Chapter 5 - Arrival of Rishis in Badrikashram

* Arrival of Rishis in Badrikashram. * Glory of the holy River Ganga. * Significance of saints and satsang.

Suvrat said:-

O king! Once, the respected sages arrived at the sacred place Badrikashrama to see the Supreme Lord Narnarayan. Here they travelled from various sacred places with a wish to be rewarded by Darshana of the Supreme Teacher. 1-2. 

Names of the sages arrived at Badrikashrama 

Those were the sages - Marichi, Vasishth, Atri, Ekata, Dvita, Trita, Kasyapa, Bharadvaja, Shkalya, Bhrugu, Angira, Shri Harita, Gautama, Kanva, Yajnyavalkya, Parashara, Shinshapayan, Aurva, Vishvamitra, Asuri, Samvarta, Babhru, Maitreya, Bruhadasva, Lomana, Utathya, Indrapramiti, Vaishampayana, Devala, Pulastya, Pulaha, Garga , Shaktri, Vodhu, Brihaspati, Vamadeva, Pancashikha, Pracheta, Kardama, Kratu, Jaigishavya, Sumantu, Valmiki, Chyavana, Aruni, Katyayana, Jaratkaru, Astika, Vibhandaka, Rushyasringa, Sharadvan, Shamika, Jaimini, Yati, Ashtavakra, Panini, Madvya, Shakatayana, Krishatreya, Sthulashira, Shunaka, Gargya , Tittari, Kalavruksiya, Uttanka, Nachiketa, Mathara, Mounjayana, Parnada, Brihadagni, Parvata, Jatukarnya, Ruchika, Shri Harismasru, Ansuman, Vaitandi, Ksharapani, Kanha, Tana, Galva, Agnivesya, Kaudilya, Shandilya, Bhaluki, Shvetaketu, Vipula, Manki, Gaurasira, Bhadayati, Jayanta, Mandukeya, Sharkara, Kanada, Kavasha, Paila, Pippalayana, Bhaguri, Kakshivan, Idhmavaha, Vatsa, Gauramukha, Jabali, Upamanyu, Shukra, Vedashira, Medhatithi, Ashtishen, Atharva, Indrapramada, Kushika, Narada, Shamkha, Likhita, Sutapa, Shuka, Prana, Dalbhya, Vitahavya, Savarnya, Uddalaka, Savetasa, Vaitahavya, Savarni, Bhargava, Gobhila, Jajali, Yaska, Kasyapa, Vatsya, Naidhruva, SaubShri Hari, Shounaka, Agastya, Mudgala, Saindhavayana, Sarasvata, Bhurishen, Devarata, Akrutavran. 3-17. 

All those sages along with their disciples, and others like sage Pippalada, O king, reached the Narayanashramam, which is in the vicinity of Kailasha Mountain. 18. 

Eulogy to River Ganga 

There they saw the river Ganga, with her translucent water. The rays of the rising sun at dawn lightened the waves and created various shapes. Those long, unsteady, high waves filled the directions with echoing sounds. She is the bestower of salvation to the sons of king Sagara, who were lying, reduced to ashes, in the nether world. 19.

The Ganga is ever pious as she washes the feet of the Supreme Lord Narayan. She nullifies a multitude of sins when one beholds or remembers her. She eradicates the sins of the people who chant her name, even from a distance. Then, is it necessary to say that she washes away all impurities by touching her water ? 20. 

Due to the association with Ganga the regions like Kikat which were poor, are instantly turned into sacred lands, suitable to live by virtuous. Those highly prosperous and progressive lands where Ganga does not flow are condemned as rivers without water. 21. 

By drinking water of Ganga people become immediately prosperous more so than doing penance, sacrifices or by observing vows. Even a drop of water from this river can purify the body, which can only be ac- complished if one practices vows like Chandrayana (taking food accord- ing to the waxing and waning of the moon). 22. 

Even without exerting themselves by various austerities and perform- ing sacrifices, sinful men are carried to heaven in an excellent heavenly car, just by touch of Ganga water. Can there be anyone superior to her! 23. 

The Ganga is the only ornament of the matted hair-crown of Lord Siva; she is worshipped by gods, divine personalities, and king of gods Indra. She fulfils all the wishes; hence she should be worshipped by the liberated souls, by the persons who wish to be liberated, and those who
wish to have all accomplishments. 24. 

By chance, if a bone of a dead person picked by a flesh-eating bird is dropped in the Ganga water, that person instantly attains heaven. What can then be said of a person who drinks the water of Ganga. 25. 

The supreme person Sri Narayan Himself an abode of righteousness, takes bath in her water, accompanied by groups of great sages, who in- deed would be experts in describing her majesty. 26.

Those sages having taken bath as per customary rites completed their morning duties, proceeded to that Badri to have Darshan of the Lord. 27. 

At that time, those sages saw the Lord sage Nar sitting under the large, sky-touching Badri tree, in ascetic robe. 28. 

They saw Him with His hair matted and bunched in a circlet of a golden shade. He was bearing white vertical mark on his forehead and He was wearing white garment and Tulasi garland. 29. 

He was surrounded by prominent masters of yoga namely-Kavi, Hari, Antariksa, Prabuddha, Pippalayana, Avirhotra, Drumila, Camasa, Karabhajana, Tanu and other Brahmins from Kalapgrama (a place nearby). 30 -31. 

Brahmins, having seen the Lord, two armed dark cloud like com- plexioned, thin, wearing ascetic garments having pleasant lotus-like face became happy. 32. 

When the preceptor of the world, Lord Vishnu Himself (Lord Nar), saw the sages dear to Himself, He immediately came to them, saluted them and happily embraced them. They respectfully honoured His wel- coming with love. 33. 

Welcome address by Nar 

All the Munis seated on Aasnas Givan by Lord Nar and then don Pooja-Archna to all Munis with Padya-argya by Nar. then said to Munis that. I am much delighted to have your presence today. Everything is pos- sible to get but not the company of saintly people. 34-36. 

ore over, you are the most distinguished, because you know and have firm faith in the Lord taking form of a sage, observing penance. 37. 

We honour them as most revered sages who always see at heart Lord Shri Hari who loves this Badri Vana (Jujub-forest). 38. 

As you are all liberated; with your mere glance people become sinless. I think, meeting with such sages is a rarity for living being. 39. 

He, by virtue of his merit will come into your contact, whose hour of liberation has neared. Your association will spring up love for the Lord Narayan in him. 40. 

Due to that love (for the Lord) abandoning attachment to worldly things like physical body, house etc. with peaceful mind, one attains the supreme state, which is rarely accessible even to Brahma and others. 41. 

Who is comparable to them, who are devout to Narayan. They walk on this earth in the appearance of pilgrims, for the good of the people. 42. 

The saints like you are merciful and helpful to others, and you all are fully devoted to the Lord. 43. 

You, ‘O beloved ones of the Lord, have arrived at a very auspicious hour, Lord Narayan will grant you His vision. 44. 

Today the Lord will appear to the sages and divinities that come every day to have His Darshan. 45. 

On this very moment, the Lord will arrive here after completing His morning rites be fitting to a devout ascetic. 46. 

Suvrat said:- 

In this way, the Lord Nar, honoured the sages with very sweet words. They, knowing His powers, were very pleased and said to Him. 47. 

Oh the renowned Nar, we all know you are the Lord of the world; not only that; you are the supreme Lord of innumerable Universes. 48. 

We know you as the Narayan Himself, performing penance and of- fering devotional service to the Lord, always. 49. 

You are respectable to all. You are worshipped by all. You are honoured by all as the Lord Himself. One Divinity appearing in two forms: Nar and Narayan. 50. 

This Land of Bharata is blessed as the foot-prints of Lord Narayan, which consists of signs of fish, Yava (Bardy), Ankusha (goad), Asani (thunder), Ghata (pitcher), Lotus and vertical of the sages to see Lord Narayan’ lines. Blessed is this tree-grove which is seen by the Lord every day and blessed are we to see this hermitage of the devotee-loving Lord. 51. 

Thus ends the fifth chapter entitled ‘Narration of the Arrival of Sages’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 5