Shree Hari preaches Vidurniti.
Shree Hari preaches Vidurniti.
Suvrat said:-
Then, at night, that Lord, well known for his nobility, again came near the outer altar. As soon as He came out, many sages, ladies and other people took their seats, there over, in a pleasant mood. 1.
Then, having sat on his own seat, He glanced over His own devotees, who bowed out of modesty. Even though they were well versed in the knowledge of the right path, yet He wanted to instruct them with the words: 2.
Narayan Muni said:-
All of you gathered here, are the observers of Varnashrama rules and renunciated sages as well as self controlled devotees of Krishna. 3. 4.
O you people gathered here, if anybody wants to ask me anything, then he may proceed without any fear in mind. Do not have any doubt in your mind. 4.
Suvrat said:-
When God said thus, the kings present there; and other devotees discussed among themselves, bowed down to the God and (donation of cow) asked Him with folded hands, for the benefit of the public. 5-6.
O Master, the lord of the world! we all kings and our subjects believe in following prescribed way of life; and have taken shelter in You. 7.
Hence, you should direct us the duties, which should be followed and those which should be avoided, in with detail. 8.
Suvrat said:-
thus asked by them with great respect, the Lord of the sages was pleased. Remembering His devotee Vidura in mind, he started discourse with the kings. 9.
Narayana muni said:-
one must follow the guidelines of the people, endorsed by the scriptures to be wise and noble. It is certain that their words should be strictly followed. 10.
O my followers, in my opinion, the teachings of the persons who are considered by the scriptures to be fools, wicked and evil- minded, are not to be followed. 11.
In ancient times Vidura described to Dhrutarastra, the characteristics of wise persons and fools in details.12.
That is called Viduraniti. It is beneficial for the householders and the ascetics. After studying it carefully, one should then decide what is to be done and what is not to be done. 13.
The policy advocated by Vidura is the essence of all ethical rules. If you follow that path, then you will always be happy. 14.
People following this path will never be troubled by the threefold sorrows of this world.15.
You, the followers of the path, as directed in the past, remembering the lord Shri Krishna in daily life, will always be happy. 16.
Suvrat said:-
O king, when the kings, sages and the people were advised thus by the Lord, they were very much pleased. They bowed down to him and said, let it be so. 17.
Thus they took leave of Hari and went to their houses. Hari also returned to his house. 18.
Hari arranged for the discussion of the fifth canto of Bhagavata by Pauranika, in the assembly at night for three successive days from Trayodashi day. 19.
The listeners understood the teaching: nobody should cross the limit of Dharma. They also understood the effect of attachment and the unavoidability of Karma. Everybody has to endeavor the fruit of the past deeds. 20.
Thus, due to the kindness of God, all the devotees of God enjoyed the highest delight of discourse, for eighteen days. 21.
The great Master initiated Jaya to celebrate the birthday of Bhakti, on the full moon day of Kartik month. 22.
The God, then ordered all his devotees, gathered at the assembly to return to their own places, at the end of the celebration at night. 23
Narayan muni Said:- O you, my devotees, return to you places in the morning; be attentive on the way, guard the ladies folk. 24.
You are the soul, different from the physical body. Assign yourself with supreme soul, take resort to the God Achyuta, follow your duties ; you will certainly obtain that supreme abode. 25.
Thus after attaining Brahmapura, the best among the best abodes, you enjoy celestial super human pleasure that you wish for. 26
Suvrat said:-
having heard these words of from the Master, the people and the sages, happy in the heart, bowed down to Him with respect; and asked thus: 27
People said:-
O God, we want to know the characteristics of the supreme abode Brahmapura as you called before, the abode, which is obtained by exclusive followers of Lord Krishna, by following the path of knowledge, renunciation and devotion. 28-29
O Lord, be kind to us and explain its characteristics. Nobody else than Yourself knows it better. 30
Suvrat said:-
When asked thus about the supreme abode of Lord Murari, out of curiosity of the group of devotees of Lord Murari, He, the kind One, lone kinsman of devotees was pleased and said to them. 31
Thus ends the fortieth chapter entitled, ‘Narration of description of the policy of Vidura,’ in the third prakaran of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 40