Chapter 18 - Meeting of Dharmadev and Munis in Vrindavan

* Meeting of Dharmadev and Munis in Vrindavan. * Initiation of Japatmak Vishnu Yaag for divine darshan of Lord Shree Krishna. * Divine darshan given by Lord Shree Krishna.

Dharma and the sages observe vows to appease Krishna. 

Suvrat said:- 

O king, people in their thousands from distant places had arrived there with their wives to see the festival of the flower-swing. 1. 

Those roaming, demon-tormented sages, who took birth among men, due to the curse of Durvasa, also had arrived there. 2. 

They, knew each other, with the remembrance of their previous state, their present descent, as wished by Shri Krishna, and had gathered at one place due to their destiny. 3. 

On the way Dharma identified them in their human form by certain signs, while going around (Govardhana) when they too were circumambulating.4.

Having met each other, they exchanged the events gone by from the beginning and the torments of demon groups, experienced by them. 5. 

Dharma, learning about the difficulties faced by the sages, and the Brahmins got to know the miseries of Dharma, all of them felt distressed. Then the sages spoke to Dharma thus: 6. 

‘We got in to this terrific calamity due to the curse of Durvasa. When shall we see the end of it as per his words.’ 7. 

Dharma said that his words will not go otherwise, ‘O Brahmins, there- fore we have to bear this misfortune, for as long as we do not have direct vision of Krishna. 8. 

We have to find a solution here by virtue of worship of Krishna, by which He will be pleased and come to our vision directly. 9. 

I will undergo the sacred-course-Purascharan of repeating the eightsyllable chant of Krishna as prescribed, while you may perform the rites connected with it.’ 10. 

The sages were delighted over these words of Dharma and decided to do according to the scriptures. 11. 

They began to perform the sacrifice in the name of Vishnu (Vishnu yaga) on Thursday of Hasta asterisk which happened to be the second day of dark fortnight in the month of Phalguna. 12. 

In the beginning, Dharma as the sacrifice himself, performed the sacred course of Krishna-chant as per practice and ability. 13. 

Some recited Bhagavata (Purana) with devotion, according to the rites of the sacred-course of seven days. 14. 

Some recited Bhagavad-Gita which is a portion of Mahabharata. Some recited the text on Vasudeva Mahatmya. 15. 

Some used to chant the thousand names of Vishnu and some muttered the hymns of Vishnu Gayatri. (A hymn set in Gayatri meter in the name of Vishnu). 16.

Some Brahmins recited (the hymn of) Narayanvarma facing north, while some simply repeated name of Krishna. 17. 

Bhakti read daily the five chapters (Panchadhyayi) portion of Rasalila from Bhagavata (Purana), with dedication. 18. 

They all together sang Gitgovind accompanied with the instruments like Vina and Mrudanga, at night when people were asleep. 19. 

When performing the worship of Krishna in this manner with resolution, O king, came the eleventh day of bright fortnight of Vaishkha month, called Mohini Ekadasi. 20. 

Lord Shri Krishna appears before Dharma and Others. 

Thus when they became feeble through austerities, the Lord Krishna was pleased and revealed Himself directly before them with compassion. 21. 

That moon of Vrindavan (Krishna) seemed as though Himself was in a continuous Rasa sport in Goloka. 22. 

Having performed the great worship of Shri Krishna keeping awake overnight, they suddenly saw a white splendour in the auspicious wee hours. 23.

All of them saw Krishna in that magnificent splendour, par with the lustre of innumerable suns and moons, and who is in the form of Truth, pure consciousness and bliss. 24.

Krishna seemed handsome like a young cloud with magnificent lustrous splendour, beautiful like cupid-galore, wearing garment of a shadeof golden amber. 25.

Caressing the flute with His beautiful lips and holding it with His two lotus-like hands, playing vivid tunes, costumed like a beautiful actor. 26.

Wearing a long vertical jewel-studded tiara and shining pendants of the shape of a fish on the earlobes, adorned with a thick garland of round pearls and also a splendid garland of aromatic flowers; 27. 

Looking great with saffron on the forehead and dazzling with a crest of flowers, adorned with lavish ornaments of gold and diamonds and having beautiful face like autumn’s full moon. 28. 

Having identical eyes as beautiful as newly blossomed lotus in the autumn and dense black hair soft and curly, pleasing to the eyes with resplendent form. 29. 

Whose lotus-feet are being worshipped with affection by the consorts namely Lakshmi, Radha, Laksmana, Satyabhama, Satya, Bhadra, Jambavati and others and winning their hearts simply by His glances. 30. 

He was looked at affectionately by Nanda, Balarama, Yashoda, Devaki the daughter of Devaki, and also by the cows namely Nanda, Subhadra, Surabhi etc. 31. 

He was surrounded by groups of cow-girls having substances of love in their hands and He was looking affectionately towards devotees with a gentle smile on His lotus like face. 32. 

They having seen Him, were astonishingly delighted, and they knelt before Him with folded-hands. 33. 

As their senses remained drawn towards the figure of the god, they stood like wooden statues. 34. 

They remained, by the will of Krishna, in that state only for a few moments and by the same (will of god) came back to their senses. Then standing before Dharma with the sages, praised Him. 35. 

Thus ends the eighteenth chapter entitled ‘Joy of vision of Shri Krishna due to his worship through Vishuyaga’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 18