Arrival of Shree Hari in both kitchens, encouraging male and female devotees, rendering their ardent services for Annakut.

Suvrat said:-

“Narayan in the disguise of a human form, delighted the devotees who were cooking in kitchen. He, by praising them, wisely motivated (boosted) them to prepare more and more sweet, delicious dishes and (thus) fired their enthusiasm. 1.

Shri Hari was overwhelmed with joy. He was also amazed to hear through his secret messengers, occasionally, .about the untiring efforts of the men and women, who were expert in cooking. 2. 

Whereas, the four devotees, Khatwangaraja, Umabhai, Nachiketa and Mayarambhatta conveyed messages of Shri Hari to the people engaged in cooking. 3.

Khatwangaraja, who was very innocent, pure minded, amongst them, had correctly realized the real nature of the Self and the Supreme Self (Paramatma’.) He always accompanied Shri Hari and motivated the devotees by raising his hands and speaking in a high pitch. 4.

Umabhai and Nachiketa, who were very firm and unassuming devotees of Vasudeva, gave a rapport of Shri Hari’s instructions (to the cooks) in to, and thus pleased Him. Simultaneously, helping the people working in the kitchen, both of them were in the company of Shri Hari. 5.

Aged Mayarama, made Shri Hari smile when by bending his body, and placing his hands on his waist, uttered the words “Kalyanam Astu”. He, promptly reporting the instructions of Shri Hari to (the devotees), always accompanied Shri Hari. 6.

Shri Hari along with the other attendants arrived in the kitchen to supervise the cooking of the dishes prepared on the night of ‘dwadashi’. A devotee named Krishna, who was a barber, held a torch in front of Shri Hari. Because of the torch light, the complexion of Shri Hari, which was already dazzling, became even more lustrous. 7.

Shri Hari had carried a small stick in one hand and had placed his other hand on his waist. As he was walking very fast, beautiful garlands on his chest were swinging to and fro. He was mercifully eyeing the assemblage of devotees (although) with his sparkling eyes. 8.

Since Shri Hari was continuously walking, the flower crest on His turban, offered by the devotees was constantly swinging. Due to his fast pace, the wooden sandals which he wore made a ‘chat chat’ noise. He, who had worn a white robe, followed by His fast walking attendants, entered the kitchen. 9.

Because of a sudden flash of light raised in the kitchen, the Brahmins (cooks guessing Shri Hari‘s arrival, stopped chatting with each other, and saluted Him. 10-11.

Expert cooks, Prabhashankar, Dayaram and the two cooks with the same name Daji and other Brahmins like Berhar, Ramchandra, Lalaji, Nanduram, Nandalal, Gangadatta, Narottam, Lakshmidatta, Dayaram, Kripashankar, Ishwar, Kashiram, Tulajaram, Shivayagnik, Devaram, Jivram, Liladhar, Pitambar, Anupamram, Revashankar, Valadhruva, Vijayaram, Ambaram and Narayanaji were surprised by the sudden arrival of Shri Hari and stood in front of Him with folded hands. 12-15.

Shri Hari, having seen the empty cooking utensils, asked the confectioner Brahmins, ‘what have you been doing till now? Why are those vessels empty as yet ?’ 16.

Brahmins replied, “O! Swamin! ‘all the preparations are ready, and we have kept them in other pots. We have just taken out these utensils from the fire. O Lord! Please instruct us if we have any other jobs to be carried out. 17-18.

O King! Having listened to these words of the cooks and having seen their skills, Shri Hari was amazed and admired them. He told them that many more sages from various other countries will arrive at dawn. ‘So be ready to prepare Rice, Dal, Vegetables etc. for them’. 19-20.

‘O! King! Having thus ordered the cooks, He asked the other attendants to remain outside. Shri Hari, then alone, arrived in the kitchen meant for women. 21.

Having seen Him entering the kitchen, all women promptly stood up and offered him a very beautiful seat decorated with gold. 22.

Gangaba, Revaba, Yamuna, Yatini, Lahari, Mouna, Rupa, Durlabha, Nathi, Ramaba, Amruta, Amari,Gulaba, Putali, Ladu, jivi, Mithi, Jahnavi, Manya, Udayakumari, Kashibai, Jayakumarika, Uma, Kumari, Kushala, Hetu, Vani, Sukha and other Brahmin ladies who were working day and night in the kitchen, greeted Shri Hari and stood beside him with folded hands. 23-25.

Shri Hari with a serene smile on his face asked all women, ‘O Mahavrata ladies! What dishes are you preparing right now?’ 26.

Having heard this, Lalitadevi moved towards Shri Hari and greeting him with respect said, O Lord, we have prepared Khaja, a day before. Today we have prepared Sutarfeni and these Brahmin ladies will prepare all the four kinds (Bhakshya, Bhojya etc.) of eatables for the sages tomorrow. We will prepare separate food items in our kitchen for Kshatriya devotees coming for your sacred Darshana. 27- 29.

‘Jayaba, Rama, Panchali, Nani, Fuljaya, Rati, Amari, Amala, Kshema, Yami, Devi, Ajava, Aditi, Revati, Sati, Mena, Mallka, Jhanavi and other Kshatriya women are cooking in our kitchen.’ 30-31.

Having heard this from Lalitadevi, Shri Hari was amazed. He noticed that the women devotees were taking much more effort than the male devotees, ;praising them, he just nodded his head, as a gesture of appreciation. 32.

On seeing that all the jobs He had expected from them, had already been carried out by the women devotees, Shri Hari remained quiet and happily returned to his place of residence. 33.

O King! After that Shri Hari called Nishkulanand Muni, Ladha, minister, of the King Uttam, and a devotee called Harji, to his residence and said, O Devotees, Thousands of celibates and sages will arrive here tomorrow. Men and women from various countries are also coming. So arrange for their comfortable and proper accommodation right now.” 34-36.

Following the instructions given by Shri Hari, they all set up to provide for suitable accommodation facilities for the devotees. 37.

At the tenth period of the night, Shri Hari, caring for the betterment of His devotees, tried to lie down (for a while). But Yoganidra did not allow Him to serve them. (He could not sleep). 38.

Thus ends the sixth chapter entitled, “ Supervision of the Kitchen at the time of Annakuta festival ‘ in the third Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 6