Chapter 47 - Nilkanth removes the ego of Pibek near the temple of Kamakshi Devi

* Nilkanth removes the ego of Pibek near the temple of Kamakshi Devi. * Influence of bad company. Pibek surrenders to Shree Hari.

Shri Hari’s encounter with Shakta and His victory over them.

Suvrat said:- 

As four months went by, the ascetics moved to another place. Narayan (Shri Hari), worshiped by the king, also went with them. 1.

While going to another place, they came to a village near Goddess Kamakshi temple and started cooking separately in the garden outside that village. 2.

Having heard the arrival of the ascetics, one great Brahmin, worship-per of the Goddess Kali came there. 3.

Earlier he was dedicated to his religious duties, respecting Vedic rituals, and being virtuous and scholarly, true to his wife. 4.

Once due to contact with a black magician, he read thoroughly the text of Koularnavam Tantra of black magic that promises immediate result. 5.

Then due to unholy association, he developed an interest in black magic following and became dedicated to those rituals, and fond of unholy company. 6.

Having abandoned his original religious duties etc., he became the leader of black magicians. Boasting of himself to be a master of Siddhas, he came there burning with anger. 7. 

He had red eyes rolling about, being drunk. He was a flesh-eater and used to drink toilet (Kulvari) water, water washed from the secret part of eight different women of a particular sect (Kulashtak). 8. 

He held an iron trident in his hand, marked with a moon-like dot of saffron-Between his eye-brows he wore a saffron mark, mixed with substance of women’s monthly course. 9.

He was laughing often taking names of Kulla a form of Mahakali, wearing skull garland. He used to wash his body with water with which unmarried girls had dipped their knees. 10. 

His mouth was odourous due to chewing of raw fish after consuming wine. He was wearing strip of red head-band, and was recognised as top-drunkard. 11. 

He was surrounded by the rustic men and women and by his followers. He came there immediately and gazing at all the ascetics who were astonished by his appearance, spoke to them thus: 12. 

‘O cunning men, how can you bear the title ‘Siddha’ which is very difficult to have? Because there is only one ‘Siddha’ on this earth at present and that is me!! I have made thousands of men like you as my followers. The men who have not accepted my fellowship are carried out to the house of death. Therefore take out the string around your neck which you have possessed like a sacred thread and be my followers immediately, for your welfare; otherwise the Virapurusas i.e. my followers having fearful faces, and waiting only for my order, will eat all of you, alive. 13- 16. 

After that those Siddhas who had heard about his qualities previously,having seen him with their own eyes, now started shivering by fear. 17.

The ascetics started talking with each other: ‘We will die today or we will become mad now. Hence we should become his followers.’ 18. 

O king! When all of them became ready to take off of the string around their neck, Shri Hari saw them doing like this and asked, ‘O Siddhas! What are you doing ? 19. 

Do not be worried. What can this worthless man do? Let him make me first his follower and afterwards you may be his followers. 20. 

Though they were promised thus by Shri Hari, the frightened siddhas said to Him: ‘He is not like other Siddhas. He will kill you within a moment.’ 21. 

The Drunkard seeing the celibate as a obstacle in his mission, called Shri Hari to come near, with terrifying looks. 22. 

Nilakantha having stopped cooking immediately went near him and sat down in front of him in Virasana. 23. 

At the back of the celibate sat the group of Siddhas concentrating their eyes on the face of that Brahmin. Then the Brahmin showed his power. 24.

He threw the black grams enchanted by Mantra on a fig tree having thick leaves. All of a sudden that tree became dry. Seeing this, Siddhas became terrified much. 25. 

Having seen that celibate calm, being firm even then, that Brahmin threw a destructive fist of black grams on Him. 26. 

Having seen him (Shri Hari) in the same state as before, this time also, the Brahmin told Him to recall His favourite god, as he was to kill him with a destructive Kalabhairava fist. 27.

The celibate-supreme said thus telling the wicked, awkward eyed Brahmin, ‘what is that you are worrying, try whatever is possible?’ 28. 

Then he ordered his Bhairava fighters to kill him, but they could not even see him, in turn they attacked the Brahmin who ordered them. 29. 

After that the Brahmin fell down on the ground and blood began to flow down from his mouth. For a moment he was fainted but he rose up and became angry. 30.

He, washing his mouth with water said to the celibate again ‘Be steady; today the fighters of ‘Batuka - Bhairava’ will kill you’. 31. 

Then Shri Hari replied ‘what is to be worried? Order them’ Then he ordered them, but they also could not see Shri Hari and reversed towards the killer. 32.

He fell down again in the same manner, but getting up once, told ‘Be careful-with fighters of Mahakali ‘I kill you’. 33. 

Saying thus he ordered them but they also could not see him and attacked the Brahmin and he fell down as before. 34. 

After a moment he rose up and being angry said to Shri Hari, “Be steady, now I will kill you by the fighters of Hanuman”. 35. 

The Brahmin ordered the men of Maruti (to kill Shri Hari) but when they saw their adorable Shri Hari, they paid homage to him, turned back and put the Brahmin on the ground. 36. 

He vomited blood from his mouth and became unconscious. He could not stand up again, as he was about to die. 37. 

Seeing that broad-eyed, fallen, dying, unmoved, man, his relatives began to wail that he is dead. 38. 

Those weeping relatives requested Nilakantka, repeatedly, and said ‘O Master, be merciful, make him alive, as you are the god.’ 39. 

This sort of shameful act will not be carried by him again,’ saying  thus, they offered plenty of wealth at his feet. 40. 

Raw and pure food articles were given to all the Siddhas, then merciful Lord glanced at him compassionately. 41. 

Then suddenly he rose up and paid homage to him with respect. ‘I will never do such things again,’ said he and went to his house with his relatives. 42. 

O king, the Siddhas, knowing him Lord of the world, capable of giving life, saluted him with wonder and accepted his fellowship. 43. 

Cooking food there all of them had meal and stayed there for that night reciting the songs of the Lord of Radhika i.e. Krishna. 44. 

But the Brahmin drunkard, whose ego was hurt, whose body was burning with the fire of anger, could not be pacified, like a snake hit by leg. 45. 

He worshiped Kala-bhairava in mid-night with plenty of meat and gave him wine and blood to drink and sent him to kill Shri Hari. 46. 

That naked, ugly-faced, red-eyed, Kala-bhairava, with his hair scattered, and of the complexion of a black-mount, holding a spear, went to Shri Hari. 47. 

He could not stay near Shri Hari, so he stood at a distance. Shri Hari seeing him did not fear, laughed instead. 48. 

Till dawn, the cruel one waited there. When the celibate-one Shri Hari, on his way to bath, saw him, that bearer of spear, Bhairava began to shiver with fear, and ran away instantly to kill the Brahmin, the nspirer. 49- 50.

The celibate - noble, treasure of mercy, said to that running fellow ‘Do not kill that Brahmin as he has given us food’. 51. 

Having gone to Brahmin, Bhairava told him what he heard. Now Brahmin becoming perplexed came to know Shri Hari to be the real god. 52. 

Having criticized his own treachery committed towards that well-wisher, he accepted his discipleship, O great king! 53. 

Thereafter he became dedicated to the original religion as he was previously, and feared sin. He renounced all the Agama texts like the Kaula and others, except Vedas. 54. 

He was taught Shrimad Bhagavata and Gita by the Lord, Reading and listening that, and knowing Him to be Shri Krishna the consort of Radha, he worshipped Him devotedly. 55. 

Having ordered the Siddhas to move about, Shri Hari, alone went to the mountain named Navalakha. 56.

O King, the divine lord taking human form for the welfare of beings,and eradicating the overgrown irreligious traits, at a young age, with vigour, wandered about this earth, spreading the highest devotion of Krishna consisting self religious duties, non-attachment and knowledge. That Nilakantha may bestow happiness unto us. 57.

Thus ends the forty-seventh chapter entitled ‘Defeat of the drunkard Shakta’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 47