Shreeji Maharaj now explains the various Vratas or religious disciplines to be practised. For three Shlokas, he explains the various duties to be practised during Chaturmaas:
Visheshaniyamo Dharyaschaturmaasyeakhlilaurapi |
Ekasmichravane Maasi Sa Tvashaktaustu Minavau ||
Chaturmaas (four months) Vratas from Asadh Suda Ekadashi (11) to Kartak Suda Dwadashi (12) are to be observed.
All - men and women, should keep additional Niyams or Vratas during Chaturmaas. Shatanand Muni here makes a point of assumption - he assumes that we observe the basic Niyams anyway. As this is often not the case, we should really make more of an effort to observe the basic Niyams in Chaturmaas as well as performing additional Niyams.
Those who are not capable of four months of Vrata should do so for just the one-month of Shraavana. One should begin their Chaturmaas Vratas by observing a full day fast (Upavaas) on the first day Asadha Suda Ekadashi. Those who do not observe such Vrata are destined to suffer the sins of a full year. Hence those who observe such Vrata become free of such sin.
It is said that Shraavana Maas Vrata should be kept for duration of six weeks, from the beginning of Chaturmaas up to the end of Shraavana Maas.
Chaturmaas (rainy season) is considered as Satva Guni. The four months of Unaro (hot season) are Tamo Guni and the four months of Siyaro (cold season) are Rajo Guni. Devtas also keep the Vrata of Chaturmaas performing great penance to please God.
Shree Nilkanth Varni performed great penance at Pulashram during Chaturmaas, thus setting an example for all to do the same. Chaturmaas are the four months when, God’s Bhaktas should stay ‘awake’ in their devotion and faith in God by performing such Vratas and Niyams.
From all the various Niyams the Lord chooses eight which he himself considers as the best: