Description of Mahadaan such as Guddhenu offered by Jayaba on the pious day of Prabodhini.

Description of Mahadaan such as Guddhenu offered by Jayaba on the pious day of Prabodhini.

Suvrat said:- 

Then Jaya got up early in the morning, finished her daily purification duties and then worshipped God properly as laid down by rules. 1. 

Then she worshipped the golden idols of God Yogeshwara and Goddess Lakshmi, and also of Bhakti and Dharma in Sarvatobhadra-Mandala. 2.

Having worshipped, with penta-nectar blend, with (Panchamruta), sandal- paste and fragrant flowers, incense and lamp and also various fruits. Afterwards, having performed the worship, she did mega-lustration by waving lamp before Gods with devotion. She also offered a handful of flowers by uttering sacred chants and saluted with folded hands. 3-4. 

Afterwards she arranged great gifts: ten types of cows and ten types of Meru mountains to please the God. 5.

There she prepared a ground that was purified by cow dung and covered with sacred Darbha grass. Thereupon, she prepared ten cows, facing eastward and with legs northwards(south north). 6. 

She prepared cow and a calf out of jaggary respectively of four tand one Tolas in weight. 7. 

She covered both of them with priceless fine cloth and decorated both of them with various gems and beads. 8. 

She made the two ears of the cow of white shells, legs with sugarcane, eyes with shining white pearls, back with copper, tail with silk, the dew lap with white (soft) blanket, horns with gold hooves with silver, eyebrows with corals, milking pots, decorated with various ornaments, with bronze. Then she worshipped the cow and the calf with great respect. After words she prepared other cows: ghee-cow etc. 9-11. 

Jaya made ghee-cow, milk- cow, sugar-cow, sesame-cow, honey- cow, Juice-cow (?), curds-cow, water-cow and lastly, golden- cow, according to proper rules. 12-13. 

She placed there the pot filled with ghee, that was in measure of four Tolas, for the rite of Ghruta-dhenu. 14. 

She prepared, for the ghee-calf-rite, a pot filled with the measure of one Tola and did other rites as before. That intelligent lady worked it out in the manner which was difficult even for kings. 15.

In the case of liquid material, the pots fill by that material were put and in case of solid material like sesame, a heap was made. Everywhere, the calves were installed with one fourth of the material. 16.

She prepared a golden cow with four pala (a measuring unit) of gold; and then she decorated all those, with cloths and ornaments. 17. 

O king! Then Jaya worshipped the ten cows and gifted them to the already worshipped Brahmins, with great devotion for the satisfaction of the God. 18. 

Then she made ten mountains named Meru, comprising with trees, ponds and decorated them with variety of clothes. 19. 

The first mount was made of food-grains, the second, salt- mount, third, Jaggari-mount and fourth, gold-mount, fifth, sesasmum-mount and sixth, cotton-mount, seventh, ghee-mount and eighth, gems-mount, ninth, silver-mount and tenth, sugarmount. She prepared the aforesaid ten mountains, according to the rules laid down in scriptures. 20-22. 

There she erected an auspicus pendal, in the premises of the temple of God Vasudeva, besmeared the ground with cowdung and overspread straight Kush blades on it. 23. 

Then, in the middle, she made mount Meru of one thousand Drona (a unit of measure) of paddy-rice. She installed pearls and diamond on the eastern side, then Gomeda and Pusparaga: topaz on the southern side; sapphire and emerald on the western side; lapiz and red stone: ruby on the northern side. Then she tied a creeper made of coral around the mountain. 24-26. 

She prepared caves with sugarcane, benches with conch shells and the various streams with ghee of that mountains. 27 

She placed a range of clouds, prepared from white cloths on the eastern side, grey on the western side, yellow on southern side. Having prepared the cloud range, red on northern side, she prepared the four peaks and the ridge of the mountain from silver. 28-29. 

She prepared golden images of Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and sun; and images of other gods and sages also with gold on the peak of mount Meru, according to her ability. 30. 

She made the auspicious images of lords of all eight directions, Indra and others, of silver. Thus she decorated the mountain with fruits, flowers and sandal-paste. 31. 

Afterwards she installed three golden trees: Mandara, Parijat and the third, wish-fulfilling tree on that mountain. 32. 

Afterwards she installed three golden trees Viz. Mandar (A coral tree), Parijat and wishing tree on that mountain. 32. 

The princess then constructed a five-coloured canopy with glowing pearls on that mountain. 33. Thus constructing Meru, she constructed four supporting mountains facing all directions to its fourth in extension. 34. 

She further supplied the Mandar mountain with barley in the east and fruits etc. and decorated it with diverse cloth and flowers. 35. 

She also furnished above it two golden auspicious Kadamba trees and prepared a silver forest by name Chaitraratha. 36. 

Jaya established a golden Kama, a reservoir of milk withh the name Aruna and a silver lake. 37. 

Then she established the Gandhamadana mountain to the south of Meru with wheat decorated with diverse cloth. 38. 

She then placed the golden rose apple on its summit as also a silver forest named Gandharva and also established silver Yaksha King. 39. 

Having constructed a reservoir of ghee, the Manasa lake and decorated that silver mountain with cloth and flowers of many kind. 40. 

To the west of Sumeru, she prepared a mountain with profuse sesame named Vipula and adorned it with various cloth and fruit. 41. 

Above it she placed, ‘crane’, Bunyan, as well as a silver forest Baibhraja, and a lake full of pure ghee(and water ? 42.

In the safer side of Meru, she established a mountain ‘ Suparshva ‘ (having good sides) made of beans and placed golden vata tree and golden wish yielding cow. 43. 

having prepared a savitra forest, and a silver Madhubhadra lake, she adorned that mountain with a variety of cloth. 44. 

After constructing a Meru of this description, she got svastyayana (good wishes) read out by Brahmins knowing the ritual, and completing the Shanti ritual for Planets. 45. 

Inviting the mountains and Gods, and having honoured them properly, she worshipped her Guru, with devotion (using) sandalwood, clothes and ornaments. 46. 

She offered him the middling mountain named Meru, and gave twenty-four cows as a mark of formal completion of the donation. 47. 

After that, she gave the supporting mountains and other four ones to the four preists, which pleased the Lord. 48. 

Thus, by this ritual, Jaya gifted a corn mountain and constructed other nine mountains like the Salt mountain etc. 49. 

She constructed salt mountains measuring sixteen dronas, and other four Vishkambha mountains in one fourth proportion of those mountains. 50. 

She prepared Gods, trees, ponds etc., as before and adorned them with diverse cloth, flowers, fruits etc. 51. 

Then she constructed an auspicious mountain with ten ‘ weights’ (Bharas) and a golden mountain named Hema with hundred palas. 52. 

After that, noble - minded Jaya, in order to please Shri Hari, systematically prepared a sesamum mountain of ten Dronas, as before. 53. 

She constructed a cotton mountain measuring twenty weights (Bhara-s)and a ghee mountain of twenty pots. 54. 

Then she prepared a ‘ Ratnachala’a gems ‘ mountain with thousand pearls On its eastern side, she constructed a Mandara mountain made of Gomeda and Diamonds. 55. 

On the southern side, she constructed a Gandhamadana mountain with Sapphire and Topaz and to the west, a Vipula mountain with Lapis –lazuli and coral. 56. 

To the north, that generous lady i.e. Jaya, constructed a mountain named Suparshvaka, with Gold and Ruby. Rest of the ritual was performed as before. 57. 

Then she prepared a silver mountain with ten-thousand Palas, She also made silver and golden mountains as she did previously. 58. 

Then she prepared a mountain of sugar i.e. ‘Sarkarachala’ measuring eight (Bharas), and decorated it with cloth etc as per religious procedure. 59.

She prepared four other mountains, to the one–fourth extent of middle mountain. Rest of the ritual was performed like that of the grain –mountain. 60. 

In order to please Shri Hari, she ceremoniously gifted all the mountains which were decorated with cloths and other things, to the Brahmins. 61.

Thus, King Uttam, due to his love for Shri Hari, made Jaya give the great donations, by His own order. 62. 

All the kings and people of other countries were surprised to eye-witness the generosity of the king Uttam. 63. 

At night, the noble minded Jaya, devotionally worshipped Radha and Damodara, the Lord of Ekadashi following the Shastric injunctions. 64. 

O king! The old people, children and the ladies, in order to please God, performed the vow of not taking food on that day, and kept awake fot the whole night. 65. 

Thus ends the thirty seventh chapter entitled, ‘ the ritual of the great gift of ‘ Guda-dhenu’ made by Jaya at the time of Prabodhini festival’ in the third Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 37