* Signals of death for a yogi. * Signs of death in dream state.
Signals of death for a yogi.
Shri Narayan Muni said:-
I shall now narrate to you about the indicating signs either in wakeful state or in dream, by which a yogi should notice and make it for certain, of his forth-coming death. 1.
A yogi, whose death is near, is not able to see the path of celestials, Dhruva (polestar), Venus, Jupiter, star of Arundhati. He also fails to see his own shadow. 2.
To him the sun, fire and moon appear to be faded in brightness. Sometimes he sees a double image of the moon and other planets, in the sky. 3.
A yogi who is nearing death, sees his vomited content, urine and faeces golden in colour, and also trees. 4.
He does not see his full footprints in mud or sand fully but sees only half of it. In addition he sees his own pores in his shadow and his image in mirror without head. 5.
When he notices his fat body reducing fast or thin body becoming fat, it should be also considered that death is approaching near to him. 6.
One whose body smells like a ram’s body or a burning corpse, he should thus, assume that death is nearing him. 7.
After having a bath if a yogi notices that his heart (chest) and feet instantly become dry, he should know that the advent of death is very near. 8.
When a yogi notices that both things eaten and drunk, do not get digested, and no medicine works, then he should firmly know that death is nearing him. 9.
An acute burning sensation in palate, stomach, heart; and pain in all joints; and nose and ears getting disfigured, are the signs of approaching death for him. 10.
A yogi when, feels hungry immediately even after having full meals, and when he doesn’t sense light of lamp or any smell, he is near to death. 11.
When one is unable to see his own image in the pupils of other person (in front) and does not hear any humming sound (vital vibrations) in the ears when finger inserted in, he should be sure that death is very near him. 12.
When a yogi is unable to distinguish the objects before him by his sensory organs, and loses a faculty of distinguishing between the real (existent) and unreal, he is sure to face death. 13.
When the eyes move hither and thither, or when there are acute pains in the navel area and teeth are blackened; and his natural disposition changes (he behaves in abnormal or opposite way) suddenly, these are sign of an approaching death. 14.
When a yogi being in sensible, wakeful state, insults the adorable one or when he wishes to grab money from the donation pot; these should be known as sign of approaching his death. 15.
Signs of death in dream state. When a yogi, in his dream sees that he is riding towards the south, in a cart pulled by a bear or monkey or a camel or an ass, he should know that the death approaching. 16.
If in his dream, he sees that he is fallen in a pit or getting confined there by someone, or he has hugged a dead body, he should be prepared to accept death. 17.
When one, in his dream sees that; he has sunk in water or mud, or entered in fire, or has taken poison, he is near to death. 18.
When a yogi perceives in his dream, his body smeared with oil, naked, wearing garlands of Japakusuma (Jaswand) and going southward, these he should mind to be the signals of nearing death. 19
O noble minded one, A Yogi should understand that all these signs seen in dream, do indicate nearing death. 20.
When he notices these signs, he should be alert from the same day and prepare himself to accept death. 21.
He should then assertively think that his body and everything in the world around is untrue. He should devote himself to nine fold devotion and meditate upon Shri Hari, being detached from all the worldly matters. 22.
A yogi, who accepts this truth and becomes fearless and readily accepts death, gets freed from (all bondages), and thus attains the highest abode of Shri Hari, thereafter. 23.
O Sage, this is the greatness of yoga. Hence, those aspiring final beatitude, should therefore, practice yoga, devotedly. 24.
In the past, hundreds of great sages and kings have attained their desired fruit by practising yoga. Knowing thus, wise ones should practice this yoga and accomplish their goal. 25.
Thus ends the sixty-fifth chapter entitled, ‘narration of prior knowledge of impending death, in the topic of Yoga,’ in the fifth Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 65