Chapter 35 - Description of Prayaschit (repentance) in case of breach of Vidhawa-Dharma (Dharma of widows)

* Description of Prayaschit (repentance) in case of breach of Vidhawa-Dharma (Dharma of widows).

Description of Prayaschit (repentance) in case of breach of Vidhawa-Dharma (Dharma of widows). 

Shri Narayan Muni said:- 

Now, I shall tell you about the expiation rites that are to be observed by a widow in case she fails to perform her duties. By performing which she will certainly obtain the complete and best fruit of her duties. 1. 

If a widow ties a knot of her locks; sleeps on a bed; and accompanies unreligious ladies; Eats twice a day; or eats excessive food; bathe whilst naked; gets angry; takes bath with oil massage; Uses perfumes; rides a bull; drinks excessive milk or ghee; Eats something exiting like Elaichi (cardamom); excess sweets; a betel leaf mixed with intoxicant; Wears beautiful, fine, colourful, saffron garment or top (dress) she should keep fast for a day (for each of her wrong doing). 2-6. 

If a widow wears ... some trendy clothes; Sindur, Kum-kum, or saffron (on her forehead); decorates her feet, hands or teeth (by henna etc); Wears flower garland; applies sandal-paste on her forehead and body; uses bangles of conch; applies collyrium (to eyes); decorate her forehead with designs; The flower garland, sandal- paste etc. leftover of the Lord’s image; A cloth woven by metal (golden) thread, ornaments of metals (like silver, gold and others), a dress of a lady whose husband is alive; A dress of an ascetic woman; of a dancer; or of a man, then she should fast for a day (for each of her wrong doing). 7-11. 

If a widow removes the hairs of her forehead; wanders here and there without any purpose and visits other peoples’ houses unnecessarily; she should observe a fast (for each of her wrong doing). 12. 

If a widow speaks in way ridiculing others, in the presence of her relatives of paternal side; or sits on the laps of her father; discusses indecent topics in the presence of her mother; Speaks or hears some erotic topics, abuses; Speaks foul words; plays during holy festival; makes false allegations; Shamelessly argues with her in-laws; keeps friendship with a sinful woman; Keeps friendship with an ascetic woman; or a woman messenger; or a lusty woman or a low caste one; then she should observe a fast for a day (for each of her wrong doing). 13-17.

If a widow makes friendship with (Nirlajja) a heretic woman; Yavani (foreigner woman); knower of black magic or charm; atheistic lady; A shameless woman; knower of some medicines; kills a foetus by aborting it; a cunning one; For visiting a house of a pious woman whose husband is accused; for visiting a house of a pious woman of a lower caste, she should observe a fast for a day (for each of her wrong doing). 18-20. 

If she goes to see the celebration of dance, music, marriage ceremony, where groups of well-dressed men are present; If a widow goes alone where men are amusing freely and stare lustfully at them; Hears or speaks about the qualities or the built of a man; touches a man; Touches his garments that are used by him but not washed; speaks with men, keeps some bad thoughts regarding a man in her mind; Draws a picture of a man; touches the statue in a sexy position; and keeps friendship with a man for getting her purpose fulfilled, in these cases she should observe a fast for a day (for each of her wrong doing). 21-25. 

If she watches sexual act even of animals or birds; or happens to see a male’s private organ; suggests something to a man by gesture of hands or eyes; Looks directly into the eyes of a man, or furthermore visits the place of toilet for men; looks at the action of excrement; then she should thereby, observe a fast for a day (for each of her wrong doing). 26-27. 

If in absence of any sort of emergency, she goes very near to a man within distance less than a length of bow; Sleeps alone in a house at night where a man is sleeping on an upper or lower floor; Keeps her chest, breasts, belly or thighs uncovered as any male member can easily look at it; or moves her hands and feet (in an erotic manner); Or deals with someone secretly without the notice of any one from her father’s or in-laws side, or looks into the mirror to look at her face; Or travels alone in a vehicle with a youth may he be her brother; or sits with him in privacy; in such cases she should observe a fast for a day (each of her wrong doing). 28-32. 

If a widow fails to worship Lord Shri Hari mentally and actually; or fails to chant Lord’s name as a daily routine, Does not perform her daily household work; does not do devotional service to the Lord of good and wastes her time; Or if she passes out of the house at the same moment when male person enters the house; then in all these situations, she should observe a fast for a day. 33-35. 

If some male comes and stands there when she is alone in the house she should immediately shout out and drive him away from there. Thereafter, the widow should fast for a day. If she does not drive him away and stands there with him, then she should observe the fast for four days. 36-37. 

If, even in a dream she enjoys the company of a male, she should observe a fast for a day. Moreover, if that accompanying person is any of her relative, she should observe a quarter (Pada) of Krucchra vow. If, after finishing her wealth (for religious purposes) and for her sustenance serves someone or begs, she should on that account, observe the Chandrayana vow. 38-39. 

A widow is purified only by taking a bath; if she happens to touch male while necessary transactions like selling and buying some material for her livelihood. If she speaks with any male, then, she should chant the name of Lord Vishnu for five hundred times. 40. 

While (collecting from the forest for her livelihood), carrying cow dung, hay, mud, or wood, if a touch of a male is inevitable, then she gets purified by having a bath only. 41. 

If she stares at some male relative lustfully, or talks to him in such a manner, then the expiation is double to the one that was mentioned before. 42. 

If a widow by any chance enjoys the company even once, of any of the following six types of men - 1) a man faithful to his wife, 2) a renunciate, 3) a widower, 4) one who has taken refuge, 5) an indifferent and 6) a faithful man, for purification she should observe the expiation vow of alternate day fast and alternate day drinking the soup of barley (or any other grain) without salt, for a year. 43-44. 

She should eat only one type of a grain while observing the above said Dharana-parana vow i.e. fasting and eating every alternate day. A widow who is weak is allowed to eat that particular grain mixed with salt. 45. 

A lady who is not capable of observing this difficult vow, can therefore; eat two types of grains mixed with salt. However, on the day of fast, she should drink water and buttermilk only. 46. 

If any emergency like illness occurs during the observance of these vows, she should complete the vows after she is comes out of difficult situation. 47. 

If a widow is weak and incapable of observing this vow for a year, she should observe the fast for three quarters of the year. In case she is weaker she should observe the vow for half of the year. However, if even more weak then she should observe the vow for the quarter of the year. 48. 

The expiation recommended for the sin, mentioned above (verse - 43-44) that is open i.e. know to others (public). However, I shall now tell you about the expiation that is recommended in the scriptures for the sin committed in privacy. 49.

She should keep the idol of Lord Vishnu before her, sit steadily, observe silence and concentrate on Him without blinking her eyes and chant the mantra that consists of the four syllables (Narayana). In addition to that, she should chant the mantra in mind for five thousand times a day, for six months; and thereafter that woman with controlled senses should take food once a day only. 50-51. 

If that woman is corrupt on account of enjoying company of any other person than six men mentioned above, (Verse - 43-44) expiation vow should be observed in half by her. 52. 

If a widow drinks liquor, or eats meat, or steals gold, being unaware of its effects, then she should observe the Chandrayana vow. 53. 

Very rigorous expiations are recommended in the scriptures. However, it is very difficult to follow those in this kali age. Thus, I have mentioned, only these many as given here. 54. 

If a widow steals cooked food, vegetables, roots, fruits, milk or curds, etc. sufficient for a day; she should thus, fast for a day, for each of the theft. 55. 

If she steals sweets and ghee, she should therefore fast for two days. Thus, the expiations should be understood in proportion to such other cases also. 56. 

unknowingly or by ignorance, some tiny insects such as louse, nits or bugs is killed then she should fast for one day. Additionally, if some creatures like rat and others are killed unknowingly, she should chant the name of Shri Hari and observe fast for two days. Thus, giving consideration to the magnitude of that particular creature, and also time and place, the expiation should thereby be observed. 57-59. 

If a widow commits suicide, she will have to undergo rigorous tortures and gets birth in a vicious species like that of a serpent or a spirit (Preta). 60. 

without any emergency, if a widow does not observe a fast on Ekadashi or the birthday of Shri Hari and such other pious occasions, then she will have to observe the Chandrayana vow. Moreover, if she eats food (prepared for) of an ascetic, a bachelor or a stray person (devoid of any Ashrama) even unknowingly, she will have to observe the auspicious Chandrayana vow. 61-62. 

If by ignorance, she may commit something that may bring blemish to her caste, then she should observe the Chandrayana vow by chanting Shri Hari’s name in mind. 63. 

I have thus, mentioned these expiation rites for the breach of the vow that might have occurred only once and that also unknowingly. It cannot be applied to any other cases (like the mistakes committed knowingly and repeatedly). 64.

While observing the fast as expiation, the widow should chant the name of Lord Shri Hari, all the day, and night. Thereby, she will get the complete result of the expiation. 65. 

When that widow is observing the fast for the expiation, she should not count the Ekadashi and such other obligatory fasts coming in between into it. 66. 

If the fast of Ekadashi and other such obligatory fast overlap the purificatory fasts, then she should observe it on the third day of that obligatory fast, separately. 67. 

If a fast for expiation is going on and again such other expiatory fast occurs, then it should be included in previous one and should not be observed separately. 68. 

During the days of expiatory fast that widow should take water or butter milk and should not eat fruits, roots, etc. 69. 

A widow who will sincerely observe the expiation rite for the breach of her vow will certainly earn the greatest happiness, just as Rama - the wife of Vishnu, in Golok. 70. 

A widow who will not follow the rules of expiation or one who will speak antagonistically to one who is observing such vows, both of them will surely be taken to the worst type of hell, by the Yama the god of death, who works as per the orders of Shri Hari. 71. 

When the blemish is thus removed by such rigorous tortures, the attendants of Shri. Hari will take both of them to Golok (the abode of the Lord) by a celestial aeroplane lustrous like the rays of the Sun. 72. 

As both of them have (already been in Golok and) devoted to Lord Vishnu, they will certainly become the attendants of Goddess Laxmi, the position desired by Goddesses (in the heaven). 73. 

Being devoid of devotion to Lord Vishnu, if a widow observes her own duties and necessary expiation vows properly, attains the of Sati Loka i.e. world pious ladies. 74. 

A widow who does not observe the expiation rite, undergoes rigorous tortures; thereafter, she gets purified and finally attains the world of pious ladies, (Sati Loka), certainly. 75. 

O Brahmin! Thus, I have told you the code of conduct for widows and the expiations in case they fail to observe those. I shall now tell you the way of worshipping Lord Shri Krishna, common for all women. 76. 

Thus ends the thirty-fifth chapter entitled, ‘narration of atonement for widows violating the code of conduct,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 35