Chapter 22 - Description of the luminous Bhaktidevi bearing the Lord

* Description of the luminous Bhaktidevi bearing the Lord. * Birth of Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj. * Veneration of the Lord performed by demi-gods and Dharmadev. * Dharmadev- Bhaktimata gain knowledge of previous birth. * Lord takes up a child form. * Janmakundali of Shree Hari. * Jatkarma Samskara.

Description of the luminous Bhaktidevi bearing the Lord and Gods and men celebrate Shri Hari’s birth; Gods praise Shri Hari. 

Suvrat said:- 

When Premavati became pregnant, on this earth, she was adored as mother of gods amongst young women. 1. 

She suddenly became as lustrous as the moon, as she was bearing in her womb, Narayan i.e. Vishnu, who is the shelter of the world, and the god of gods. 2.

People coming from different places gathered curiously to see her sitting in her courtyard. 3. 

Then the pregnant, modest woman, who destroys the darkness with her lustre of body, becomes upset because many people come to see her, and never comes out of the house. 4. 

The Brahmin Shri Hariprasad became much astonished and joyful, when he saw her equalling Savitri possessing the Vedas in her womb. 5.

All other women after seeing her, with smiling face, slim (slender, beautiful) and rare to see elsewhere, respected her and said to one another, “Oh, we have seen so many pregnant women on this earth. But we have not seen or (heard) any one like her”. 5-7. 

On the tenth month, the god-respected lady went to stay in the maternity home, on the auspicious time suggested by Brahmins. 8. 

O king, Devasharma gathered all the required materials essential for the delivery. Along with that young and educated midwives also stayed there. 9. 

Then came, the wonderful and auspicious time (period), due to which all the people became astonished at once. 10. 

The three worlds were over-spread with joy, when the time of the birth of Vishnu was approaching, because He is the real ocean of the happiness. 11. 

Knowing that the auspicious moment of incarnation of Shri Hari, who is the treasure of joy, is approaching, all omniscient gods like Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Siva and kings of eight directions etc., riding on their own aeroplanes, accompanied by their wives, stood in the sky upon awaiting the actual appearance of the Lord of the soul i.e. Shri Shri Hari, with the eyes gazed at the home of Dharma. 12-13. 

Suddenly, from the body of Bhakti, some kind of radiant lustre came out and it destroyed all the darkness of inner side and outer side It spread all over the house. It was whitest, spotless, deep and showering joy. As it spread the universe, it was causing much astonishment to all the gods and human beings. 14. 

The most powerful lustre was brighter than that of the crores of fire, moon, sun put together. It increased and spread over all the eight universes. 15. 

All of them could see only that brightness of the supreme spirit every-where and nothing else, like sides - upper, lower, space, or the heaven, earth and the directions. 16. 

Brahma, Shiva and other deities arrived there along with their wives and children. They knew the omniscient of Shri Krishna. Even then, they were astonished by the great lustre appeared after the birth of Him. 17. 

All those (Brahma etc) gods and goddesses have powers to create, to maintain and to destruct the universe. Even then, their eyes became blind due to the dazzling lustre of Him. Then they knew that He had come, and began to praise Him. 18.

Veneration of the Lord performed by demi-gods and Dharmadev.

Gods said:-

Salute to the lustre of lustre salute to the omnipotent! Salute to the entity beyond the touch of darkness! Salute to the supreme spirit who is beyond knowledge and ignorance - both and who has held the human form! Salute, to Him who enters into the bodies of all beings and controls and rules them! Lots and lots, again and again salute to you, Oh the supreme spirit whose virtues are infinite! 19. 

If the lustre of your single hair is manifested, it will be greater than the lustre of innumerable Jivas (even though they are the nearest and dearest to you, they are not able to perceive you) Indeed, none is able to see his origin, here. What to speak of gods who are born of you and dominated by Trigunas, to comprehend you! 20. 

We are being drowned in this ocean of brightness under the universe, hence are not able to see anything that is, neither our own, nor others. We cannot touch even our own body, then what else in the universe because our vision becomes overfull with this solid lustre. 21. 

We are not able to see your endless, great lustre because of the closing of our eyes (which are not able to tolerate that lustre). But we see your greater overspreading lustre in our hearts. O Shri Hari, you are the only solution to the confused deities. 22. 

We are not able to praise you because we are confused in mind due to your great powerful brightness. Hence, really we have surrendered to you. Therefore, oh great merciful one, please withdraw your all lustre and show your own manifested body. 23. 

Dharmadev-Bhaktimata gain knowledge of previous birth. 

Suvrat said:- 

Shri Krishna, caring for the welfare of devotees, gave special vision to them, and became visible to them even in that lustre, who praised (prayed) him, because He himself is the bestowed of blessings to religious people. 24. 

Brahmadeva, Shiva and all other gods along their wives, and also all the sages could see comfortably, the omnipotent god, after he had himself restrained all his lustre, in his own body. 25. 

He always stays with pleasure in the divine, infinite, the abode (home) beyond destruction viz. Goloka. But at that time, there they saw him bearing two hands and playing on the flute. 26. 

Devasharma and Bhakti, who always remembers Him, saw him after the (disappearance) pacification of his lustre, and became astonished getting Him as their son. 27. 

“As, when dwelling in Vrindavan, we have worshipped, along with family, and seen the same, this child must be Krishna himself definitely”. Thus parents became doubtless in mind, thinking like this. 28. 

O king! Deciding that this one is the real supreme spirit came into existence to protect the sages and religion from the multitude of demons, the gods, immensely saluted him with devotion. Then they came politely, holding the two hands together, to the lord of world and pleased him. 29-30

Gods said:-

O Master! We salute you with devotion, knowing, that you are the Real Krishna manifested in the home of Dharma. You are very much loved by devotees; you are the origin (of everything). You are beyond the illusive power of eternity. You are the form of auspiciousness. You are the lord of the world. And you are the cause of the destruction of the multitude of Demons. 31. 

O Lord! You are well-known as the supreme Lord of the universe; because, at the beginning of the creation, you, in illusive power, with the vision which creates infinite universes, though being alone. And afterwards, the multitudes of universes, along with the gods, are created from it. 32.

O Master! You are the shelter or base of the universe. To protect the surrendered beings, you play the role of Nar (i.e. human form, water form). You are the creator of water. Hence they are called - progeny of Nar. 33. 

O God! We are now pleased, to see you personally in the human form; because we know from Vedas, that the first disciples of the Nar - creation is well-known as Narayan. 34.

Being named as Sankarsana, You hold the universe one by one, on the head taking the form of Shesh Naga, as if it is as (light weight) as an atom. Staying in Patala Loka surrounded by many enlightened sages, and prominent royal snakes, O Lord you teach them the real knowledge. 35. 

You are eternally seen as the manifested form of lustre, sitting on lotus, in the globe of the sun. You are the witness of these deeds of them who do them. You are the controller of the gods who lead the path of devotion. You are helping the progress on the path of supreme, to them who had achieved salvation. 36.

‘O Lord, we salute to your lotus like feet which are always meditated in the twelvefold hearts by the Yogis, with devotion, for the liberation from the birth rebirth cycle. Your feet, with the lustre of (even) the nails, destroy their inner darkness (of ignorance). 37.

Suvrat said:-

Gods, sages etc. Praising Him like this, standing a bit far, observed his sacred form (with pleasing eyes and faces) showing their happiness in smiling faces and eyes. 38.

Saluting with both hands closing together, the good nature (intellect) Brahmin and his wife, satisfied the god wandering in the Vrindavan (as Shri Krishna), making the truth as a vow (Satyapratigya and epithet of Vishnu). 39.

Devasharma said:-

Victory to you, O God, who plays on flute, who never fails, giving salvation to the devotees, the ocean of mercy, bestowing blessings and fulfilling all of the wishes of all surrendered ones (devotees), whose eyes are merciful (kind) an abode of all virtues, the lord of the universe ! I salute, O Vishnu, to your two lotus-like feet. 40. 

These lotus-like feet should be meditated in heart for the freedom of birth rebirth cycle by all the people. These feet are the destroyers of all the effort of taking one’s own birth, and they are extremely holy, and hence are always praised by multitude of the gods Brahma etc. 41. 

The persons who have control on their breath and organs and also the persons who are always united with supreme, and the persons who are studying deeply the Vedic classic literature - all they are prophets, in their spotless holy hearts, the beauty or history of hundred suns, on the nails of your feet, O God, I surrender to them. 42. 

It is very difficult to know the real, original manifestation in the human etc., form, by the supreme gods also, even though they are having (possessing) the power of intellect immensity. O, Master! You are the only good preceptor of the world; because you make them capable to know it directly, or indirectly teaching them. 43. 

The human being are not able to destroy (or break) the eternal burdens of their deeds. You are the only, better powerful one to whom the people should be surrendered. It is not possible to anybody to repay your obligations. That’s why we are coming to surrender and to take shelter to your lotus like feet. 44. 

Gods, their preceptors, human beings, their kings, and all other superior personalities are not able to give the blessings - a single part if compared to your full of chores. Hence, O God, I came to your feet knowing that they are capable in bestowing what we wish, and destroying all the sorrows without any remnant. 45. 

O Shri Hari, it is not possible to destroy the fear of death of any one, anywhere, until they along with Indra the king of gods, do not take the shelter of your lotus-like feet. Knowing this, who abandons all other hoping against hopes based on sorrows, and always makes service to your lotus-like feet is only the only blessed one. 46. 

You are the cause of the creation of cores of universes. You are the only cause of the cause (of origin). You are the shelter of all and the master of all. You are my Krishna, my bestowed of blessings. 47.

O Lords, holding various incarnations, you protect the bridges of religion, in every age. You save the sages, destructs the killer of religions (morality) i.e. demons and you give the knowledge of your own original form (elegance). 48.

Now, you have taken birth in my home here, to protect your devotees, and to destroy the creation and expansion of non-religion in the minds of preceptors, and kings due to Kali age. 49.

Suvrat said:-

Thus praised by the great Brahmin, playing variously the drama of being in human form, Krishna spoke to him lovingly, because he loves his devotees and takes incarnations to bestow good to all. 51. 

The Lord said:-

O great Brahmin, you were real god of religion in your prior birth, and your wife is the manifestation of religion who always follows you. 51.

Because of the curse given by the sage Durvasa, you both are possessing the form of human being, and are tortured, many times by (from) the merciless kings who have obtained immoral, non-religious (or anti-religious) ways due to kali age. 52.

Wandering about holy paths and being religious, both of you got initiated into Vaishnavism by my disciple Uddhava. 53.

Staying in Vrindavan, performing a sacrifice in the name of Vishnu, both of you involved in my worship devotedly without distraction. 54.

Being perfect in every deed, seeking for me alone, both of you prayed only for self-protection and getting relief from conditions of poverty and enemies. 55.

Being curbed and restrained in eating, being in firm celibacy, conquering the sleep, both of you persistently were in worship of me. 56.

Having seen your withered personality as the result of your observing severe austerities as well as your inner determinedness, I was pleased hence in no time manifested myself before you. 57.

Hence O Brahmin, being pleased I showered you the blessing you wished for and said ‘I would protect you being your son’. 58. 

Then I disappeared and you came back to your place. From that very day, your fear from enemies and poverty was taken away. 59.

For your recollection, I showed you my divine form, and have become your son. O Brahmin, now be happy’. 60.

Beauty of Shri Hari’s divine form as a child; His Horoscope.

Suvrat said:-

Saying thus, the Lord of the universe, suddenly became divine-human- child, bright like full-moon, having beautiful appearance. Then he went to sleep with his mother Bhakti. 61. 

The great Brahmin and his wife Bhakti, by Lord’s will, forgot what happened in the past. Then they were very much rejoiced in heart seeing the newly born son. 62. 

All the gods, the Brahmin Devasharma and others saw him and became very much pleased, as Krishna had taken the form of the common mortal-human baby, like a fine actor who knows the best technique to change the dress and becoming another person. 63. 

His right foot marked with nine auspicious signs like Swastika and others and left-foot with seven good signs like fish and others. Its row of fingers shone like reddish fresh sprouts, tender and beautiful, thus the feet appearing as a pleasant lotus bloom. 64.

Plundering the brightness of the sun-rays were the pleasing rays streaming from His luminous projected nails of crimson type. The little elevated circular ankle, with the beautiful shank up to the befitting knees, conjoined with marvellous looking plump thighs.. 65. 

The wide golden-type luminous loins whereupon tender strands of little hair sprouted delicately sublimely. The deep orbit (circular) glowing navel placed in fig-leaf shaped belly with three lines of folds (wrinkles). 66. 

The smiling red lips were of lustre of white and cherry-type. The high broad chest marked with a special curl of hair. The two arms are running knee-deep, plump and strong. The hands palms were luminous as rising sun in summit. 67. 

The two beautiful hands with long delicate fingers were of the splendour of red lotus bloom, the glow of oblong temple descending on the conchshaped neck making it prettier, the nose slightly bent at the tip resembling a sesame flower. 68.

A small sesame-seed shaped dot was seen in between ear and the nose, making the smiling face glow as a beautiful luminous circle of a fullmoon. The beautiful anticipating eyes rapidly moving which resembled to a newly bloomed lotus in autumn, having reddish hue inside. 69.

The large prominent forehead and the cheek with their shine, the curved eyebrow, and the lively smiling face adorned with beautiful symmetrical ears and the tender, delicate and curly charming dark hairs on the head. 70. 

Thus all of them beheld that supinely sleeping form resembling to a supreme-being having all the auspicious signs on him. Having paid obeisance to him, with love and respect, now the trinity of gods left for their dwellings, on his wish. 71.

Janmakundali of Shri Hari.

Thus the supreme-being, the omnipotent-soul took birth in the house of the great Brahmin, to the joy of the people. 72.

It was in 1837 [(Bhumi (Earth) - 1 Vasu (class of divinities) = 8 Agni (Fire) = 3 Naga (mountains) = 7)] of Vikrama samvat (era), year named Virodhikrut it was spring season, the month Chaitra, on the ninth day in bright fortnight and of Pushya constellation and Sukarma yoga, Koulava Karana. The Lagna was Scorpio together with Guru (Jupiter) and Shani (Saturn). Venus was powerful. Moon in his own sigh, Rahu was in sixth house (the place of enmity) Buddha (Mercury) in the fifth, (in the place of intellectual faculty) Kuja (Mars) in the second house (wealth), sun in the fifth house (place of progeny) The time of birth was just before dawn. 73-76

Entire creation rejoices Shri Hari’s birth. 

The noble people became delighted with joy and began to celebrate great festival abandoning all their duties. 77. 

Indra (who has performed hundred sacrifices) the king of heaven and other gods, were rejoiced and excitedly showered flowers on earth. The divine singers sang booming songs and the groups of heavenly damsels danced beautifully. 78. 

The sacrificial fire’s flame suddenly rose higher, though engulfed in ashes till then; the sages achieved mental stability now leaving the inner enemies. 79.

The demons in the form of human beings who were sinners, following the path of the left-hand rituals of Shakti, and who deny the supremebeing as the creator of the universe, became frightened in mind, seeing the sign of forthcoming destruction. 80.

The prisoners in the prisons of kings, became free at the instance of the great birth, as their chains and shackles were broken involuntarily. The natural enemies (like lion and deer) abandoned their irresistible enmity. 81. 

In the house of Shri Hariprasad (Dharma) the echoing sound of kettledrums were heard whole day and night, even the reverberating drum sounds from heaven joined, at the time of the birth of the supreme-being. 82.

Groups of young women sang auspicious and benedictory songs to that wonder boy. They smeared saffron and other marks to each other indicating the auspiciousness of the day. 83.

Pleasant breeze waft while the sky remaining blue with stars, the followers of heavenly gods made the sounds of victory and the sages showered blessings. 84.

Everything is auspicious about him, the supreme-being, his speech, his smile, looks, his steps and his face exuding auspiciousness thus becoming auspiciousness personified, showering instant auspiciousness onto this world for its welfare, constantly. 85.

Jatkarma Samskara.

As the sages described Him as the manifestation of auspiciousness and provider of joys, the Brahmin Shri Hariprasad became pleased, and performed the Vedic rituals customary to the birth of a child. 86. 

To begin with, he took bath in gold-purified water and wore a silk cloth. Then, in his house he performed the rituals of offering oblations to his ancestors by the priests’ expert in the Vedas. 87. 

He began Vedic rituals with chanting of favourable hymns through priests, firstly performing the ritual of cleansing the tongue and instigation of tongue for the child, then gave away gifts on account of the ceremony. 88.

In the house of the great Brahmin, his relatives gathered together being extremely joyful, and blessed the child. 89.

Joyful songs and auspicious sounds of musical instruments echoed in every house of that town, and everyone was pleased in their heart. 90.

The overjoyed Brahmin at his son’s birth gave away many gifts to other Brahmins reasonably. 91.

Elephants, horses and several cows of great characteristics were gifted to the Brahmins as well as household articles. 92.

Learning about the range of gifts given by him, even the wealthy kings were astonished and thought that he must be the god of wealth, Kubera himself. 93.

The lord Shripati desirous of manifesting in a human form, with his illusive aspect, was not to be learnt by anyone and nobody came to know that he was the supreme-being. 94.

As Shri Krishna himself becomes the son of Dharma and Bhakti, on his own will, the parents became desirous to look after their son’s childhood. 95.

‘With the knowledge of my deification, I may be denied of the natural fondling of a child (from the natural love of parents for the child),’ thus the lord thought himself. 96. 

The couple was very much pleased to get the wish fulfilled and hence there was bond of love and affection between them and their son who was none other than the Supreme Lord in the form of a child. 97. 

‘O King, this blissful and wonderful story of Shri Krishna has been narrated to you. The story of lord’s desire of accepting human-form variously, who is the companion of Radha. Whoever with great devotion listens to it or reads it, undoubtedly, would be blessed with the fruits of life. 98. 

Thus ends the twenty-second chapter entitled ‘The festival of the birth of Narayan’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 22