Chapter 7 - Veneration of Lord NarNarayan by Marichi and other Munis

Veneration of Lord NarNarayan by Marichi and other Munis.

The sages praise Lord Shri Hari 

The sages said:- 

O Aja! The unborn one! Be victorious! You have become the teacher of the world, with Your firm speech coming with compassion and destroy- ing wide spread darkness of ignorance and attachment, You are the re- mover of all sorts of strong illusions accrued over many births. 1. 

Lead, O Lord, those who served Your lotus-feet with an undeterred mind and who have discarded their sins through penances, You will allow them access to your highest abode called Amrta which is everlasting, shining like innumerable suns. 2. 

Oh Lord ! You are the lover of noble actions; you spread all the Shastras, Vedas, Puranas and righteous Agamas variously, on this earth, to preserve the path of righteousness which was lost before, the last age. 3. 

People do not know what and who You are, the Master of this world. You remove the illusion of worldly life of all beings on this earth. All the men and sages are lost in your illusory power though they are advised by righteous men. 4. 

There is no happiness without your shelter for beings either in heaven, or on earth, or in the middle space. Even at the end of one hundred years, if they approach you, they will be happy. 5. 

Not getting Your direct grace, the Mahad and other principles which came into being earlier, could not succeed in their actions to uplift Vairat, so what to speak about those who are engaged in sensual pleasures and turned away from You to get happiness. 6. 

O Shri Hari! Fortunate as we are to be knowing you, in our hearts the supreme deity, beyond the perishable and imperishable and who as- sumed the form of a sage, O ! what a great fortune for us!. 7. 

Even the teachers of Vedas, Shastras and Puranas who serve You with splendour and jollity, if their mind is not concentrated on You firmly, their endeavour would render shallow. 8. 

Like all waters flow towards the ocean, actually You are the ultimate resort of the whole mass of scriptures like Sankhya, Yoga, Vedas, Agamas like Pancaratra, and Dharmashastra (Religious code) describing the Lord Himself respectively. 9. 

Even after learning these scriptures, those who do not worship Your lotus feet, the ultimate destination (of those Shastras), they fall down owing to the false ideas created out of their own intellect composed of three qualities (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas). 10. 

Not knowing Your divinity, they regard You as an ascetic only. And those ignorant people roam about through vicious births repeatedly and suffer. 11. 

Leaving You, who is their own self and trying to seek other object of worship, deceiving themselves and fallen even from that, not getting the desired fruits, they go to hell. 12. 

Those gods including Brahma who receive offerings (from humans etc), also offer You oblations with fear, hence we have taken shelter of Your feet, O! Supreme Lord. 13. 

We are really blessed today O Master! to have visualised Your Lo- tus-feet, this was aspired by us for a very long time. 14. 

Without being devoted to You, beings burnt by the fire of lust and greed. Hence we have come to You with devotion. 15. 

You are the Lord of Goloka, You are the Lord Shri Vasudeva born to Dharma and Bhakti keep as it is, certainly for the highest good of the people. To those sages, engaged in severe penance along with devotion, knowledge, detachment and virtue, You lead them to state of perfection and then You inspire them to perform their religious duties respectfully and disinterestedly. 16. 

Even Shesh, the Lord of serpents with his thousand mouths, is not able to describe your innumerable qualities fully, how can others like Demigods including Brahma be able to praise You. We praise you according to our ability to make our speech reward- ing. 17. 

Suvrat said - 

Having praised Shri Hari, whose remembrance destroys all the sins, those Brahmins sitting before Him, saw the beauty of His Lotus- face. 18. 

Thus ends the seventh chapter entitled ‘Praise to Narayan by the sages’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 7