Chapter 36 - Portrayal of the basic 9 types of Bhakti and the tenth known as Premlakshana Bhakti

* Portrayal of the basic 9 types of Bhakti and the tenth known as Premlakshana Bhakti. * Best, midiocre and lower types of Bhakti. * Behaviour of ideal devotee in contrast to mundane ways. * Resolution of Bhaktimata after listening to Harigita.

Shri Hari elaborates nine features of devotion to his mother.

The word ‘Bhakti’ is derived from the root ‘Bhaj’ to serve, to adore; and the suffix ‘Ktin attached to it, is in the sense of ‘pure love’. Thus to serve the Lord with pure extreme love, to live in god, is the meaning of the word ‘Bhakti’ i.e. devotion, told by the wise. 1. 

As a loyal, virtuous wife serves her husband devotedly likewise a spiritual aspirant (mumukshu) should serve and worship the Lord Shri Hari (with nine ways, as follows). 2. 

Listening to and singing the glories of the Lord Vishnu, remembering him, seeking shelter of his sacred feet, worshipping, humbly saluting, servitude (to consider oneself to be a servant), to have friendly affection for him, surrendering oneself unto him completely, these are the nine characteristics of Devotion. A person practicing even one of these fully attains bliss and salvation, as well. 3 - 4. 

Shravana devotion 

O the virtuous one, (the first, Shravana is) listening to the stories of Shri Krishna’s life and deeds, narrated by his devotees is must always. 5. 

A spiritual seeker should listen to the holy life stories of Shri Krishna and his incarnations like Varaha and others, respectfully. So also the stories of devotees of Shri Krishna, like Prahlada, Dhruva, Priyavrata, and Ambarisha etc. 6 - 7. 

Kirtan Bhakti 

We should sing and chant life stories and divine names of Sri Krishna, the beloved of Radha, and of the devout saints; and also partake in such conversations and discourses, always, with reverence. 8. 

Reading for oneself, and for others, and daily reciting of the books related to Krishna and his devotees, should be done by one desirous of his own welfare. 9. 

Singing of poetry composed in different languages and writing style passages in Sanskrit about the lord of the Vraja (Shri Krishna) or Prakrit (local language) should be done, lovingly and delightfully. 10. 

If one is skilled in playing musical instrument like flute, (Veena) he should sing accompanied by it or clapping or even without it, with great love, the eulogies of the Lord in occasions. 11.

O mother one should sing Lord’s praise, prayer, and chanting of his names, composed in Verses, in attractive, enchanting style (this is Kirtanam bhakti). 12. 

Smaran Bhakti 

In his Lotus-heart, one should meditate upon the full form of the Lord, concentrating on each limb, from feet up to His smiling face. 13. 

Meaningful remembrance of the divine names, virtues and His deeds, and words, should be done, and also of the abodes of that Lord of the world, like Goloka and Vaikuntha; and his devout attendants and associates, there (this is Smaranam bhakti). 14. 

If and when the lord is actually present one should serve his lotus feet (charnarvind), gently, or of the idol or one should do it mentally. 15. 

Pad-sevanam Bhakti 

By serving whose feet, were the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Isha (Shiva) of creation, sustenance and destruction, are empowered and by the touch of whose feet the river Ganges, flowing in three worlds, purifies the whole creation ; 16.

Taking refuge of whose feet, the fear of illusion and death disappears completely, and whose feet are served by goddesses like Radha, Lakshmi and other bhaktas such as Uddhav etc; who will not serve those sacred feet of the Lord? 17. 

By serving whose feet, the Gopis - cowherd women were highly honoured and reputed even more than lotus-seated Brahma, and whose (Gopi’s) praise was sung by great poet Veda Vyasa and others; those feet of that moon ofVrindavan, playing a role of a human, should be served by those who wish to be freed from the chain of birth and death; for them, there is no other way (this is Pad-sevanam bhakti). 18. 

Archana Bhakti 

O Mother, worship of Krishna is said to be two fold by the great saints, the foremost bhaktas like Narada etc. Inner-or mental (abhyantar or mansi) and outward (bahya), according to the ritual and to one’s own abilities. 19. 

Based on one’s own knowledge gained from the scriptures, contem- plating in heart, on Krishna’s mental image and offering ceremonial worship to Him with various rich substances, is said to be the first type of worship, by the wise. 20. 

Secondly, outward or visible worship is performed with substances (like flowers etc) collected according to the season etc. and with Vedic or other chanting according to one’s own class. 21. 

First performing the mental worship (mansi), one should do the external or actual worship. When an idol is movable (chal pratima), one should call upon the Lord Krishna, and then worship should proceed. 22. 

Without a touch or smell even, of meat or wine, with pure and selected material, unoffered to other deities, worship of Krishna should be performed. 23. 

Bathing the idol, clothes and ornaments should be offered and put on, accordingly. 24. 

Saffron-mixed sandal paste should be applied tenderly and lovingly, and the worshipper should put on the Tilak-mark on Lord’s forehead. Then a round chandlo of kumkum should be applied in the centre of it. 25. 

Offering garlands of fragrant flowers, ear-ornaments and auspicious crown, and also purifying incense and having lighted the lamps, presenting eatables according to the season and to one’s ability, waving of lamps with chanting, and singing with sounds of instruments ; Circumambulating (pradikshana), praising, singing prayers and paying obeisance-every day performing all these rituals thus is worship or ‘Archana Bhakti’, as told by the religious texts. 26 - 28.

Worship of Krishna this way, five times a day, in the morning, evening, mid-day, afternoon and at dusk, is said to be the best (uttam poojan). Worshipping three times a day - in the morning, mid-day and in the evening, is the middle way (madhyam poojan), and at one time a day (in the morning or mid-day) is considered to be of the lower category (kanishta poojan), which is mostly performed by the weak. 29 - 30. 

On the birth days of Lord Krishna and others, and on Ekadashi, elaborate worship and celebrations should be arranged, along with vocal and instrumental music, keeping fast and remaining awake till late night should be observed on these occasions ; and on the next day (Parana) a feast should be arranged for Brahmins and saints and others. 31 - 32.

A rich, wealthy devotee should plan and put up strong and (well built) beautiful temples, and with grand celebrations install idol of Lord Krishna therein. 33. 

For the maintenance of the temple and for the daily and occasional worship to be continued without any interruption, rich devotees should generously donate land, townships, farms, money etc., and also wells and tanks, pools, and gardens in the name of Krishna. He should also arrange sacrifices pertaining to Vishnu without killing of animals (ahimsa yajna). 34 -35 

Observance of vows like chanting Krishna Mantra, according to the special ritual - ‘Purashacharana’ along with the recitation of the texts on life of Lord Krishna, by learned Vaishnava Brahmins, should be arranged. 36. 

After adoration of Krishna, the residues like sandal-paste flowers etc. should be offered to other deities and manes, eatable offered to Krishna should be distributed to Brahmins and sages. 37. 

O pious lady! Now I tell you about ‘Vandana’ 

(Namaskar) paying obeisance, Men should prostrate fully-with their eight limbs (feet, hands, knees, chest, head, eyes, and by mind and speech touching the floor. Women should salute with five limbs (hands, eyes, head, mind and speech). 38. 

Like devout Akrura, a devotee should put the holy dust of Krishna’s feet on his head and should be immersed in it. 39. 

Dasya Bhakti. 

‘Dasya’ i.e. servitude is leaving aside or abandoning one’s own personal dignity, egotism, serving lord Krishna, according to the occasion, like - collecting flowers, Tulsi, bringing water, rubbing sandal-wood, preparing pure and good food, by himself. 40 - 41. 

He should fan Krishna by Tala-leaf etc. according to the season; and should clean, sprinkle water in the premises of the temple and also sweep the floor, as it necessitates. 42. 

He should serve the devotees giving them food, water, fruits etc. as these are available, and should (humbly) salute them, without pride. 43. 

O honourable mother, one should nurse friendly and with intimacy for Krishna, like Arjuna and Draupadi. He should have attachment and love for Lord Krishna more than his own body, his wife, children and others. 44. 

O the virtuous, one should never find fault in Lord’s deeds, performing the human role. One should have firm faith in Him. 45. 

Atma-Nivedana Bhakti. 

O Mother, now listen to the ninth feature of devotion - Atma-Nivedana’ - absolute, surrender. One should live all in all for Krishna only. 46. 

Never a devotee should act influenced by his own bodily or mental impulses, or by his parents or wife and children, or relative’s wishes. He should behave depending on Krishna, in every respect, and all his activities aiming at Krishna only (as Krishna being his master). Those elements in one’s own nature, causing disturbance to devotional activities, should be abandoned, including the near relatives also. 47- 48. 

By his eyes, he should see Krishna and Krishna only, by ears, listen to His stories, have touch of His feet only, use tongue to utter His glories and to taste food offered to and blessed by Him, nose should smell sandal, flowers remainder of his worship ; respectfully. 49 -50. 

He should use his hands to serve Him; head to bow before, feet for going to the temple near Him and to circumambulate (do pradikshana). By mind, he should entertain ideas and thoughts about Krishna only; and keep reflecting on Krishna by conscience. 51 - 52. 

One should always be conscious and feel proud that ‘I am a servant of god’ and whatever he may be doing (for his livelihood) like farming, commerce or business, should do it in the name of Krishna only. 53. 

Whatever agreeable or likeable to one self ; should be offered to Krishna first like sandal-paste, flowers or clothes etc. and then should be accepted for personal use as His blessings. 54. 

O sinless, nothing, even a leaf or water, unoffered to Krishna, should be taken by a devotee. 55. 

Penance, sacrifices, observing vows, giving-gifts, serving Vaishnava devotees all these should be done for pleasing Krishna only. (not with any other intention). 56. 

The devotees worshipping Krishna with ‘these nine featured devotion - beginning with-‘Shravana’-listening to everything about Krishna are known in two ways; - sakaam devotee and niskaam devotee. 57. 

Some of them, desirous of having wealth or sensual happiness, virtue, or salvation do adore Krishna in every way, and by His grace they attain their desired goal. After death, they attain the abode of Krishna - Goloka etc. and enjoy their desired pleasures endlessly (sakaam bhakti). 58 -59. 

Secondly, those completely detached, disinterested devotees never desire for even four kinds of salvation: Saalokya (to live in God’s abode with Him), Saamipya (to live together with God), Saarupya (to attain similar beauty as God) and Saarshti (to possess the same power as God) or eight sorts of yogic accomplishments, at all. Except lord’s loving service, they cannot tolerate a thought of having wealth or any accomplishments even offered by the Lord Himself, as those might cause distraction and disturbance in their devotional life. 60 - 61. 

Signs of an intent devotee. 

O Mother, this way serving the lord devotedly, an unmotivated lover of the lord is known to be the best, the perfect devotee. Actually he is the heart of the lord himself. 62. 

Thus serving the lord day by day, his devotion increases, intensifies and it is not obliterated by any obstacle. Like the flow of Ganges, breaking the barriers of stony mountains heedlessly, runs towards the ocean. Likewise love of such a passionate (ekantik) devotee, neglecting and overcoming obstructions and limitations of time and place, attains to Krishna only. 63 - 65. 

Natural tendencies of his inner and outer sense-organs are turned and tuned to Krishna only; which are prone to sensual objects, in case of others. 66. 

To nothing in this world he is attracted or attached except Krishna in person, as he is full of and overflowing with love for Him. 67. 

There are two types of things in this world, pleasant and unpleasant. Objects pleasant bring happiness those unpleasant ones cause unhappiness. Whatever is pleasant to others causes displeasure to a devotee. Those unpleasant things (like dust etc.) can be agreeable to a true lover of Krishna, if those are linked or associated with Krishna ; but all those otherwise enjoyable objects will certainly cause displeasure, to him. 68 - 69. 

To that intent lover of Krishna, things not associated with Him, like sandal-paste is as though poison-paste, garlands of fragrant flowers, like a snake on the body, ornaments like blemish, soft and beautiful flower-bed like burning fire-pit, and the moon like a hot scorching sun ; New lovely mansion like fearful forest, cool and sweet-smelling breeze like flames of burning forest fire; a fine soft garment is burdensome ; relatives are like jackals, his own physical beauty is like leprosy ; tasty meals like poison, melodious notes of music like sharp arrows ; and a charming woman with likeness to heavenly nymph (apsara), like a female demon! 70 -74. 

From these indications, one can guess intimacy of the renowned devotee, to Krishna. Only Krishna is vibrating within and out to him. 75. 

That devotee, thoroughly possessed by Krishna sometimes looking at the Lord delightfully, suddenly his face gleams with laughter, sometimes seeing Him going away, he cries with the thought of separation. 76. 

At times, in bliss he dances or speaks with Him, at other times he prostrates before Him or stands still or prays to Him humbly, saying ‘O Shri Hari, forgive me of my foolishness, have mercy on me’ or overflowing with love he sings loudly in high pitch, confidently. 77 - 78. 

Loudly he recites the divine names of that protector of the virtuous, like-’O Shri Hari, O Narayan, O Master, Krishna, Govinda, Madhava’, and others. 79. 

That devotee of the lord, thus indicated variously, purifies and refines the entire earth, with the dust of his feet. 80. 

O Mother, certainly, controlling of mind and breath, in the case of ardent passionate (ekantik) devotee who has fixed his mind in the spiritual form of Shri Hari, is accomplished effortlessly (without yogic practises). 81. 

At the end of the destined period of life, leaving the mortal body, a devotee, man or woman, breaking the attributes of Maya, the cosmic illusion, including three Gunas, attains the desireless state. 82. 

Obtaining the supreme divine form (Brahmrup i.e. Akshar Mukta), by the grace of Krishna, mounting on the celestial air-car he attains the abode of his favourite deity. 83. 

That best of the devotees stays in Goloka or Akshardham or Vaikuntha, serving the Lord eternally, respected by all. 84. 

O Mother, there he enjoys the imperishable, celestial happiness unendingly, forever. 85. 

An epilogue of Shri Harigita. 

Thus I have fully explained you the principles of spiritual knowledge (adhyatma- knowledge of Bhagvan and soul). To my mind, this much is adequate for the ultimate redemption of the souls. 86. 

Thus I have explicitly communicated you the gist and the secret of the Vedas, the Pancharatra, Sankhya, Yoga, along with the religious texts. 87. 

Hence, for your supreme good, bear it firmly in mind; so that freed from all pain, you will attain the highest happiness. 88. 

Whoever will listen to, or read this supreme secret, will attain the desired bliss and devotion in Krishna. 89. 

Suvrat said:- 

Hearing this saga of devotion from her son that virtuous lady was pleased and fully satisfied. She Premavati or Bhakti said to her son: 90. 

O Shri Hari, you have told all about nine-featured devotion to Krishna, coupled with self-duties, knowledge and detachment. It is for the welfare of the people. 91. 

From your speech, I clearly understand and recognise you, that you are truly Krishna Himself by name Shri Hari, now present here, undoubtedly. 92. 

Now, fixing my mind on you only, liberated from all my sufferings, caused by illusion (Maya) and death (Kaal), I will go to that original abode of yours, the highest one (Akshardham). 93. 

Suvrat said:- 

Uttering these words, with peaceful mind she entered the Samadhi, meditating on Shri Hari, Lord Narayan, and became unconscious. 94. 

This text of (Shri Hari) Gita, the sermon, coming from the lotus-mouth of Shri Hari himself, is the essence of Vedas. Whoever, worshipping Krishna, reads or hears it every day, devotedly, fully or one chapter from it, having fulfilled his several desires, will attain devotion in Krishna, becoming desireless, soon. 95.

Thus ends the thirty-sixth chapter entitled ‘Narration of the nature and indications of devotion’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 36