Grand Sabha organized in the pious company of Bhagwan Shree Hari, performance of singing-art by singers and pooja of Bhagwan Shree Hari performed by devotees of Gujarat.
Grand Sabha organized in the pious company of Bhagwan Shree Hari, performance of singing-art by singers and pooja of Bhagwan Shree Hari performed by devotees of Gujarat.
Suvrat said:-
Thereupon there arose, from the crowds everywhere a single sound, Be Victories, be victories. People bowed down before Him by prostrating themselves first and then had a glimpse at His face. 1
He just appeared before them for some time, and then told them to sit down by a particular gesture by His hand. 2
All the people, ladies, all the sages, who were looking at the face of God sat down according to their convenience. 3
O king, the sages who were much advanced in penance and knowledge, sat in front of Shri Hari, and other sages sat behind. Lakhs of householders sat around them, in semi-circular shape, on the left side in front of Hari. Among them too, old people, then youngsters and lastly, children sat in proper discipline. Groups of ladies sat before Shri Hari in semi-circle shape on the right side separately, not touching any males. Even all these ladies observed the proper decorum, i.e. old women were allowed to sit in the front, then young ladies, and finally those in adolescence were standing. Shri Hari’s attendants stood (behind Him) on both the sides (i.e. left and right). 4 - 8
They planned a straight path, one bow-length, between men and women, for access of worshippers of Hari. Then, both Rampratap and Iccharam, who were respected by sages and all the other people sat in front of Shri Hari. 9-10
Thus when all the people sat down comfortably, the sages, expert in singing got ready with their Vina and other instruments: Vipanchika, drums, clubs, and other musical instruments were kept ready and they started singing sweet melodies. 11-12
While they were singing, Shri Hari, capable of looking anywhere, glanced for a while at those singers, who had come there from various regions and were ready with their musical instruments. 13
Shri Hari asked the sages to stop singing and motivated other singers. He appreciated their skill in music and honoured them. 14
Seeing the instrumentalists with their instruments like Tasa etc., well, he stopped the singers by the gesture of His hand, encouraged the band of instrument players for a short time. 15
As they were very much eager, to show their skill, they played their instruments whole-heartedly. Having seen their skill, He Himself praised them. 16
He was very much satisfied with their performance. He got up and offered them clothes. At that time, He saw that the whole ground was full of crowd. 17
He saw that some people holding the material for worship and gifts in their hands were much eager to worship Him. 18
The kind hearted Shri Hari who loved His devotees, appeared before them to fulfill their wish and spoke in a voice resembling a thundering cloud, O you people, those who come from one and the same village (town) should gather together and come here in groups, one by one. 19 - 20
No body should worship very slowly. Unnecessary delay, in worshipping should be avoided. When one group goes away after finishing His worship, another group should proceed one by one. 21
Suvrat Said:-
O Lord, we shall do accordingly. Thus they followed His order and worshipped Shri Hari. 22
Among them, first came the residents from Gujarat, who were physically feeble making great noise. 23
They offered resplendent clothes to Shri hari collectively and then worshipped Him with sandal-paste and garlands of flowers. 24
They offered a variety of gold ornaments studded with gems and placed various gifts before Him. 25
As they were making much noise, Shri Hari, put His index finger on the tip of His nose, to stop them and sent them off as soon as they were through with the worship. 26
They had made heaps of Pendhas and sugar biscuit (Battasa). Heaps of various fruits were appeared like mountains. 27
The ladies from that region who loved Him excessively with flowers and fruits in their hands, finished His worship quickly and left that place. 28
Shri Hari, who was loved by those noble people, although indifferent to gifts etc. accepted ornaments gracefully, just for the satisfaction of His devotees. 29
A tailor named Niharchand, who had engaged himself in the service of Shri Hari, quickly altered the loose garments brought by devotees as per His measurements, and made them fit for His wear and got Him to adorn them. 30
Thus ends the fifty-third chapter entitled, ‘Narration of description of the worship of Shri Hari by the devotees of Gujarat at the time of the Festival of swing,’ in the third prakaran of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 53