Chapter 19 - Dharmadev and Munis glorify the Lord

* Dharmadev and Munis glorify the Lord. * Veneration of Lord Shree Krishna by Bhaktidevi. * Lord Shree Krishna pledges to be born on Earth.

Dharma and others praise Shri Krishna. 

Dharma said:- 

O Lord! Your glance has nullifying effect on multitude of sins of men, kindly swiftly sweep away all our perils. 1. 

O Lord! You are the puissant one, You have the supremacy, You are the original cause of creation and You break the shackles of illusion (maya) and are beyond perishable and imperishable, the creator and the supreme- being. 2. 

Your abode is reputed being the highest one, limitless, imperishable and ever immutable. You reside there with all the wealth, splendour, super powers and such other divine qualities. 3. 

O the tantamount (indistinguishable) cause of all! Assuming the forms beginning with Vasudeva, adored by all the discerning devout with due procedure hailed in the Agamas. 4. 

O Lord! You are the almighty, You create, protect and destroy the world; (for that) You assume the forms of Brahma-Vishnu and Hara. All the Shrutis and Smritis (Vedas and Shastras) acclaim your eminence. 5. 

Whenever there is a decline in religious practice and predominant rise in anti-religious activities, on this earth, You appear in different forms, to protect the virtuous and the divinities. 6. 

In the form of a fish You retrieved the stolen Vedas by the demons. Assuming the form of a tortoise You bore the burden of mount Mandara on your back. 7.

Assuming the form of a boar You brought up the earth on your tusk, from the sea and saved it from the clutches of the demons ; and again in the form of Narasimha : Man-lion, You annihilated the king of demons, who had conquered death. 8. 

Deceived was Bali by Your enticing dwarfness and by becoming the son of Jamadagni, you extinguished all the (tyrannous rulers) tyrants on the earth. 9. 

O Raghava! the bridge-builder of the sea, You killed the mighty king of demons, Ravan who was also a tyrant. 10. 

Previously born to Vasudeva and Devaki as their son in the town of Madhus (Mathura) You came to Vraja to take away the torments faced by the cows, cow-herd boys and Girls and then You roamed on the banks of river Yamuna with great delight. 11.

Terminating many a demons sent by Kansa, You became the most beloved (of) to cow-herd women and again going back to Your birth- place, You killed your villainous maternal-uncle, the son of Ugrasena. 12. 

Going to Dwaraka, marrying Rukmini and others there, revealing Yourself in multiple forms, went on to kill the tormenting demons on the earth, who were a real threat to Dharma and finally resurrected the ancient noble religion. 13. 

O the unconquerable one! Wandering with Your beloved Nar (Arjuna) with mirth in Hastinapura and other places, O Lord! You become very intimate to the sons of Pandu and their wife. 14. 

O Lord! You descend as Buddha and delude the wicked demons. You come as Kalki and destroy the wicked and the mean, at the end of Kaliyuga. 15. 

All the grievances of the people who are true to You, here, are decimated, time and again by You O Lord! You are the Godhead, ever- independent one; shower upon us your mercy. 16. 

Veneration of Lord Shree Krishna by Bhaktidevi. 

Suvrat said:- 

Having praised the Supreme Being thus, Devasharma at the instance became ecstatic with tears of joy along with other sages. 17. 

Seeing the Lord Almighty in person and his divine form delighted Bhakti (Wife of Dharmadeva) saluted the Lord with folded hands. 18. 

Reminiscing the Lord’s defeat to a devotee, in Vrindavan, with trembling speech she began to praise the Lord. As she was overwhelmed, her sight became full of joyous tears. 19. 

Bhakti said:- 

‘O Bliss incarnate! And spreading Bliss, and compassionate, You are wish-yielding Mandara tree to saluting devotees at Your lotus-feet, I kneel before You, who bestowed of bliss forever to Nanda and herds of devotee. 20. 

O Mukunda (liberating people), O ocean of Bliss, (as a child) in abode of Nanda, speaking in sweet soft tone, words like ‘O mom, please give me fresh butter! I bow to thee. Sitting on the lap of Yashoda, O the greatest one! 21.

When angry Yashoda tied you to a mortar for stealing butter, You were looking at her with fear, feeling shy, with tears in Your eyes and Your face downward; O Lord I worship You. 22.

Many times, encouraged by Gopis with clapping hands, You sang and danced in front of them and when they asked You to bring (things like) measure, seat, and shoes etc., You took those things in hands (but unable to carry then) You dropped all those before them. 23. 

I salute You, You who pleased all the beings in Gokula by Your flute-playing; playing with children of Gopas, teasing and making monkey dance (by smearing curds and butter on Your face); and prompt in taking cows and calves to pastures. 24. 

Salutes to Lord Krishna, taking flocks of cows for grazing, lifting mountain Govardhana and thus saving folk of Gokula, beloved one of the Gopis, and sweet heart of Radha. 25. 

Who, only by His sight, liberated sentient and non sentients and also those who had come to kill Him; by uttering whose name, streams of sins are destroyed; I salute thee, carrying string for tying cows on His shoulder. 26. 

In Vrindavan, looking (more) beautiful due to autumn - full moon, nights after nights you played (danced) with Gopis, assuming forms similar to yourself to match with each of them. 27. 

Conquering Brahma, Siva, Indra, Chandra and also Bruhaspati (Guru of Gods), and learned Brahmin sages, cupid, full of excessive pride entered in your Rasa-pastime (with crooked intention to conquer You ; But You defeated him (cupid), even acting amorous gestures full of sentimental love (dispassionately) with Gopis (who were devoid of lower passions) and were absorbed in divine bliss of the Self, (by your inconceivable power); O Master, I have come to Your refuge ! 28.

Lord assures protection.

Suvrat said:-

Thus praising to the Lord and saluting Him, Bhakti remained silent. Then the Lord said to them all, ‘O pious souls devoted to me, I am pleased with your service, for all your penance, prayer and praise uttered by you. From me ask whatever you wish to have’. 29. 

Dharmadeva said, ‘O Lord, born as humans on this earth, we are tormented by devilish men. We are unable to tolerate them. Hence we have come to your refuge. 30. 

O Keshava, protect us, only You are powerful enough to save us. We are afraid of them and poverty imposed upon us by them.’ 31. 

Lord Shree Krishna pledges to be born on Earth. 

To Vrusha (Dharma), thus requesting and praying with folded hands, Lord Shri Krishna said, ‘Don’t be afraid of multitude of those devils. 32. 

They are all demons, harassing you. They are my enemies, nursing hostility towards me since the beginning of time; and they desire to be defeated by me. 33. 

Knowing that you are devoted to me, they intentionally torture you, and gods also, by offering them flesh. 34. 

Actually, they have become a burden to mother earth. Nobody else but me can destroy those wicked, deceitful criminals. 35. 

Hence O Vrush (Dharm), I myself will be born as a son to you and your wife. No doubt, I will suppress them completely. 36. 

Along with you, I myself and the sages, are cursed by Durvasa in Badrivana, so, I will also assume human form. 37. 

Along with you, your wife, and the sages and also gods who enjoy nectar as their food; I am the protector of all, O pious one, I am known here as Shri Hari. 38.

As here in Vrindavan or in Akashardham I have my pastimes with my devotees, likewise, I will move and have pastime with you on this Earth. 39. 

Henceforth, you will not suffer from poverty, any more. O sinless one, plenty of food grains and riches will come to you, as before. 40. 

I will relieve you all from Durvasa’s curse, soon. I will re-establish the cult of Intent (absolute) devotion which has become mean. 41. 

Like you, those who will engage themselves in reading Shrimad Bhagavata and other texts, in chanting my name according to ritualistic procedure; will have all their wishes fulfilled positively. They will attain the highest, eternal abode of mine. 42-43. 

‘Those objects of pleasures and enjoyment are obtained in Shvetadvipa Vaikuntha and Goloka of mine, they (those devotees) will get, them forever.’ 44. 

Saying thus to Dharma and other sages, Lord Shri Krishna, being compassionate towards them, disappeared. Dharma, along with the sages immediately concluded their avowed penance according to regular procedure. 45. 

Thus ends the nineteenth chapter entitled ‘Narration of praise of Shri Krishna by Dharma and the Lord giving a boon to him’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 19