Udyapan-vidhi of Ekadashi Vrata narrated by Bhagwan Shree Hari.

Narayan-muni said:-

no vow will bear any fruit without performing the concluding ceremony. Hence one must perform the concluding ceremony of the Ekadashi vows, by all means. 1.

The concluding ceremony should not be performed during the inter-calary month: Adhika Masa, during the setting-time of the planet Jupiter: Guru, and Venus: Shukra and during incapacity by child and aged person. It should not be performed during one’s inability. 2.

Generally, the concluding ceremony should be performed with elaborate worship and gratification of Brahmins. Gold, cows etc., should be gifted as per one’s ability. 3.

On the tenth day, the observer should eat the remnants of the sacrifice; and while observing celibacy, he should sleep on the bare floor, remembering Shri Hari. 4.

Having got up in the last phase of the night, one should perform the purification rites like bath etc. without wasting any time. He should then collect the materials of worship and duly inviting the learned Brahmin, he should worship Lord Purushottama with devotion and peace of mind. 5-6.

The observer may perform the worship at his own very clean house; or in an auspicious sacred place. By priority, the vow-keeper may also worship in the temple of Lord Vishnu. 7.

In a pendal with pillars of beautiful plantain trunks, he should draw a Sarvatobhadra Mandala; and install an earthen pot in the centre. He should then put upon it a vessel duly wrapped in a beautiful cloth, and covered by the leaves of five different trees. 8-9

He should then draw a beautiful multi-coloured lotus of twelve petals, with layers of twelve leaves. He should then prepare a golden idol of Lord Vasudeva along with goddess Lakshmi as per the Shastric norms and install it in that lotus. 10-11.

In serial order: east etc., on lotus petals, Keshava and others, along with their prowesses, in the proper sequence, should be installed. 12.

In the first petal, Lord Keshava with His consort Shri should be installed; and thereafter, in rightward mode, Narayana with Padma; Madhava with Nitya; Govinda with Chandra; Vishnu with Rama; Madhusudana with Madhavi; Trivikrama with Padmakshi; Vamana with Kamala;Shridhara with Kantimati; Hrushikesha with Aparajita; Padmanabha with Padmavati; and Damodara with Radha; thus these twelve deities are to be installed in due order. 13-16.

Thereafter, twelve deities, with their proper sequence should be installed on inner row of the petals. Sankarshana with Sunanda is to be installed on first petal. Then, in the order of rightward direction, on each next petal, Vasudeva with Harini; Pradyumna with Dhi; Aniruddha with Sushila; Purushottama with Nanda are to be installed in due order. Then, Adhoakshaja flanked by Trayi; Nrusimha by Kshemkari; Achyuta by Vijaya; Janardana by Sundari; Upendra by Shubhaga; Shri Hari by Hiranya (are to be installed on serially next petals. Krishna flanked by Sulakshana is to be installed on the last inner petal of the Lotus. Then, he should worship with proper rites and according to his ability. 17-21.

First the preliminary worship should be performed and then bathing the idols with five ingredients viz. Ghee, Milk, Curd, Honey and Sugar, should be followed performance of the main limb-wise worship. 22.

After offer new clothes, ornaments etc. and fourfold fragrance (2 portions of musk+4 portions sandal-paste+3 portions vermilion+1 portion camphor) and Omni-fragrance (2portions camphor+2portionsvermilion+2portion smusk+4 portions sandal-paste, He should worship with flowers. 23.

After worshiping with thousand basil leaves and after offering incense named Amruta and lamp lustration, he should offer food-oblation. 24.

He, the vow-keeper should offer Laddoos prepared from riceflour, jaggery and ghee; fried sweet cakes of wheat flour; Laddoos made of barly, noodles-vermicelli, Mande (sweet thin Roti made of wheat flour), deep fried balls of gram Dal, milk boiled with rice, porridge of rice and milk; curd rice, small Laddoos made of condensed milk, fried cake, perforated Laddoos, sweet balls of powdered sesames, banana with ghee, and rice mixed with jiggery. After offering aforesaid food-oblation, betel leaf and fruits, he should wave around lamps and offer handful of flowers to the God. 25-28.

After finishing the worship the ardent vow-keeper person should offer a gift of a cow, land sesa mum, gold, horse, elephant etc., as per his capacity. 29.

Then, he should perform a sacrifice in the premises of a temple or in a cow pen, by chanting the Vedic mantra: ‘ Idam Vishnur..’ (Vishnu traversed this..) by offering wooden fuel-sticks, ghee, sesame and cooked rice. 30.

Then the restrained and prudent person should utter the names: Keshava and others while giving the same oblations; and offer twenty four, eleven or one cow or Gold as a gift. 31.

He should offer white or brown colored cows, by performing proper rites. He should keep awake at night and worship God Shri Hari in the morning. 32.

He should donate golden idol of Shri Hari to his preceptor. He should offer ornaments and clothes and feast to Brahmins. 33.

The person should offer twenty four pots filled with sesame, food-grain, fruits and water to Brahmins; and then give them, remuneration for religious rites. 34.

Celibates should be honoured with sandal paste, flowers, clothes and other objects. The Saints, worshippers of God Vishnu should be served with tasty food. 35.

Then the person observing the vow should conclude it, by taking food along with his relatives. If he follows this proper course of action, then only that particular vow will be fruitful. 36.

Here, I have explained the importance of observing the Ekadashika vow, in brief, after studying the scriptures, with all aspects; and with love for the devotees, dedicated to Vishnu. A person who just hears it will surely get his desired fruit. 37.

Thus ends the thirty fourth chapter entitled, ‘Narration of description of the concluding ceremonyof vow of Ekadashi,’ in the third prakaran of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra, (the rules of the code of conduct). 34