Shree Hari offers meals to Parshads on night before Ekadashi.

Shree Hari offers meals to Parshads on night before Ekadashi.

Suvrat said:- 

O King, there in that city of Vruttalaya, many devotees of Shri Hari were eager to serve Him along with the group of sages and His attendants. There were Brahmins such as Dayalji Vanmali; Kshatriyas, i.e. warrior caste people, like Jobanpagi, Sundarpagi, Jooshopagi, Takhopagi, Badar, Khoda, etc., too offered service with great devotion. So did the tradesmen headed by Kuber Patel, Ranchhod, Mulaji, Bhayaji, etc., as well as Goswami Narayan giri. Then ladies named Radiyata, Jita Many, Rama, etc, all came forth, eager to serve Him with devotion. 1-4 

Pleased on being served by so many people Shri Hari then thought, He should also feed His attendants, since they would have to fast on the very next day, it being Ekadashi, auspicious eleventh day of the month. Therefore He called out the names of Somalakhachar, Surakhachar, Khatvanga, Mantrik, Alark, Mulji etc., and ordered them to tell immediately whether they had an appetite of the evening meal. He further added, tomorrow is going to be an important Ekadashi called Dhatrika, when adherents of Narayan are not supposed to eat any food-grains what so ever (not even as Prasad). 5-7

Upon hearing these words, from the mouth of Shri Hari, the attendants who knew about the obligatory nature of the fast, looked at each other, and replied to Shri Hari as follows The attendants said, Lord, we have eaten the sweet-balls etc., in the Pippala van, town on the way to this place; so we are not really hungry, as of now. Still, we shall have some food, because the masters command must be obeyed by servants. O Lord, we know that the importance of your Prasada gracious treat is more than that of the Ekadashi fast. Still we shall not eat even that tomorrow, if that pleases you more. Having heard those words of theirs and understand their hints/intention, Shri Hari laughed, and rising from His seat called out, who are attendants present here? Immediately, Kuber appeared there with folded hands, and said, O master, Here is your servant. You may order him as you please. 8-13 

Shri Hari asked him whether any food had been prepared there or not. He replied, food is ready under the Kshirika Rayani tree. 14 

Ganesh, Jayaram and other Brahmins who are very quick at cooking have prepared and kept in store sweet balls with profuse ghee and sugar. They have also cooked rice dal, curry, inclusive of Vatikas and a variety of tasty foods and vegetables. 15-16

For the people who know the importance (grandeur) of Prasad and for these recluses, this much (amount of) food does not appear to be sufficient; so he called. Jobanpagi near and whispered in his ear, bring immediately some more food, ghee, and Pindhakas (pendhas) too from the city. 17-19 

Thus instructed by Him, the servants rushed to the city, filled the vessels with the eatables and brought them quickly to that place. 20 

Mean while the residents of Suryapur (Surat) arrived there with vessels full of sweets on their shoulders to please Shri Hari. 21 

As Shri Hari was very much pleased by their timely services, He smiled and praised them, especially Bhalachandra and others. 22 

Soon, the resident of Mathura, envied there and as though embarrassed owing to non-familiarity with formalities to be observed, they came hurriedly and laid at His feet a mound of Pindakas. 23 

Thereupon, the Great sage, (Shri Hari) was very much pleased; He called all His attendants and told them, Sit appropriately (properly) in a row and Patake of food to your heart’s content. 24 

Then all of them washed their hands and as ordered by Hari, sat in a line. Mean while, Shri Hari was reminded of His recluses and followers. So He also invited them to come and eat. 25 

Being very happy to have been invited by Shri Hari Himself, the groups of recluses instantaneously pocked up their mats used as seats, washed their two hands and two feet plus mouth as the fifth, and came speedily for taking meals shaking in their hands, their wooden water-jars, and also carrying clean bowls for alms. Their smiling faces bloomed joyfully like lotuses, while their eyes were fixed on Shri Hari’s face. 26 

Then the celibate Mukunda, an humble personality, received all those guests, very warmly, seated them in proper positions with due respect, according to the instructions of Shri Hari, whom each one saluted. 27 

Then, charioteers as well as singers, bards, and instrument players from Magadha, came and sat there for food, following the orders of Shri Hari. Rows of lamps were lit up there in thousands. Around those who were eating, stood castles,i.e. thick mobs of on-lookers. 28 - 29 

When all of them were seated in rows following due etiquette, Shri Hari ordered the Brahmins to serve them with food. 30 

Hundreds of very capable Brahmins, with their clothes tightly fastened around their waists, served food to those people within a moment to appease their teachers and Shri Hari Himself. 31 

First, they distributed plates for eating food, then they quickly filled their glasses, with drinking water from the water-pots. 32 

After that, they began serving food, row-by-row, without any confusion, in such a careful manner that the vegetables etc. did not get mixed up. 33 

Having noticed the skillful Gujarati style of serving every item some western people laughed at, while southern people appreciated it. 34

Although there were a variety of food-items, served in everybody’s plate, they did not get mixed up with others, due to the skillful service of the waiters. 35 

When Shri Hari saw that all the item were served in every plate, He ordered all His adherents to take their meals. 36 

Shri Hari saw to it, that sweet-balls etc. were served repeatedly to all those who were eating that tasty meal. 37 

On learning that all those who were satiated with good food, still desired something given by His own hands, He took a wash and He Himself served to their satisfaction. 38 

Although they were satiated fully, with that food, sweet balls and other food, directly served at the hands of Shri Hari again and again, was still found by them ever tasty. 39

Then they were eating rice. Shri Hari poured ghee in streaks on to it. After that they had no more desire to relish anything else. 40 

Where as, he finally gave sweetened milk for drinking, to those of his attendants, who were meaningfully saying to each other that a meal should end with buttermilk. Shri Hari knew what they were hinting at. 41 

So much was the milk poured by Shri Hari, that it flowed along the ground after filling the glasses of His attendants. 42 

Soma was sitting opposite Alark, and his (lips) became white due to drinking of the milk, so Alark laughed at Him very much though he himself was also drinking it. 43 

When he was laughing aloud, his bowl dropped from his hand, on the ground, Shri Hari, laughed and also made others who were engaged in eating laugh with Him. 44 

O you sinless, thus He fed the meals to the devotees in a very delightful atmosphere. When He was assured that they were fully satiated, He washed His hands. 45 

Thinking that people who were desirous of touching His feet will certainly topple on each other, Shri Hari, thought of leaving that place. 46 

Then Hari, loudly announced, O you people, please go back to your lodgings immediately and come back tomorrow. 47 

Shri Hari then addressed the cooks and the servers of food (and) asked them to eat well. 48 

In this manner, Shri Hari, the wish full-filling tree for all the devotees, took leave of everyone, saying, victory to Sacchidananda. In the end, He came back to His pedestal with brisk steps, causing His followers to run behind Him; and then Shri Hari ascended His pedestal holding a cane in His hand with a smiling face, being pleased because of observing His adherents eat well all the Prasada. After eating and washing their mouths, all His attendants, etc. started going to their respective places, happily looking at Him again and again, from a distance with gratitude. Meanwhile, Shri Hari, placing one hand on His waist, with folded hands, looked affectionately at the hoards of the devotees: men and women. 49-51 

O King, while Shri Hari, who was also expert in Yoga, was sitting in His elevated seat, a group of people from Bharuch, came hurriedly up to Him. 52 

They all bowed down before Him with devotion. On being asked about the reason for arriving late, they told Him about the break-down of their vehicle in the midst of the river Mahi. Then they presented Him with the gifts they had brought along, immediately left for their resort. Thereupon, Shri Hari inspected the gifts they had offered in front of Him: golden bananas, guavas, and sugarcane. Wondering whom to give these, He noticed the Brahmin Prayagajit, who used to read Purana, for Him, with his loin-cloth fastened up. He also saw their Nachiketa and Mayarama, his shoulders drooping with advanced age. 53-56 

He asked them smilingly, you Brahmins, do you have a desire to eat today or not? 57 

To this, Prayagaji replied, we do feel hungry, but are tired on account of the hardships suffered during the journey; so we shall not cook anything today after merely drinking little water. 58-59 

Thereupon, Shri Hari laughed and said, since you have to observe fast tomorrow, better eat bananas, with ghee, and sugar tonight in good measures.To Him, who had said so, the worthy Brahmin replied smiling, Gracious Lord, May this desire of yours be fulfilled right away. 60 

Then Shri Hari gave many bananas and pure sugar to all, the three of them. 61 

He gave them bananas, and sweets, again and again, a though they kept preventing Him with their hands and with the words, Oh, not so much, so much. 62 

Then Shri Hari, who loved Brahmins, asked someone to give them a small pitcher full of milk as well as clarified butter weighing almost three kilograms. 63 

The three of them took all that was given by Shri Hari, and went to their resorts, their shoulders bending with the load. 64

There, the Brahmins ate the fruits gifted by Shri Hari, appreciating their sweetness again and again. 65 

Satisfied at last they stroked their full bulging, may we always get fruits for meals! No trouble of any cooking! 66 

After satisfying His devotees who had come there in this manner, Shri Hari, desired to go and perform His evening routine of religious duty. 67

Hence, on getting down from the pedestal, Shri Hari warded off the public merely by a gesture of His hand; then He went to His abode, along with five or six of His personal attendants. 68 

Then He had His bath, and put on clean clothes, garments following the rules of travel. Although being God Himself, He performed the evening prayers as laid down in the Vedas, so that His followers may follow the same practice. 69 

Thus ends the fiftieth chapter entitled, ‘Narration of description of the joy of dinner taken by the devotees and the attendants,’ in the third prakaran of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra. (the rules of the code of conduct). 50