Shree Hari welcomed the saints and offered them meals.

Suvrat said:-

O King! all the householders went to look after their housing accommodation. However, as instructed by Shri Hari, ascetics and sages enjoyed (the privilege of) sitting in front of Him. 1.

The ascetics were extremely happy with the courteous reception given by Him. They worshipped Him with flowers, fruits, holy leaves and garments made of bark. 2.

By the time the ascetics were thus engaged in the worship of Shri Hari, Galav approached Him and said, ‘O Lord! food is ready.’ 3.

Listening these words of Galav, Shri Hari, requested the sages to get ready for lunch. Hence, the sages, after performing all the purification rites, sat down in a row to dine. 4.

The Lord of the ascetics i.e. Shri Hari, served the sages, with fried Rotis, (puris) porridge made of rice garnished with sugar, ghee etc. and a variety of other delicious preparations. He, the great sage, then requested the sages to proceed to their assigned hermitages. 5.

Shri Hari Himself cooked food at His own residence. He offered that holy food to Lord Krishna and rested for a while. Instantly, a number of virtuous and benevolent satsangis arrived there. 6.

Myriads of resident devotees of the eastern, western, southern, northern, and central parts of the country, as well as from the southeast, northeast, south-west and north-west countries happily arrived there. 7-8.

There were young and old people, children, housewives and widows, women who observed chastity, and who were dedicated to Lord Krishna. 9.

The people of Durgapur were confused by hearing the noise of the various instruments and drums, singing of music in high pitch, and noise of the clapping of hands etc. 10.

Shri Hari, who loved His devotees very much, having listened to the thundering sound in high pitch, came out of His own residence and stood on the altar at the bottom of the neem tree. 11.

Devotees achieved the state of Samadhi just by performing Darshan of a single body part of Shree Hari.

Those who were very eager to see Him, approached Him and bowed down with folded hands. Those who were mystified just saluted Him with their hands. Some due to (their) ardent devotion, paid obeisance by prostrating themselves with reverence. 12 -13

Some people forgot to bow down to Him, and gazed at Him. The moment, they stared at any of His limb, got themselves captivated (mesmerized) in that (limb). 14.

Some who could perceive even the fingers of His feet, suddenly forgot everything, and without winking their eyes, stood motionless like a pillar. Some devotees, who chose to see His ankles, blocked their visual functions; some who singled out His shanks, knees, chest, belly, waist, constrained their breaths. 15-17

Some, having seen His broad chest, and bosom, and Sri Vatsa mark (mark of ignominy) on His chest, went into trance. (lost
their consciousness). Some were stunned looking at the fingers of His hands and towards both of His long arms reaching His knees. 18.19.

Those who looked at His pleasing lotus-like face, and others who saw His large eyes, totally got absorbed in their hearts. 20.

O King! Having looked at His nose, cheeks, ears, forehead, eye-brows, some of the devotees stood motionless. 21.

Some, having seen His head, which was decorated with a crest of flowers, suddenly stopped the movement of their eyes. 22.

Thus, He, who was the Ocean of Compassion, exhibited the divine beauty of His own form. All the viewers confined their breaths in the different limbs of Shri Hari, and hence, were unable perceive other organs of His body and were detained in a standstill position as if in a picture. 23-25.

Having experienced a state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, some prostrated on the ground, some stood motionless and some sat on the ground. 26.

Thus, there was a great astonishment amongst the followers of Shri Hari. In addition, the Gods, who had arrived there to watch this great festival, were overwhelmed with joy and showered flowers on Shri Hari. 27.

All the men and women, who were pleased in their hearts of hearts, as it were, perceived something dazzling with the divine luster of myriad of Suns, manifested in their inner heart. They revealed that it was (nothing but) the manifestation of Shri Hari Himself in His divine form. 28.

Having contemplated on the divine form of Shri Hari, they attained the highest satisfaction of experiencing the supernatural bliss. As per Shri Hari’s wish, all of them regained their consciousness, and could virtually see Him sitting on the altar. 29-30.

They were very happy to have the divine Darshana of Shri Hari. They did not feel exhausted their heart was full of joy. 31.

Devotees welcomed by Shree Hari.

Some of them had travelled for five months, some for four months, some for three months, some for two months and some had travelled for one month. All of them were extremely delighted to see Shri Hari. He honoured those devotees who had taken great pains, had sacrificed their household comforts, and who did not bother about their sufferings. 32-34.

Thereafter, Shri Hari, having received them respectfully, inquired about their well-being. He wished for their comfortable stay and arranged for their housing accommodation by instructing Harji and others. 35.

Since there was a continuous flow of devotees (visiting) throughout the day, He stayed there for a long to bestow on them the virtual pleasure of the sight of His divine appearance. 36.

Jaya, Rama and especially Lalita and all the other women devo- tees who had arrived there were duly honoured by Shri Hari. 37.

He offered all sorts of food–stuffs and other essential things to those devotees who had arrived there and who had to spend (a lot of) money during their journey. 38.

Shri Hari provided those mendicants with the essential supply of food - grains sugar, ghee, etc. which was sufficient for (their) five days. (meals). Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, Sutas, and Magad has and the bards, the drum players, etc. were served with (delicious) food in the palace of the King (Uttam). 39- 40.

Having mounted His horse, late in the evening, Shri Hari, along with some of his attendants visited the residential quarters of all the devotees. He inquired about their well-being and gave them whatever they needed. He warned them to take proper care of themselves and instructed them to be very cautious. 41-42.

He also warned them to keep at bay any strange man or a woman staying in the apartment. Shri Hari then returned to his residence. 43.

In the presence of Soma and others. He admired those who had come from far off places and who had dedicated their own self and were desirous of final bliss. 44.

Thus, while receiving the devotees who had come in groups, with the cooing of the cocks, concluded the third phase of the night. 45.

Thus ends the ninth chapter entitled, ‘Warm reception given to the devotees coming from the other countries at the time of Annakuta festival ‘ in the third Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan,also titled as Dharmashastra (the rules of the code of conduct). 9