Chapter 62 - Description of the cosmic composition: Brahmanda- rachana

* Description of the cosmic composition: Brahmanda- rachana.

Description of the cosmic composition: Brahmanda-rachana. 

Shri Narayan Muni said:- 

I shall now narrate, in brief, the entire structural composition of the Brahmic Egg (Brahmanda), i.e. Spherical cosmos: beginning from the lower petal (part), up to the limit of upper petal. 1. 

Above the lower petal is water, comprising primordial Matter pervading every-where. Above that there is the great tortoise. Again there is Shesha-cobra above that. 2. 

That Shesha (Cobra), has a thousand hoods; and in one (central) hood, there stands the entire globe of earth. There, in the inner layers of that globe, are the seven worlds (Sapta-lokas). 3. 

There, in the first layer of the earth, is the famous netherworld (Paatala), which is beautiful. Therein, the Cobras laid by Vasuki, live with their shining hoods. 4. 

Thereafter, in the world named Rasa-tala, the sons of Diti and other reside. Again, thereafter in Maha-tala world, Takshaka and other Cobras dwell. 5.

Then in Tala-tala, Danava, named Maya, lives along with his clan. Then, above the Tala-tala; there is Sutala, where, together with his Lord, resides Bali. 6. 

Above that (Sutala), there is Vitala. There in lives Hatakeswara: Shiva. There above is Atala; and Bala-demon lives along with his followers. 7. 

Then above it, there is the eighth globe, named the Earthen Globe; the mountain Meru is at the centre. Above that Mount Meru, there are three cities of: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha. 8. 

O innocent sage! There are eight cities, with Amaraavati being the main, on respective directions, of directional Lords: Indra etc. above the top of golden mountain (Meru). 9. 

There around is Jambu Island, which is surrounded by the salt sea, comprising nine continents: Bharata etc. 10. 

Samkarshana is adorable in the continent: Ilaa-vritta; Haya- greeva in Bhadrasva; Nrusimha in Hari-varsha; Kama-deva in Ketumala and Matsyamurti in Ramyaka. Lord Vishnu, in tortoise form is adhorable in Hiran-maya; the Boar: Varaha is to be adored in Kuru continent and Ram in kimpurusha. Similarly, the seer Nar- Narayana is adorable in this Bharat continent. 11 - 13. 

Successively compare to this Island, encircled by salt water, further and further, each located island and the respective ocean is to be understood to have double dimension, at each step. Jambudveepa of a lakh yojana area is surrounded by the sea. It is of double dimension. 14. 

Plaksha-island is beyond Jambu-island and is surrounded by the ocean of sugarcane juice. There, Hari, in the form of solar image, is worshiped by people. 15. 

Then, there is Shaalmali-island, surrounded by liquor-ocean. There, Lord Hari is to be worshipped by people, in the incarnation of Chandra (the moon). 16. 

Then, beyond that is the kusha-dveepa surrounded by the sea, containing water mixed with ghee. There, Hari is worshipped in the form of Fire. 17. 

Beyond that is the Krauncha-island, surrounded by the sea of milky water. There, Lord Vasudeva is worshipped in the form of water. 18. 

Then, there is the Shaka-island, surrounded by sea full of water, mixed with whey of curds. There, Shri Hari is worshipped, by the people, in the form of Wind. 19. 

Beyond that, there is an island named Pushkar, which is surrounded by sweet water sea. Here, people worship Brahma, who resides in the lotus. 20. 

Then, there is the golden land and a mountain, named Lokaloka. There are four Directional elephants: Diggajas, on four directions. 21.

On that mountain, dwells Lord Maha-purusha-Ishwara, for the protection of people, being surrounded by Vishvak-sena and others. 22. 

O good intelligent one! Above that Earthen Globe, there is the Firmament (Bhuvarloka). That is the abode for roaming of ghosts and spirits. 23. 

On the golden mountain (Meru), which is geo-centric and in front and around the directional guardians the sun rotates after mounting the divine chariot, being within the Egg like orbit. 24. 

Then, on the upper and upper regions, there are spheres located in orderly locations pertaining to: Moon, stars, planets: Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, in respective order. 25. 

Above the orb of Jupiter, there is the orb of Saturn and then, the Seven stars. Thereafter, is the place of the pole star, which is the abode of Vishnu. 26. 

Near to that, there is the extremely beautiful region: heaven. The Lord of tri-worlds: Indra lives there, along with all groups of gods. 27. 

That planetary orbit exists from the sun upto the pole-star, rested on Shimshumara: stellar orbit. There above, is the beautiful region, named Mahar-loka. 28. 

Above that, there is the region: Jana-loka and there above is the region, Tapo-loka. All these three worlds are rested on the group of seven stellar sages: Ursa-major (Saptarshi). 29.

Above that, there is the globe: Satyaloka; that is the domain of cosmic creator (Brahma). These fourteen globes are engulfed by darkness all around. 30. 

Beyond that darkness, there exists embryonic fluid, O sage! Then, there above, are eight layers: earth etc. (Water, heat, wind and ether…). 31. 

Thereafter is primordial matter (Moola-prakrati). There above is the supreme lustre. That alone is the domain of the Lord, which is called abode of Brahman (Brahma-pura). 32. 

Since this is the construction of Brahmic egg (Brahmanda), the Yogic expert reaches there, through the path of respective veins and perceives there above, respective Globes. Yet, he reaches the domain of the Lord, which is trans-primordial matter, through the channel of Sushumna alone. Having perceived that, he returns into his mortal body again and wakes up. 33 - 34. 

This kind of freedom, in the state of equipoise (Samadhi), attained through the favour of, and devotion in, Narayan. For that, wise adept should learn and practice yoga under the guidance of a Guru, for the progress therein. 35. 

O pure Sage! In this world, the Yogic mastery would quickly materialise in case of a practitioner of Yoga, under the training from righteous preceptor, who is expert in devotion, Yoga; and not in the case of anyone else. 36.

Thus ends the sixty-second chapter entitled, ‘narration of the infrastructure of the Brahmic Egg: the cosmos, in topic of Yoga,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 62