Lady devotees Jayaba, Ramaba, Lalitaba perform Poojan, Stuti of Shree Hari.

Lady devotees Jayaba, Ramaba, Lalitaba perform Poojan, Stuti of Shree Hari.

Suvrat said:- 

Jaya, Lalita and Rama, who were observing the vow of celibacy, approached Him (Shri Hari). They were carrying with them the offerings (of worship) in their hands. 1 

Then all other ladies including Amari etc. who were (also) eager to see Shri Hari followed them. 2 

After concluding the festival in all respects, all of them, with calm and contented mind, finishing their everyday rites and purifying themselves, respectfully saluted Him. 3 

They did not know the proper way of worship. (But), looking at his lotus – like face, which resembled the cupid, and who was sitting quite relaxed, worshipped Him with full devotion. 4

They worshipped Him with fragrant sandalwood, vermilion, saffron, Kasturi, Akshata and garlands of various flowers. 5 

They offered Him different types of valuable clothes, ornaments made of precious stones and worshipped Him with incense sticks, camphor etc. They waved lights (before Him). 6 

In this way they prayed and worshipped Shri Hari in proper manner and each of them individually expressed her feelings. 7

Jaya said:- 

I bow down to You, Lord Krishna! Purushottama!, Who has incarnated Himself in the human form to favour the whole world. 8 

I bow to the Lord Adhokshaja, to Him, Who stays in Akshardham, Who can take form according to the images appearing in the minds of His devotees, Who controls all the living beings; and Who is the Supreme Lord of the universe. 9 

All the learned people who know Vedas say that Brahma is unimaginable, an epitome of happiness, without any attributes, and is imperishable. But O Lord, You are Supreme Brahman and are still described as existing outside. You are Bhagavan incarnation . 10 

To give pleasure to Your devotees coming to you, You have incarnated Yourself in this beautiful human body, which adheres to penance, religion, sacrifice and sorrows as well. 11 

O Lord, You have taken this human form with Your own wish, which is admired even by the Gods, we celebrated these festivals by Your grace; and you accepted our worship with love and made us happy. 12 

O Lord, listening to Your heroic deeds, narrating Your greatness, remembering Your (names), tender salutations to You, worship You, serve Your feet, intimacy towards You, servitude towards You and total surrender in Your incarnation; all these (gestures) give us immense pleasure. 13

Your devotee, who (embraces) You with full devotion, can easily cross this ocean of world, which is based on the rules of cause and effect. He will be an accomplished person and all his wicked actions will be destroyed. He will be liberated from rebirth. All these things, O Lord, we know for certain! 14-15 

O Lord, You, who are always geared up to protect Your devotees, take infinite births, and manifestations. To You, who are the only source of expelling (our) sorrows, O Lord, we bow down to you. 16 O Lord, You have made us (extremely) happy by planning proper utilization of our wealth. 17

Suvrat said:- 

O King, in this way Jaya praised the Lord with full devotion and rested for a while. Then Rama, with folded hands, bowed down to Shri Hari with devotion. 18 

Rama said:- 

O Lord, with my mind, intellect, and body, I bow down to Your lotus-feet which have (already) been saluted by the noble saints and which spreads happiness in this world afflicted by the worldly passions. O Lord, You are capable of liberating the people from the ties and attachments of their own deeds. You are indeed the conqueror of illusion. (Maya). 19 

O Lord, You are the creator of universe and you are beyond the ties and attachments of this world. Even after embodying in a human form, like a wind, You are not attached to anything in this world and nothing attracts you either. 20 

O Lord, you are always satisfied within yourself. All the other Gods, human beings and others attain happiness by (association with) woman, wealth and landed property. But like You, Your devotees also know that, these things which give pleasure to the mankind are the root cause of all the sorrows. 21

O Lord, as long as they are alive, just as the bullocks till the land by putting a noose (a rope) in their nose, in this world, all the living beings including Brahma, gods, and others who bear a body are under the influence of Time (Kala) for their own livelihood as has been scheduled by You. 22

O Lord, in this universe, the earth, the heaven and all the seasons with their own special features are governed by the Time which also (in turn) works as per the perimeters laid down by You, with fear in their minds. The wind blows, the sun roams in the sky, the clouds rain, the death-god, scampers all over the boundaries positioned by you. Nobody is able to cross these limits. 23

Just as a conflagration which exists in the ocean, does not surrender to the water of the ocean, (but) on the contrary, flares up indeed; in the same way, You O Lord, are never attached to the things, created by You, e.g. woman, gold ornaments, clothes, houses and towns etc. 24

O You destroyer of sins! I, myself along with my other liberated friends, have abandoned all our inherent qualities, with a fear in our mind (so that they may not recur in us) as we are desirous of boosting our love for You. But even if You dwell in all these natural qualities, You do not adhere to them, You never touch them, even you are steady like the sky and you shine above all with your own qualities. 25 

O Lover of the Devotees, Shri Hari! all the intellectual and elite people know that You are the Supreme Lord . O Lord, now I pray to You that let my mind be always be surrendered to You. You only are able to protect me from illusion. 26 

Suvrat said:- 

O King, in this way Rama praised Shri Hari with full devotion and became relaxed. Afterwards Lalita, with folded hands, praised Him. 27 

Lalita said:- 

O Lord Vasudeva! Purushottama!, I salute with full devotion to Your lotus-feet with my whole body, mind and intellect. You are worshipped even by Shrutis. I salute You, who are capable to rescue the people, who are plunged in the ocean of the world. 28 

Lord, you had incarnated Yourself in the forms of Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Bramha to look after this world which was created out of cosmic illusion (maya). In this form O Lord, with Your extra- ordinary qualities you show up (stand out) in the Akshardham. 29 

O Lord! You are the light in the darkness. O Lord with lotus feet, you are worshipped with full devotion by Radha, Rama etc. with their active powers. 30 

O Shri Hari! formerly you had taken birth as Narayana Rishi from Murtidevi and Dharma Prajapati, in this country. (Now), in this Kosala region, You have taken a human form as their son (named) Nilakantha. 31 

O Lord of lords, You are known as Nirguna (without possessing any worldly qualities). Even though you have accepted a human form, you are free from three qualities of maya, since You are having a divine body. By encouraging the religion propounded by Your parents, You engage Yourself in catering at the wefare of Your devotees adherents (followers). 32 

Great Lord! they say that, You are born to restore the extinct religion based on four Ashramas: stages in the life. Many people claim that You are born to restore the great Paramahamsya religion, which was exterminated by the hypocrites. 33. 

O Lord! some say that You have incarnated yourself to strengthen the true and pure cult of religion expounded by venerable Udhava- which had become weak by the pseudo- preceptors who had taken the (undue) credit of destroying the (Ashvamedha) sacrifice performed by the (king) Pruthu, (which was actually spoiled by Lord Indra). 34 

O Lord, I am (fully) aware that You, who are self-righteous and bestower of worldly prosperity to Your adherents, have taken birth in the form of a Brahmin, to build up this virtuous religion of devotion, which was weakened by their activities contrary to the religion by the rivals like the demons and by those (under the pretext of) preceptors, 35 

O Lord, those who listen to Your virtuous accomplishments, through pious saints, or who sing (them) with devotion or remember in their own minds and empathize (Your) achievements, they get liberated from the worldly attachments, and reach Your abode. 36 

O Lord! instead of building up (absolute) devotion in You or avoiding relationship with the virtuous people, they, who afflict their body by adhering to the diverse rules for the instantaneous attainment of the knowledge of their own self, bear painful conse- quences (comparable to) the husks without the rice grains. 37

O Lord! I have heard from your staunch and responsible devotees about the religion of detachment and knowledge of the self. Hence I assure that I will serve You with all the three Karanas i.e. performing, effecting and accomplishing body, speech and mind (Kaya, Vacha, and Manas) according to my ability. 38 

O Lord! I wish that wherever I take birth or wherever I am alive in this or in the other world, I will serve You incessantly without any desire (on my part). I call upon You, O Shri Hari, for I have deep affection for You. 39 

Suvrat said:- 

in this way Lalita relaxed (for a while) after praising Him in (such) ornate poetic verses. Subsequently, other lady devotees (also) praised Him. 40

Amariba said:- 

O Lord, I, Amari pray you with full devotion whose lotus feet are worshiped by gods and sages and whose praises are sung even by goddess Sarasvati. (not done fully) 41 

O Lord, like the ladies whose mind is always attached to your lotus feet, my mind also should always be at your feet and it should never be (engrossed) in (our) relatives, wealth etc. 42 

Amalaba said:- 

You are very conscientious in tendering your devotees whatever they aspire. I ceaselessly surrender myself to You. Considering even my trivial devotion towards You as unyielding devotion, because of Your compassionate approach You have favoured (me.) 43 

O Lord, leaving all the attachment with living beings, my mind should remain steadfast like the earth and be attached to You, who is a treasure of all the supreme qualities and who is the actual manifestation of compassion on this earth. 44 

Menaba said:- 

O compassionate Lord!, I respectfully adore Your beautiful feet, with whose touch (the river) Ganga, with all her three forms (as Mandakini., Bhogavati and Ganga) purifies all the three worlds and gods, and which when worshipped destroys the threefold suffering of the human-beings. 45 

O Shri Hari, taking away my mind from my home and wealth, I wish to worship Your lotus feet with unwavering devotion. I don’t long for any pleasure from other gods . So let my mind be attached only to You. 46

All the other ladies praising Him said:- 

O Lord, You look most attractive, most beautiful with tilaka on Your forehead; and Your beautiful eyes. You are prayed even by the gods. Your image should always be here before us, who always aspire to see You. 47 

O Shri Hari, You fascinate even the Cupid, You arouse great affection in the minds of the devotees; and yet are easily accessible to devotees in this world. 48 

O Shri Hari, You are always desired by devotees, You always give pleasure to others and destroy darkness (ignorance) of the mind. Your image should always be here before us, who always aspire to see You. 49 

O Shri Hari! You, Who give pleasure to the hearts (of the devotees), Who liberates (them) from the ties, Who destroys the sorrows, Who has big beautiful eyes, and Who wears soft and delicate clothes, Your image should always be here before us, who always aspire to see You. 50 

O Shri Hari, You, Who speak sweet words, Who wears ornaments of flowers, Who are without any bad qualities, and Who destroys the sorrows and wears a smile on the face; Your image should always be here before us who always aspire to see You. 51 

O Shri Hari, You, Who resembles a wreath of flowers, Who are tender-hearted, an epitome of compassionate look, destroyer of sorrows, and worshipped even by the Lord Shiva and Brahma, Your image should always be here before us, who always aspire to see You. 52 

O Shri Hari, You, Who are the most sacred, the caretaker of the world. You, Whose hair is curly, Who wears earrings (made) of flowers and Who removes the panics of the world, Your image should always be here before us who always aspire to see You. 53 

O Shri Hari, with all the powers, all the material comforts, sages happily take refuge in you alone. Your image should always be here before us who always aspire to see You. 54 

Because of your stay in Durgapattan, city has become the most valuable city in this world. In your shelter even salvation is here which is otherwise always very difficult to achieve anywhere. 55 

You have always saved us from bad opinions, sinful behavior, scorpion like bad qualities of youth, greed of mind and too much prosperity that brings many problems. 56 

You have liberated us from great doubts, wicked shelters, arrogance, and disgraceful discourses. 57 

O Lord of Sages! You have saved us from impure feelings, anger like fire- difficult to extinguish, fears of death, hard impurities and poisonous greediness. 58

As You have always saved us compassionately from great lust, in the same way you are also capable of keeping us attached to your lotus feet. 59

O Lord, You, Who are a favorite of Your devotees, we pray You again and again that our minds should never be diverted from your lotus feet. 60

Suvrat said:- 

O King! This way the Lord of the devotees was pleased by all the ladies and devotees by their praises and He granted them fearlessness. 61 Shri Narayan Muni said:- whatever wishes you have in your minds, they will be fulfilled without any doubt. 62. 

It is difficult even for the sages to withheld the body and its activities. But with the full affection towards me, O Ladies, you worship me by leaving the attachment of your body (just) as you leave the grass. 63 

Suvrat said:- 

O King! in this manner with such sweet and diverse words that Great Sage (Shri Hari) pleased all those pious ladies. They listened to Him attentively and also asked Him this questions. 64 

Thus ends the forty-third chapter entitled, ‘Narration of description of the praise of Shri Hari made by Jaya and the group of women living in Durgapura,’ in the third prakaran of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 43