Sanskaraschahnikam Shraadham Yathakaalam Yathadhanam |
Swasvagruhyanusarerna Kartavyam Cha Dwijanmabhiha ||
The upper three castes (Dwijatis) should perform the various Sanskars (rituals) during their lifetime. These Sanskars are forty in number as explained by Gautam Muni in Krutyachintamani:
(1) Garbhadhaan - ritual of conception (2) Punsavan - to protect the foetus and ensure a baby boy (3) Simantonayana - performed during the last month of pregnancy for mental formation (4) Jatkarma - preparation of astrological charts after birth (5) Namakarana - naming of the child (6) Annpraashana - first feeding of rice (usually done in temple, in front of God) (7) Chaul - removing of the hair for the first time (8) Upanayana - wearing of the sacred thread (9-12) Veda Vrata - the four Vedic Vratas (study of Vedas) (13) Samavartan - bathing ceremony following the return from Vedic studies (14) Sahadharma Charini Sanyoga - the wedding ceremony (15-19) Panch Mahayagna - the five great Yagnas (sacrifices) (20) Ashtaka (21) Parvarna Sthalipak (22) Shraadh - offerings to dead ancestors (23) Shravarni - ritual for full moon day of month Shravana (24) Agrahayarni - offering of new corn and fruit (full moon day - Magshira) (25) Chaitri - ceremony on the full-moon day of Chaitra (26) Ashvayuji - ceremony for the full-moon day of Aaso (27) Agnyadheya (28) Agnihotra - ceremony of fire sacrifice (29) Darsha Purnamaas - to mark the end of the month (30) Chaturmaasya - four months of observing Vratas (31) Agrayarnesthi - ceremonious offering - sacrifice (32) Nirudhpasubandha (33) Sautramarni (34) Agnistoma - fire ritual (35) Atyagnistoma (36) Ukthya (37) Shodshi (38) Vajpeya (39) Atiratra (40) Aptoryaam. Of these, 20-26 are Karmas or acts for ‘Paak Sanstha’, 27-33 are for ‘Haviha Sanstha’ and 34-40 are for ‘Soma Sanshta.’
There are also eight qualities which all should have - Atma Gunas: (1) Daya Sarvabhuteshu - compassion for all living things (2) Kshanti - forgiving (3) Ansuya - non envy (4) Saucha - purity (5) Anayaasa - to not dwell in misery (6) Mangalya - auspiciousness (7) Makarparnya - non-greed and (8) Aspruheti - non-desire or passion for possession. Those that have the forty Sanskars and the eight Atma Gunas attain Sayujya Mukti - a special form of salvation to become one with God - merging of the soul with Brahman (God Supreme).
Shatanand now explains the Ahanika or daily duties: Parashar says, ’Snaan - bathing, Sandhya - morning worship, Japa - chanting, Homa - offerings, Svadhayaya - study of the Vedas, Pitrutarpana - offerings to forefathers and Devta Pooja - worship of Gods are six acts to be performed daily.’
Now Shraadh is clarified. Shraddhastyasminniti Shraadham Shraadhakhyam - ‘Acts performed with faith for one’s forefathers is Shraadh.’ Marichi explains, ’Shraadh is offerings of the best of foods to one’s ancestors, with great faith and devotion (Shraddha).’
Nirnyasindha explains that ninety-six such Shraadhas are to be performed always. Of these, 12 are Amavasya (end of the month), 14 are of Manavadi Tithi, 4 are Yugadi Tithi, 12 are Sankranti Tithi, 13 are Vaidhati, 16 are Vyatipata, 16 are Mahalaya Shraadh, 4 are Ashtaka, 4 are Anvastaka and 4 are for the first day. In this way Shraadh is performed on special days according to the astrological positions.
The Lord writes Swasvagruhyanusarerna - thus the above said rites are to be performed in accordance with ‘Grahyasutra’. Therefore the purificatory rights as outlined by Acharyas and documented in ‘Grahyasutras’ should be taken into account.
Shruti explains: Puravarhyo Vai Devanama Madhyadino Manushyaramparahraha Pitruram - ‘In the first part of the day, acts pertaining to worship of God; in the middle part, pertaining to man (work); and in the final part, acts pertaining to ancestors should be practised.’
Yathadhanam - such acts should be performed in accordance with one’s financial ability - one should not be greedy in such acts. Shatanand explains that performance of the Sanskars, in accordance with Grahyasutra leads to the fulfilment of all righteous acts documented in Shastras and will ultimately lead to great wealth.
Those who are unable to perform this multitude of Sanskars may perform the sixteen Sanskars of Garbhadaan etc. Similarly they may perform more than one Sanskar at a time - at the time of ‘Chaul’ or ‘Upanayan.’ Those who cannot perform Snaan-Sandhya-Vandana at three times during the day should perform so once in the morning. Those who cannot fully perform Sandhya Vandana Karmas may perform Achamana (sipping of water for purification of the body), Pranayam (concentrated breathing), Argyadaan (worship with offerings) and Gayatri Japa (chanting of the Gayatri Mantra) ten-times.
Similarly, those unable to perform the ninety-six Shraadhs may perform Mahalaya and Samvatsarika Shraadhs only. If the full Shraadh ritual is not possible (due to financial difficulty or unavailability of a Brahmin) then offerings of a bowl of rice or flour will suffice; or on such a day, an Upavaas fast may be observed.
If Shraadh day falls on a day of one’s fasting, then offerings should still be made to the ancestors (this opposes the commonly thought fact that Shraadh should be performed on another day when it is not one’s fast day). Shruti also explains the importance of performing various rites in various directions: Praachim Deva Dakshinam Pitaraha Pratichim Manushya Udichim Rudrasha - ‘Deva worship facing east, ancestral worship facing south, social acts facing west and worship of Shiva facing north should be performed.’
Swami Sahajanand uses ‘Dwijanmabhiha’ to specify that these directives are for the upper three castes. Shudras, due to their restriction in study of Vedas, are not to perform all the Sanskars. ‘Brahmins were created from the Gayatri Mantra, Kshatriyas from Trishtumbha, Vaishyas from Jagti, but Shudras were not created from any Mantra’ (thus, they also have no right to study the Vedas).
Shudras should perform the Sanskars according to Vyaas in Sanskarmayukh, ‘(1) Garbhadhaan (2) Punsavan (3) Simantonayan (4) Jatkarma (5) Namakaran (6) Nishkramana (7) Annprashan (8) Chaul (9) Karnavedh (10) Vratadesh (11) Vedarambha (12) Keshanta (13) Snaan (14) Udhavaha (15) Agniparigraha and (16) Tretagnisangraha. Women should perform up to Karnavegh. In addition Vivaha (wedding) Sanskar using Mantras should be performed. Shudras, like women should also perform the nine Sanskars and Vivaha Sanskars, but without the use of Mantras though.’