Chapter 57 - Ramanand Swami inquires about Nilkanth Varni

* Ramanand Swami inquires about Nilkanth Varni. * Nilkanth Varni accepts Shree Ramanand Swami as Guru. * Devotees come to have darshan of Shree Hari. * Nilkanth Varni remains in the service of Ramanand Swami. * Shree Hari requests Ramanand Swami for Mahadiksha.

Shri Hari stays with Ramanand Swami

Suvrat said:- 

O King: Taking bath in the evening the master Shri Ramanand Swami performed worship of the husband of Radha (Shri Krishna), according to the rituals, highly with various rich substances. 1. 

Then on Ekadashi, while keeping awake at night in worship of the Lord, along with his devotees, the master asked him questions regarding his birthplace etc. from the beginning. 2. 

(He also enquired about his) family, parentage, Gotra, pravaras, guru, branch of the Vedas, favorite deity, detachment to worldliness, abandoning family, his stay in forest, various austerities, practice of yoga in phases, visits to sacred places, meeting there with holy men (etc.). 3-4. 

Having asked thus by the master, he narrated one by one everything as had been experienced by him. 5.

Hearing his story in details about his birth the master said in loving voice, ‘O celibate, you belong to us as you are the son of Dharmadeva my devotee. 6. 

That your father was very intelligent and knowledgeable and he understood the meanings of all the shastras. He received Bhagavati’s admission from me with devotion, when he was in Prayag with your mother Bhaktidevi. 7. 

He preached devotion of Krishna to his followers seeking liberation, in Kaushal region, with morals like non-violence etc. according to my request. 8. 

You are still better in qualities, O great austere, at your sight people think of you as a super-human. 9. 

Suvrat said:- 

He was highly delighted when he heard that his father was graced by the master, and then Shri Hari decided to have him Raman and Swami as his master. 10.

‘His qualities are like that of Krishna only. Hence it seems that Krishna resides permanently in him and He (Krishna) is in his (Swami’s) favour - ‘These words regarding him are definitely true’. Thus Shri Hari told to his fellow ascetics. 11. 

Then onwards he stayed there with steady mind and at ease only. The guru who was the other form of god, also honoured him in many ways. 12.

Shri Hari perceived as divinity in human form.

Those devotees of Swami had a wonderful vision at the sight of the austere Nilakantha and they were highly wonderstruck. 13. 

The Swami himself also, on seeing him with rare virtues of a Yogi, thought that his body was one of that of Shri Krishna only, which was capable of protecting religion. 14. 

Uddhava, though having knowledge of everything, did not recognize that he is truly Narayan (Lord) himself, as the human drama should go on, (according to Shri Hari’s will). 15. 

There spread the news among the people that some boy bachelor who is austere and a great Yogi has come to stay with the Swami. 16. 

Thousands of men and women and also ascetics and Yogis from many regions rushed to see him in Pippalana, respectfully. 17. 

They asked the master which celibate has come there on that day. The master pointed out him with his finger who was sitting nearby. 18. 

They were highly wonderstruck when they saw the celibate looking thin due to extreme austerities, and again asked the Swami: 19. 

From where has this celibate boy come from? He is empowered with extreme austerities, knowing all qualities of Yoga and creating curiosity among people. 20. 

Who is this one wearing sacred thread, with matted hair, showing outstanding blood vessels on body, bear vertical mark on forehead (Urdhvapundra), having tulasi rosaries and deer skin. 21. 

Seated with unengaged mind with steady eyes as if in the meditation, unaware of his body consciousness and without any belonging. 22. 

Swami told those people that ‘the boy had come from the Kaushal province and that his parents gained initiation from him (Ramanand Swami) and were religious and devoted to Lord (Krishna). 23. 

This intelligent boy who heard of the greatness of devotion, knowledge and detachment from his parents, wished to acquire them. 24. 

With eagerness to achieve them, he abandoned his people (family and friends etc.) and performed extremely difficult austerities by getting into an awful forest. 25. 

With his austerities and devotion he received the grace of Surya Narayan in six months and has happened to reach here, wandering sacred places, with the intention of Shri Hari. 26. 

These acts of him are certainly like that of Dhruva, who in the childhood dedicated himself to Lord Vishnu who is very difficult to please for gods even. 27. 

After listening to the words of the (Swami) those people amazed went back as they came, after saluting Shri Hari the one who was like Dhruva, and the Swami. 28. 

Shri Hari takes initiation from Ramanand Swami. 

O King, the Swami then engaged the intelligent fellow who was extremely efficient in practical yoga, in collecting things necessary in worship of Krishna. 29. 

While observing his own religious duties and devotion he also remained with his guru at the time of the worship of Krishna every day. 30. 

Whenever he (his guru) used to perform daily practices like Sandhya, meditation after taking bath, he used to wash utensils to be used for worship. 31. 

When the worship was being performed, he used to bring tulasi, flowers, sandal paste, incense, oil lamp and offerings of eatables, at proper times. 32. 

He used to serve with all those things at right time without being asked. Shri Hari, who could read the minds, conquered the mind of his guru also. 33. 

Looking at his extreme dedication in the devotion of Shri Krishna. O King, the great ascetic (Ramanand Swami) also favoured the Celibate. 34. 

And Krishna regularly used to accept the things offered by Uddhava in worship, personally appearing before him. Nobody except him could see that. 35.

Once he (the swami) prayed Krishna himself to make Nilakantha to view his appearance as he was eligible for it by all means, (thus-) 36.

‘O Lord, (please) show your appearance as you show me, to Nilakantha who has extreme devotion to you, and possesses virtues of noble ones’. 37.

The vision of Shri Krishna by Nilakantha Varni. 

Suvrat said:- 

Then Krishna assured the great ascetic with His consent (with words Tatha’stu) and with a smile, gave his own direct vision (appearance) to the celibate. 38. 

Thus Shri Hari, while in the service of guru, had a vision of Shri Krishna virtually accepting the offerings made by Swami. 39. 

He became excited to see the offerings (Naivedya) being eaten (by the lord). He saw it every day at the time of worship by the guru. 40. 

Once (Nilakantha) asked guru when he was alone - ‘how can I also have Lord Krishna’s vision while performing worship? 41. 

When the Lord, the eternal one, shall accept with love my offerings as he accepts the offerings made by you everyday’? 42. 

Sri Ramanand Muni said:- 

‘Krishna will appear before the eyes readily when one is initiated into Krishna’s fold, and is engaged in the great service of devoted saints and has taken to religiosity and devotion.’ 43. 

Request of Nilakantha Varni to get initiation by Guru Ramanand.

Suvrat said:-

Thus he served the Lord daily with faith and devotion. Four months passed this way of his service. In the year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty Seven of Vikrama era, on the day of Prabodhini Ekadashi, he (the Guru) decided to give him, to that worthy ascetic, the great initiation as he wished for it. 44 - 46. 

On the eve of the great initiation, the eager celibate observed fast for a day and night, in clean state, repeating three word mantra (“Shri Krishna”) as per the advice of guru. 47. 

O King, on the eleventh day in the morning of the bright half of the month of Kartika he (guru) initiated him happily according to the ritual ceremoniously. 48. 

Thus ends the fifty-seventh chapter entitled ‘Shri Hari at the service of Ramanand Swami’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 57