Shatanand elaborates, saying that social actions or affairs should be thought about clearly using one’s intellect. Such actions should be carried out only after discussing the subject with one that understands the truth - a Satpurusha. The poet Bharvi has said, ‘No action should be undertaken without due consideration, as great misery and misfortune can befall such people. Those who always consider carefully their actions become wealthy in all aspects of life.’ Thus such a person achieves happiness and prosperity even without applied effort. Bhartru Hari adds, ‘Actions without thought are likely to cause suffering, just like forcing an arrow through your heart.’
Only those actions that are properly thought out can be considered as positive and constructive useful acts. Much of today’s problems are due to actions without thought or consultation. Problems in family, society and communities all too often exist because due care wasn’t taken in thinking through their actions and the consequences. Such consideration is vital to acquire a best solution, which is acceptable to all. Such constructive actions build a community to strength whereas irresponsible thoughtless actions fragment and weaken a community. For these reasons Lord Swaminarayan points out a directive which is very important in this day and age.
Lord Swaminarayan further says Karyo Dharma Satvaram - actions pertaining to Dharma should be performed immediately without consideration. Why is this so? Smruti explains - Dharma Eva Sahayi Syata Paraloke Na Chetara - ‘Dharma is the only cause of promotion to the heavens.’ Furthermore: Dharmasya Tvarita Gatiha - ‘Dharma is a quicker motive force (to the heavens).’ Thus Dharma is a strong force, which drives a person faster to the heavens and hence its action need not be questioned.
Dharma makes a person. It builds the great qualities within him. Without Dharma a person is lost forever, it is his link to the heavens. The Greatness of Dharma has been ever glorified in this translation. Saints and Shastras all praise its greatness and righteous people abide by it so that they can attain the heavens. This is why Dharmic actions should be performed immediately. Mokshadharma says, ‘Actions (Dharmic) to be undertaken tomorrow should be undertaken today, as death does not wait for a person to perform righteous deeds.’ Thus one should never put off or postpone their duties as we can never say when death will strike. Death will not wait for a person to successfully complete his/her duties and so it is important that we do as much as we can for Dharma - now!
Shree Hari says - Pathniyadhitavidhya the imparting of one’s own knowledge to others. A Guru or learned person should pass on his wealth of knowledge and education to a promising and virtuous student (Shishya). Shatanand says, Vishyadaansyatidaantvaditi Bhavaha - Vidhya Daan or giving away of knowledge is the best of all donations. Smruti explains, ‘The three donations of cows (Gavaha), land (Pruthvi) and knowledge (Sarasvati) are the greatest of donations.’ The passing of knowledge is the greatest of acts and so it is praised here.
Daankhanda of Vishnudharmotar says, ‘Those who teach others obtain the greatest of heavens. The greatest penance (Tapa) is that performed by one who offers the donation of knowledge to others. In this world, the greatest donation and penance - Vidhyadaan will fulfil all desires.’
Nandi Purana then explains the fourteen great studies or subjects (Chaturdas Vidhya): ‘The six studies of physical nature, four Vedas, the Dharmashastra (treatise of Dharma), Puranas, Mimamsa (Vedantic philosophy) and Tarka (logic).’ From these, thousands of studies have come into being. However three are considered the greatest of studies - (i) Atma Vidhya - study into the nature of the soul (ii) Purana Vidhya - study of the works of Vyaas - the eighteen Puranas and (iii) Dharmashastra Vidhya - study upon Dharma (includes Shrutis and Smrutis). Shatanand says, Tistra Eta Mata Mukhyaha Sarvadaankriyafalauha - these three are the greatest of studies and will derive the fruits of performing numerous donations. Thus education is held high in Hinduism, but we must be careful that we study the right subjects - those pertaining to Vedas and Shastras. Garuda Purana specifies a Vidhya which is held greater than even these three, hence it is the greatest Vidhya of all: Vidhyanascha Para Vidhya Brahmvidhya Samirita – ‘The greatest Vidhya of all is Brahmvidhya – the knowledge of the supreme (which is the study into the nature of God).’ Those who offer such Vidhya to others are showered with the fruits of donating everything – Sarvadaan,
In this way Shatanand explains the various Vidhyas, their greatness and the fruits of teaching others the great Vidhyas. Now, Shatanand explains the worthy teachers and worthy students of such Brahmvidhya. Manusmruti explains the best type of teacher: ‘One should study under the guidance of either an Acharya’s son, a servant of God, one who is knowledgeable, one who obeys Dharma, who is pure, trustworthy, able, competent, who donates their wealth to good causes and a Sadhu.’
Yagnavalkya further adds, ‘Those who are not faithless nor treacherous, who are compassionate, understand the Shastras, who has a good memory, who are of great intellect, who is level minded, who looks upon the positive qualities always and does not have a tendency to find fault with others, who promotes the truth as taught by Shastras, who is always ready to serve others and who is a friend to all, these are qualities of a worthy teacher.’
Not all are worthy of the knowledge of the supreme though, and so Shatanand now explains who should be taught such knowledge. First and foremost, a Naishtik Brahmchari is worthy of such knowledge and so should be taught, as explained by Bhavishya Purana’s Daanakhanda. Secondly, only those who are virtuous and disciplined should be taught. Rigorous testing should take place initially to find out whether the student has the ability and is mentally competent. Shruti and Smruti explain a situation where Vidhya (in form) went to Brahmins for shelter and said, ‘Save me! I (Vidhya) am your very form and therefore I plead that you do not abuse me. Please do not give me away to those who envy and anger, nor to those who are undisciplined and who do not adhere to Vratas (penance). Only then shall I become strong and powerful.’
Vrudh Chanakya says, ‘How can those who teach to unfaithful and bad disciples ever achieve satisfaction and bliss.’ Lagu Charnakya says, ‘It is better to die with such knowledge than to teach it to some bad natured fool of a disciple, as such a person is an enemy to all.’ Therefore by teaching Vedic knowledge to a corrupt and unrighteous person, is destructive. A student who displays the right manner, temperament, discipline, faith, ability etc. should be sought and taught the knowledge of the Vedas. Such knowledge in the hands of others is futile and unproductive.
Now Shatanand sings ‘Sant Mahima’ and concludes this Shloka of Sahajanand Swami. Sangoanvaham Sataam – to associate always (or daily as implied by Anvaham) with a Sant or Sadhu. Vishnu Dharmotar explains the qualities of such a saint, ‘Who follows Svadharma (personal duty), a Bhakta (disciple) of Lord Vishnu, who controls his sense objects and who is absorbed within his soul (Atmanishta), such a person is considered a Sant.’ Shatanand says that one should associate with such saints, performing Darshan of (touching their feet), Vandana of (bowing before), Poojan of (to revere through respect) and Vakyodhaaran of (seek their blessings by obeying their command). Such Samagam (company of) saints should be sought.
Vashishta says, Nityam Santoabhigantavya – ‘One should daily seek the company of a saint.’ Shatanand then explains the greatness of Satsang and says that such Satsang is merely devotion to God – Satsangsyauva Bhagvadbhaktihetutvaditi Bhaavaha, as explained by Shrimad Bhagwat: ‘O Lord! Whenever there is destruction of morality and faith in mankind, people seek the company of a realised soul for the upliftment of the self. The company of such a saint instils Bhakti in mankind, rejuvenating purity and morality in the hearts of many. He is thus uplifted and freed from the bondages of Sansaar (worldly life).
‘Those who listen with their hearts and ears to the spiritual discourses from the mouth of a Sant, open themselves a path to salvation through their faith and devotion to God. Such is the greatness of Satsang. What are wealth and a kingdom in comparison to the company of a Satpurusha? Such company is simply salvation for thee. If company of a Sant is enough to purify one’s household, then what can be said about the Darshan, touch, the water used to cleanse the feet of such a Satpurusha, or even offerings of a place to reside?’
Shatanand explains the Murtis of the Lord are divine as they are worshipped by an Ekantik Sant. The Abhishek (bathing), Poojan and Pratishta (installation) by a Satpurusha of a Murti made from Stone or Clay make’s it divine. Similarly, places of pilgrimage are divine as saints have walked upon such land (often barefoot) or bathed in such waters. For these reasons, Satsang, which is often practised in temples, in the proximity of God’s Murti and at places of pilgrimage, should be performed daily. Satsang is for everybody and is a basic necessity (Saadharan Dharma). However for Grihastas (householders) it is extremely important and relevant: Narad explains, ‘Those householders going about their daily work should make time to serve an Ekantik Bhakta (devotee) or Muni (saint). Renouncing the company of their family, they should awaken themselves to serve such saints. They should renounce the company of those with a sinful nature and seek the company of intellectual Satpurushas. The company of a saint and the obeying of their every command destroy the incapabilities of the mind and free them from repeated births and deaths, bringing salvation to the masses.
‘Just as food nourishes and maintains a person, God alone is the deliver of salvation to those in pain. Dharma is the only means to wealth after death. Similarly, the only means of refuge is a Sant. Just as the sunlight gives vision to the eyes, a Sant gives the vision of supreme knowledge.’ For this reason - Devta Bandhavaha Santaha Santa Atmahameva Cha - a Sant is a God, a friend and a great soul/being.
‘O my Lord! Those who seek the company of selfish and cruel people are forgotten in this world. They are uncelebrated by even their children, friends, wife etc. Those who have never been fortunate enough to be cleansed by the dust from the feet of a Sadhu-Purusha have never been able to truly realise God and serve thee.’
Nitishatak’s Bhartruhari says, ‘That which demolishes the barriers of intellect, which instils truth in speech, teaches a path of respect, destroys sin, brings about super consciousness and that which brings fame and renown everywhere; such is Satsang. What can’t such Satsang achieve?’ Similar message is given by Jaganath Pandit in Rasgangodhar, adding that a Sant brings auspiciousness to all.
Shatanand finally explains that the commandment is to be always obeyed, as such faith and respect brings peace to all, overcoming all difficulties. ‘Those who wish for peace and tranquillity should listen to the sweet nectar words of a Satpurusha. By following implicitly the teachings and bearing them whole heartedly, one is never again troubled by misery and misfortune.’
Shankracharya in his Prashnotarmala explains: Prarnadapi Ko Rakshyaha Sviyo Dharmascha Sadhusangascha - ‘What are the only things worth saving in life? - Dharma and association with Sadhupurusha.’ In this way Shatanand Muni has with great effort and length explained Sant Mahima. Such a subject is so wide that a book could be written solely on that topic but Swami here has done extremely well to sing such glory in a short space.
Note that this Shloka, as well as many in this Shikshapatri are not necessarily religious. They are to guide a person so that they may enjoy a better trouble free life. Indeed this is what religion is truly all about, but it is through our ignorance that we have not been able to recognise this. Sant Mahima is further glorified in the Vishesha Dharmas.