Nijatmanam Brahmanrupam Dehatrayavilakshanam |
One’s soul (Nijatma) is seperate from the three bodies known as Sthool, Shukshma and Karana. These three bodies are associated with the soul therefore God, who is the enlightenment of the soul is also different from the soul. The soul is Brahmroopam - of God and not itself God.
God has said, ‘Sthool and Shukshma bodies are distinct from the Atma, just as fire is distinct from the wood that it burns.’ Just as the wood is endowed with qualities to allow it to burn, the Atma is endowed with qualities or aspects of the body. It is due to this link to the body that the Atma is prone to shifting tendencies.
For this reason the Lord writes:
Vibhavya Tena Kartavya Bhaktiha Krushnasya Sarvatha ||
One shall always worship Shree Krishna identifying the soul as a part of God. Thus one should worship and meditate upon God by becoming Brahmanroopa. Gita explains, ‘Four types of men of good deeds worship me, O Arjuna; these are the distressed, the seekers after knowledge, the wealth seekers and the men of knowledge. Of these, the men of knowledge, being ever with me in Yoga and devoted to the one and the only, is the foremost; for I am dear to the men of knowledge and he too is dear to me. I deem the man of knowledge to be my very self for he is devoted to me alone as the highest. He attains the highest stage of Bhakti.’ In this way knowledge is considered very important in aiding Bhakti.
Shrimad Bhagwat adds, ‘Endowed with knowledge, worship me through Bhakti and reject all else.’ ‘O Parikshit! Though I am learned in the supreme knowledge, I am drawn to God’s Leela (pastimes) and therefore have studied the Bhagwat Purana.’ ‘Shree Krishna Leela is wonderful and so study of the Bhagwat Purana will derive eternal peace through salvation.’ ‘There is nothing else better to conquer desire and so Sanak and other Maharishis follow the same path of Bhagwat Dharma.’