Chapter 21 - Poojan of Vindhyavasini Devi by demons to attain special pow- ers backfires and are thus doomed

* Poojan of Vindhyavasini Devi by demons to attain special pow- ers backfires and are thus doomed.

Goddess Vindhyavasini’s curse to the demons.

Suvrat said:- 

O King ! Meanwhile all the demons, who had taken birth in four castes, gathered in hundreds to worship the goddess Vindhyavasini (dwelling in Vindhya mountain). 1. 

They, the dishonest fellows, who celebrated the festival at the temple of the goddess on the bright ninth day of the month Ashvin. 2. 

They offered flesh with pots of wines to the goddess, having killed thousands of sheep, goats, buffaloes and human beings. 3. 

Eating flesh, consuming wine, made all intoxicated. The indecently dressed women were engaged in offensive acts at the temple of the goddess. 4. 

The goddess having witnessed the sinful and immoral acts of them became angry with the preceptor whose name was Kalidatta in particular and appeared in his dream at the night, in a terrifying form with reddish eyes holding trident and sword and said: 5-6. 

‘O dishonest demons in a Brahmin form; you are overblown with pride, crossing all the moral limits. You consume flesh and wine in my name. You all are merciless and killers of animals and humans. You behave illicitly with other’s wives. You have carried all these in my temple. Hence I will curse you! 7-.8. 

‘All of your race will be destroyed, very soon, and also your wealth will come to an end. 9. 

As you worship me with wine and other things, from now onwards, if any men who belongs to Brahman, Krutriya and other categories, resort to the same sort of worships in this world, (their race) would also perish like yours, bereft of wealth and food, will be going to hell after their death. 10 -11. 

Your traditional enemy Shri Krishna is incarnated as Shri Hari as the progeny of Dharma and Bhakti in the Kausala province. Having the weapon of intellect, he will destroy you from the roots. 12. 

Wandering all over the earth, searching each one of you hiding here and there, he would finish all of you. 13. 

The kings who try to help you will also meet the destruction in the same way as you, undoubtedly. 14. 

The king Taamramukha (red - faced one) from north-west will come and enjoy this earth by becoming victorious over them.’ 15. 

Cursing thus the angry goddess disappeared. And the preceptor Kalidatta awakened with great fear. 16. 

He told the curse given by Ambika, to all the demons. Then they became worried, sad and frightened and trembled with fear. 17. 

Knowing that the curse occurred as a result of their own deeds and is unavoidable even with the help of vows etc., the demons began to beg pardon, showing utmost surrender with all sorts of obeisance. 18. 

Though they were determined about finding ways and means to counter the curse with their abilities, they discussed about the end approaching them. 19. 

According to their discussion, Shri Hari could be finished in his childhood, was their only thought of hope. They began to gather means and ways to achieve it, in the form of destructive female forces, weapons, fighters, arms or charms and powerful hymns. 20. 

Fully grown up enemy with the strength of peers is always a difficult plan, so we would kill him as a child alone. 21. 

With this decision, those demons returned to their own places, awaiting his birth, with an intention to be ready with destructive means. 22. 

Awaiting their enemy’s birth on the earth, and knowing that he has taken a vow to destroy them, all the demons began to lose their courage. They were anxiously scared of the destruction and felt days were as though aeons. 23. 

The fearless Shri Hariprasad observed the vow of Ganesh in the month of Bhadrapada, and worshipped Maruti, (son of Marut) accordingly in the Ashvina month. 24. 

Thus ends the twenty-first chapter entitled ‘Vindyavasini’s curse’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 21