Chapter 38 - Shree Hari reveals His divine form to Dharmadev

* Shree Hari reveals His divine form to Dharmadev. * Dharmadev becomes ill. Dharmadev prays to Shree Hari.

Last days of Dharma His revelations about Shri Hari.

Suvrat said - 

Then Dharma, firm in his religious duties, resorted to the philosophical thoughts of Sankhya and Yoga, and worshipped Krishna day and night. He was served by his sons. 1. 

He had given up all the interest in worldly matters; dispassionate about sensual pleasures, overcoming taste, taking little food, he was engaged in austerities. 2. 

Due to severe penance, and constant meditation and Yoga, his body had become slim, but it was shining with splendour. Deep love was developed in his heart, for the Lord in the form of his son. 3. 

As he was purified by austerities and Yogic practices, by some bodily indications and (meaningful) dreams, and through his own knowledge of the scriptures, he came to know that his death was nearing. 4. 

Since then he began to read the tenth canto of Shrimad Bhagavat, with devotion, regularly and kept meditating on Krishna in his heart. 5. 

After Premavati’s death, he performed rituals of offering oblation every 10th day of shukla paksha of the month according to the scriptures; and after three fortnights also and then again, before and at the end of six months. On that day he offered food to thousands of Brahmins, according to their wish. 6 - 7. 

In the seven-month’s ritual he satisfied the best of Brahmins with pure, rich food; and only after they left, himself took meals with his family members and relatives. 8. 

Dharmadev becomes ill. 

On that day there arose high fever in his body. Then he was aware that his death is closer. 9. 

Leaving all worldly attachments, he contemplated on Krishna alone. On the eleventh day, that being ‘Nirjala Ekadasi’ he observed complete fast without taking even a drop of water. 10. 

At night, when all others were asleep, Shri Hari was pressing his father’s feet keeping awake; as if he had taken a vow of wakefulness, along with his father. 11. 

O sinless king, due to the pains of fever, Dharma had no sleep; suddenly he went in deep meditation by the wish of his son, Shri Hari. 12. 

Dharma saw before him in the glow of lustrous flame of the supreme spirit, that roamer of Vrindavan, Lord Krishna, holding flute in his hand, as he had seen Him previously. 13. 

Visualizing Him, he was thrilled and immersed in the ocean of joy. With tears in his eyes, confused, he prostrated before Him and stood with folded hands. 14. 

As he was beholding Him-the Lord, next moment, he saw there his own son Shri Hari, in the same form of Krishna, but in celibate attire. 15. 

O King! At that moment he recollected that Krishna himself has incarnated in his house by name Shri Hari. 16. 

(In that state of dream) He embraced Him (Krishna) with love; but suddenly disappeared. When he awoke, in front of him, he saw Shri Hari; his son, prompt to serve him. 17. 

He embraced him close, having horrification on his body and tears in his eyes. Dharma saluted Him (his son), the lord himself, disguised in human form, as if in drama. 18. 

Dharma said:- 

O Shri Hari, now I know, you are the only master of the whole world. You are the sole object of my love. You are the preceptor of the world; the bestower of boons, Lord Shri Krishna, fulfilling the desires of your devotees. You are always to be devoted for the final beatitude by human beings. You are beyond the cosmic illusion. O the highest one, the all pervading Lord, I salute you! 19. 

You are that supreme spirit, Lord Krishna the Brahman, void of phenomenal qualities. To fulfil your promise, you are born to me, playing the role of my son; though really being (unborn and) self-willed. 20. 

O Shri Hari! I know, this my body will perish in five or six days. I do not worry about it because I am surrendered to you, firmly. 21. 

I regret heart, and do not know how I will be able to tolerate your separation. Hence I beg you that I may not beseparated from you in the next-birth. 22. 

The Lord said:- 

‘O revered father! Fortunately, you have known my original form, as it is. Now, nothing remains to be gained or known by you. Abandoning this physical body, you will have a divine one, and you will stay beside me, with your people, no doubt. Hence, leaving aside all anxiety, be disinterested, and dedicatedly do concentrate on me, in your pure heart. 23-25. 

Suvrat said:- 

Thus said by the Lord, Dharma was very happy. All his desires vanished and again saluting Him he said: 26. 

Nobody in this world is able to repay your favours, except salutations! O the destroyer of mighty passion. I prostrate before your lotus feet. 27. 

Saying thus, he happily saluted Krishna, the giver of self-knowledge, Shri Hari being modest by nature, honoured him. Dharma now leaving for final journey-wishing to impart the true-pure knowledge like a jewel, fulfilling all desires, called Shri Hari’s elder and younger brothers, near him. 28. 

Thus ends the thirty-eighth chapter entitled ‘Shri Hari offering boon to Dharma’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 38