Shatanand explains additionally that although servants are specifically mentioned here, in actual fact the Shloka is aimed at all that are under your care or shelter. Those it is your duty to support should be cared for to the best of one’s ability. These are explained in Kashi Khanda:
Mata Pita Guruha Patni Chapatyani Samashritaha |
Abhyagataha Prapanogniha Poshyavargaa Ami Nava ||
‘Mother, father, Guru, wife, children, those that are under your care or shelter, those that are under your protection, a guest or visitor and fire; these are the nine Poshya-Vargas.’ They are to be supported in every way and taken care of with one’s wealth; providing for them food, clothing, shelter etc. They should be satiated daily and never made to suffer - Na Tu Keshaniyaha.
Skanda Purana explains, ‘One should always take care of the Posya-Vargas. Those who do not are sinners.’ Similarly, ‘Those who feed and support others are truly alive and conscious. However those that think only of themselves by filling only their own stomach are considered as mere corpses.’
‘Speaking the truth, giving to others, forgiving, being compassionate, having children from one’s own wife only, cleanliness, not offending, tenderness, supporting one’s servants and refraining from anger; these are the ten basic duties for all.’
The fundamental principle of goodness and kindness to all is once again put in the spotlight here. It is one’s duty to properly look after and care for one’s servants, family members etc. Servants should never be exploited or over worked, and they should always be treated fairly and with respect. We briefly touched on service to one’s parents that will be discussed in full later.