is independent and distinct though it seems identical with the body in the states of awakening and others as well as gross and others. 4. 

As an iron ball is heated and pervaded by fire becomes red-hot and is said to be a fire-ball, but actually the fire and iron are different, likewise the self is different from the body. 5. 

He is ever unchangeable in an ageing body, when and though the body perishes, the self never perishes. 6. 

It is minute, incomprehensible and imperishable and it is of the form of pure consciousness and existence. Thus knowing about the self is the knowledge of self and is called atmaJnana. 7. 

Now I tell you the nature of highest self-i.e. Brahman. Sri Krishna is the all knower of the universe, and described as the supreme Brahman. 8. 

He is full of extraordinary qualities (Aprakruta Gunah) and free from worldly attributes (Nirgunah). He is Narayana, Vasudeva, who is the God of Gods. 9.

The highest - self, though attached with individual self (Karta) which has the qualities like will, happiness, knowledge, and also dwelling place, and elementary substances; remains unbound, free from all these. 10. 

The highest - self is self-willed, self-illuminating, the original cause of all causes worthy of worship by even the ones who have realized oneself. He is shining like millions and millions of suns: 11. 

Numerous universes with their eight-fold spheres, including Pradhan, are seemingly situated in the form of atoms in the imperishable abode (Akshardham) of the supreme Brahman. 12. 

Shri Hari, having divine form is the imperishable - Self, acknowledged in the Vedas, and who is beyond the individual selves and yet residing in them, the indestructible one. 13. 

The Lord is the only one and unique Brahman whose faculties are the time (Kaal), the cosmic Illusion (Maya), the living beings and the principles as Mahattava etc. 14. 

He, who takes incarnations for the good of people, is known as Supreme being (Purusottama) with countless divine qualities. 15. 

Description of the creation.

This eternal being Purusa observes the original Prakriti (Mula Prakriti) which is his own power, wishing to create the innumerable universes. Then the Prakriti bears the foetus on indication of the glance of Purusa (Akshar Purusa). 16. 

Then she i.e.Prakriti gives birth to (creates) the millions and millions of original principles with Purusas the jivas. In this way by the Lord’s glance the creation of the principles takes place which is the cause of the world. 17. 

In this way numerous universes are created by the wish of the Lord Shri Hari. Now I tell you the creation of one of the world accordingly. 18. 

There are many causes behind this creation. It is impossible to explain in detail even one of them. Hence, O mother, I will describe you the creation in brief. 19. 

By Pradhana Purusa’s glance, Prakriti which is the Pradhan Prakriti, discards her three fold attributes and gives birth to the principle ‘Mahattava’ which is the sprout - form of this universe. 20. 

Oh the virtuous one, by the wish of Lord Vasudeva, from that ‘Mahattava’ covered by Pradhan Purusa and Pradhan Prakriti gives rise to three fold ‘Ego’ (Ahankar). 21. 

The ‘Ego’ is three fold as Sattvika, Rajasa and Tamasa. Thus, ego is wrapped by ‘Mahattava’ and ‘Mahattava’ is again wrapped by ‘Pradhana’. 22. 

By the wish of Lord Vasudeva and from Tamasa ego, sound (shabd) is produced, from which ‘space’(akash) is created wherein sound wraps itself around it. 23. 

From space (Akash), the sense of touch (Sparsha) is originated, from which Air (Vayu) comes into existence which is too wrapped around by its cause. 24. 

From Air (Vayu) covered by space, sight (Roop) becomes in existence, from that fire (Tejas) will be inborn in form (Roop) which is thereby covered by Vayu. 25.

Tejas (fire) gives rise to taste (Rasa) which again is the cause of water (Jal) and becomes inherent in it. 26. 

From water (Jal) comes smell (Gandh) which creates the earth (Prithvi) and becomes its inherent quality. Thus the earth covered by water gets the term ‘Visesa’. 27. 

Space (Akaash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Tejas), Water (Jal) and Earth (Prithvi) are termed as five Mahabhutas (primary elements) and sound (shabd), touch (sparsh), sight (roop), taste (Rasa) and smell (gandh) are their underlying qualities (Tanmatra) respectively. 28. 

O, Mother from Rajasa ego born are five organs of senses and five organs of actions (Jnana and Karmendriyas) and vital breath (prana) and intellect (buddhi). 29. 

Five organs of senses are ears (shrotra), skin (tvak), eyes (chakshu), tongue (rasana) and the nose (ghraan), and five organs of actions are speech (vaak), two-arms (paani), two legs (paad), organ of generation (upasth) and anus (paayu). 30. 

From Satvika ego the inner, outer organs with their residing deities and the mind as well are created. 31. 

The deities of inner and outer organs are; direction (disha) is the deity of ear, Wind (vayudev) of skin. Sun (suryadev) of eyes. Pracheta (Varundev) of tongue, Ashwini twosome twins is the deity of nose, fire (agnidev) is of speech. Indradev is the deity of hands. Upendra (Vishnu) is the deity of legs. Mitradev is the deity of anus and Prajapati is the deity of the organ of generation. Moon (chandradev) is the deity of mind, Brahma is the deity of intelligence, Vasudeva is the deity of heart, and Rudra is the deity of ego. 32. 

By Lord’s will, all these principles in the form of deities along with the 24 tattvas come together to produce universal body, with their partial inheritence. 33. 

He is called the Virat Purusa who is the Supreme Being residing in the individual self. The soul of Vairaj Purusa that resides within the Virat body is called Isvarsangnik. He is said ‘Narayan’ who rests on the Gharbhod water called ‘Nar’ which is produced from his body. 34. 

From his lotus-navel is born Brahma, the original Rajas principle. Through Brahma - Lord Shri Krishna (Narayan) creates all the beings. 35. 

He creates Prajapatis, Manus, Gods, Sages, ancestors individually (pitrughan), the Gandharva, Charana, Siddhas, yakshas, Vidyadhars and the demons. 36.

Kim Purusas, Apsaras (celestial nymphs) Kinnaras, Serpents, Matruganas e.g. Brahm, Super - natural spirits (Pishacas), demons, goblins, and dead spirits, haughty imps and super natural elements that influence negatively the infants and others, and cattles and beasts, birds,trees, mountains, reptiles, conscious and unconscious entities and living beings those that live, on earth or in water or in space. 37- 39. 

Among beings some are pure-beings (sattvik) and some are mixedbeings dominated by Sattva and Tama qualities, and some with only Rajas or Tamas quality or with both qualities, and some are beyond qualities, hence they are Nirgunah (free from the attributes of maya). 40. 

Following the quality and attributes possessed, they, the living beings commit good deeds or bad deeds or combining these two people, who are free from all the qualities, involve in devotion to Shri Krishna. 41. 

O Mother! Thus Shri Krishna, creates beings through Brahma, preserves the universe through Vishnu and also destructs through Shiva. 42. 

Entering in all living beings as the Akshar Purusha and being identical with them, Shri Krishna rewards them the fruit in accordance with their acts. 43. 

Lord Shri Hari is the only supreme controller like a chief emperor who controls everything and in every way - the imperishable Purush (Akshar), Prakriti (primordial nature) and Pradhan - Purush, with principles Mahattavas and others, the time and the moving planets from in and out, and the micro and macrocosms and universal bodies, its living beings and the rulers, including gods Brahma and others. 44- 46. 

Those who are appointed by Him to rule this world thus must be attentive towards Him, abide by his dictates in fear. 47. 

O Mother! Thus all the entities are obedient to Him, Shri Krishna is the only ever-independent or self-willed, hence he is worthy of worship to each and every entity of the universe. 48. 

Thus the knowledge of the nature of the Highest- self is described. One can gain this knowledge from a good teacher (ekantik saint). For him, there remains nothing to be known. 49. 

Thus, one who knows well, his own self and its association with the Lord, in the company of true saints, and keeping himself devoted to Shri Vasudeva, breaks free from the earthly bondage, is known to be liberated and becomes a liberated (mukta). 50. 

Thus ends the thirty-fourth chapter entitled ‘Description of the Nature of Knowledge’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 34