Chapter 44 - Nilkanth Varni pleases Surya Narayan by His penance in Pulhashram

* Nilkanth Varni pleases Surya Narayan by His penance in Pulhashram. * Veneration of Suryadev by Nilkanth Varni. * Boon asked by Nilkanth Varni from Suryadev.

Shri Hari reaches Pulaha hermitage, observes penance there. 

Suvrat said:- 

Krishna saw that hermitage, a mere glance at which makes one pure. The place is renowned to produce quick yields for penance observed here, and a place to be sheltered by seekers of liberation. 1. 

Where Lord Krishna Himself, always, upon His own will, showering affection unto His devotees, becomes visible to them, for certain. 2. 

Where Bharat, the son of Rishabhadeva, did his penance here, long before, and the praiseworthy river Gandaki flows around in all four directions like a chakra. 3. 

Having bathed there, Shri Hari, observing His daily rituals, worshipped Lord Vishnu, in the holy place Muktinath (the God of Liberation). 4. 

He stayed where Bharata did his penance once, and followed the same trait, worshipping Vishnu and observing severe penance. 5. 

Often remembering Bharata’s interrupted worship of Vishnu owing to unyielding compassion (moha) shown by him unto an young antelope, Shri Hari remained there always undisturbed from the living things around. 6. 

Though, having renounced all external connections, thinking repeatedly about the story of attachment of Puranjana (in Shrimad Bhagavata), He, left out any association from intellect and other faculties within, carefully. 7. 

Shri Hari considered himself being as completely detached, above all attributes (nirgun), pure, enlightened, eternal, imperishable form of truth and pure consciousness being unborn and absolute. 8. 

Standing on one leg, and both hands held upwards, chanting Gayatri mantra known to be the mother of all the Vedic hymns, He observed the most severe of penances. 9. 

Observing the penance, He meditated in His heart upon the god, set amidst the radiance of the sun, of golden hue, bearing conch and divine disc. 10. 

Every day he used to take bath thrice in river Gandaki, and worship Lord Vishnu, and observe penance, surviving only on fruits and leaves. 11. 

Many ascetics, having seen the Brahmin boy observing severe penance in his childhood, were astonished. 12. 

They thought of Him ‘Whether is He Prahlada, the son of Kayadhu, or is He Dhruva, or Kumar the son of Shiva, or else Datta or Rubhu, if not, is He god-sage Nar Narayan ? And they seeing Him Observing hard penance that seem to be impossible for ordinary men; and beholding His calm nature of a full moon, got fascinated. 13. 

Having seen Him observing penance, and knowing His real form (Vishnu), they became over distressed at their beloved god’s hard work. 14. 

Always accompanied him were Dharma and Bhakti, both fond of penance. They used to be there beside Him, as He observed austerities. 15. 

Seeing Him standing on one leg and his hands held upwards and becoming weak, Dharma and Bhakti stood there supporting Him from left and right, fearing His fall-down. 16. 

The ascetics became startled, seeing His true ascetic like penance for the sun, spanning, more than four months. 17. 

The sun god appears and Shri Hari eulogises him. 

The sun appeared himself before Him on Prabodhini Ekadasi, with his divine form, having two arms. 18.

Having seen the sun come in person, Shri Hari, having saluted him with eight limb prostration (sashtang pranam), and with folded hands said thus: 19.

‘Be Victorious! Be victorious, O the soul of the world! O Bhaskar! Thou make the day, thou are (Nigama) personified, and adored by Brahmins and who is there competent to comfort this world from its immersion in the dark? 20. 

You are the cause of creation, protection and destruction of this world, and an incarnate of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, who enshines the entire universe, and giving desired fruits to the worshippers, compassionate, and taking away all ailments of men, who pay obeisance unto you. 21. 

The fire, the moon, and others have become lustrous, enlightened by you. You a bestower of boons, upon attaining your esteemed sphere, men never get entangled in trans-migratory ocean, thus they become liberated. 22. 

Even the lustre of your single ray could not be tolerated by the drinkers of nectar (gods) and none from the universe. What to tell then? O bearer of rays! Of the splendour of whole range of rays, I salute you, O Lord! 23. 

O lotus-friend! Having obtained your Darshana, a long cherished desire of mine, effecting elimination of heaps of miseries, my heart has become immeasurably overjoyed as the sea becoming effervescent at the sight of the moon. 24. 

Boon asked by Nilkanth Varni from Suryadev.

Suvrat said:-

Then Lord Suryanarayan praising Shri Hari, told thus, O Shri Hari! I am pleased with you, ask for the desired boon. 25.

Then Shri Hari asked His cherished boon telling ‘O Lord ! If you are pleased, bestow me my desired boon. 26. 

As you dispel the darkness, take away all my inner darkness which is the cause of misery related to birth and death. 27. 

For a celibate, lust, anger, greed, and sensual organs are the greatest inner enemies, from which, protection to be granted to me by you. 28. 

Let there be in me always all these virtues, such as inclination for penance, firmness, dispassion, ability to conquer the senses, life-long celibacy and others. 29. 

As and when you are recollected in my heart then and there, grant me with this Darshana of yours, O Lord! 30. 

All this is my only desire, and I do not wish for illusory pleasure from you, as you are the liberator. 31. 

Sun god praises Shri Hari. 

Suvrat said:- 

Having given positive consent to Shri Hari, Surya, saluting Him told thus ‘you are Krishna Himself that I know from within O Shri Hari! 32. 

Even then, you beg me thus, being human-incarnate. All these virtues that you have asked for are there within you, forever. 33. 

Even in your devotees these virtues are present, by your influence, then what to tell about yourself, being the Lord, who is the treasure of favourable virtues, O Krishna! 34. 

Having said thus, the sun being pleased at Shri Hari, paying obeisance to Him, disappeared, Shri Hari Sharma also being completely contented, concluded His penance. 35. 

Appreciating the greatness of that place, like its quick delivery of fruits for penance observed and other qualities, Shri Hari, being honoured profusely by great ascetics, stayed with them on Dwadashi (the twelfth day). 36.

Thus ends the forty-fourth chapter entitled ‘The grace of Lord Suryanarayan’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 44