Chapter 39 - Dharmadev preaches to both his sons

* Dharmadev preaches to both his sons. * Prophesy of Dharmadev about Shree Hari. * Fulfillment of Dharmadev’s final wish to listen to Bhagwat.

Dharma’s instructions to his sons to worship Shri Hari.

Suvrat said:- 

Those two brothers who were most intelligent came and saluting, sat near him. Then Dharma said to them; 1. 

O sons! Listen to my speech. I am telling a secret for your benefit. If you have conviction in my speech, bear dear it in your heart, divinely. 2. 

Who-so-ever, we do worship, of that consort of Radhika, is the same, your uterine brother Shri Hari. Hence today onwards, devotion may dutifully, and cautiously and perfectly be offered to him and you should always abide by his word. 3- 4. 

Whatever adoration we are doing of Krishna’s Idol, everyday, that image is to be worshipped as per rituals, apprehending it to be of him alone. Whatever Mantras of Krishna have been taught by me to you, know those pertaining to Him alone and chant them as grantors of desired fruit. 5 - 6.

If you keep on worshipping him with respect according to my instructions your welfare in this world and life hereafter, will undoubtedly be accomplished. 7 - 8. 

This Shri Hari will uproot, the irreligious demons arrogance by Kali’s influence in human form, even though unequipped by weapons, just by his will power. He will also enhance the righteous tradition faded by wicked people; and he will propagate especially the devotion unto Krishna. Then, establishing your role as preceptor, in family, after gaining great success he will return to his supreme abode. 9 - 10. 

All people, will then become followers of this Krishna alone, and those having worshipped His image, granting eternal bliss, will attain their desire fruits. Those worshippers abiding by the code laid down by him, and his devotees in general, will certainly attain their cherished goal. 11 -12 

When Dharma told them thus, both of them were much delighted and instantly saluting Shri Hari, said: ‘O Shri Hari, ever protect us; since we belong to you’. 13. 

Shri Hari was pleased with them and said: ‘Both of you worship, Krishna, with reverence. I shall be happy if you keep on acting as per instructions of our father. 14. 

Thereafter, they kept on adoring him as Sri Krishna, with reverence. However, due to his own wish, they had occasionally, his identification as Shri Hari (and occasionally as Shri Krishna). 15. 

Dharma delivered this lesson of Shri Hari’s adoration, to his sons on Ekadasi, at the last hour of night. Then the sun arose and morning dawned. 16. 

Dharma’s last wish to listen Shrimad Bhagavata. 

Shri Hari asked his father, while his brothers were listening, O father, whatever wish you have in your heart, kindly speak out. I am here to fulfil it. 17. 

On that, Dharma, told him: O Shri Hari! I am fully satisfied at heart. However, I do not have completeness of love unto you, in my heart. I would like to intensify it unto the time of leaving this mortal body; I am weak; now it is not possible for me to perform ritual of worship indeed. Therefore I wish to listen to Shrimad Bhagavata Purana, O Shri Hari! along with meaning, by a week-long vow. Do arrange it for me, urgently! 18 - 20.

Shri Hari was pleased to listen to this wish of his father; and having praised him, he ordered to construct mandap etc. immediately. He then sent his elder brother Rama Pratap, to call a Vaishnav Brahmin of prescribed qualities and an expert in Purana discourse and, of wide knowledge. Dharma performed routine rituals as per emergency code and then performed the ritual for listening of Purana. Though, Krishna Himself was present in the form of Shri Hari, he installed a golden image for a week, in order to accord with manners. 21. - 24. 

Initially, he worshipped Ganapati, for completion of the week long vow, without obstacle, and then, having worshipped family deity Maruti i.e. Hanuman, he then worshipped Krishna. He chose five expert Brahmins to recite Gayatri Mantra and Krishna-Mantra, and he offered them cloths, ornaments and seat. Being chosen thus, they performed the recitation for seven days as per prescribed code. Then, Dharma seated the chief Brahmin on high altar and worshipped him in the name of sage Vyasa. Then he also worshipped Brahmin audience. 25 - 28. 

Dharma was firm in righteousness and hence the acuteness of fever was moderate in his case. He used to listen to Bhagavata Purana during day time and practice meditation during night. Thus daily listening to the story (of Krishna) from Bhagavata, six days passed; and on Friday morning on the fourth day of the dark half of the Jyestha month he concluded the ritual. 29 - 30. 

On conclusion, he gave thousand gold coins to that recite (vakta) Brahmin, as Dakshina, and honoured him; he also gave him, ornaments, clothes, golden lion and an auspicious cow. Then he arranged him reach to his house, in a horse ride, with singing troop accompanied by Rampratap. 31 - 32. 

Then he gave nice Dakshina to elected group of Brahmins. Then, being familiar with the gathering, on auspicious place and time, he arranged Homa ritual incorporating Mantra-recital. In the morning, he gratefully invited Brahmins with sweet food items and bid them farewell, giving them gifts. Thereafter, when Ramapratap and others had taken food, he developed severe fever. Immediately, all his kinsmen came and sat by his side. 33 - 35 

Thus ends the thirty-ninth chapter entitled ‘Advice given by Dharma to his sons and the week-long exposition of the Bhagavata Purana’ in the first Prakarana of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as ‘Dharmashastra’ (the rules of the code of conduct). 39