Like Dhan-Teras, the day of Kali-Chaudas also passed in receiving the devotees. Shree Hari wore new clothes on the pious day of Dipawali.
Suvrat said:-
O King, Swami Sahajanand slept for a while. He, then woke up early, and performed His daily rituals like bath etc. with reverence. As in the past, right from the morning, the fourteenth day of that fortnight also, Shri Hari spent in receiving and pleasing his devotees who approached Him. 1-2.
In the early morning, at sunrise, He, on the Dipotsava day, after taking His holy bath, performed His daily duties. 3.
Then, He sat on the ground on a round cotton quilt, for a little while. King Uttam also, having performed his daily rituals, worshipped Him as usual. In the meantime, enthusiastic Mayaram, hastily arrived there with a bundle of new clothes, wrapped in a cloth, hiding it under his armpits. 4-5.
Having seen him coming, Shri Hari smilingly asked, O Brahmin, what have you brought ? Mayaram politely told Him, O Brahmin, I have brought some new clothes for You. In order to please the devotees, the Lord accepted those clothes and tied one safflower coloured piece of cloth, as a turban on His head. 6-7.
Shri Hari wore a beautiful upper garment having red dots of golden thread and tied a golden coloured cloth around his waist. 8. Then, He invited all the devotees waiting for him. Those who had performed their own daily rituals assembled there. 9.
All the sages and the householders gathered around Shri Hari, Who sat under a nimb tree. 10.
All the men and women arrived and stood there near the assembly hall, waiting for Shri Hari‘s arrival. 11.
Description of Rajadhiraj Shree Hari.
People who had studied Vedas, Shastras and Puranas as well as Tantric literature, celibates, and the people who observed severe penance, hundreds of singers and musicians, actors and wrestlers, charioteers and the bards, came and stood outside, waiting for the arrival of Shri Hari. In no time, Shri Hari arrived there. 12-14.
O King, having seen Him, all people became very happy. They, saluting Him proclaimed aloud with the words ‘Jay’ ‘Jay’. 15.
Shri Hari, cheering His devotees, took His seat, right on the altar, under the neem tree. It excelled even the royal throne. 16.
A beautiful white umbrella, shining like the sun, was held on his head by Soma. The white umbrella looked more attractive because of the dazzling complexion of Shri Hari’s face. 17.
Bhruguji and Alay, the two devotees, fanned him with Chamaras i.e. fans, which had a beautiful rod studded with jewels. Sura and Nanja, standing at the both sides of Shri Hari, fanned Him by the fans made of the palm-leaves. 18-19.
King Uttam, who held a beautiful golden rod, having fans made of Ushira grass, stood by the side of Shri Hari, and fanned Him. A devotee named Mukundaraj, stood near Him, holding a towel in his hand and waited for His instructions. 20-21.
A doorkeeper named Kubersimha, who was the reporter of Shri Hari’s deeds, held a golden rod in his hand, stood by His side and loudly proclaimed, ‘Jay Jay’ 22.
Large number of devotees thronged together to perform ardent Darshan of Shree Hari.
Hundreds of attendants, devotees and other brave warriors, great soldiers, and the people who had achieved notable recognition in battles, stood politely with folded hands in front of Him. 23.
Shri Hari watched the crowd of the people standing around, who were very anxious to see Him. It resembled an ocean running towards the shore. 24.
Shri Hari noticed numerous people in the courtyard of the King Uttam, nastily falling upon each other. In the moon light, many people were standing in the foreground, near the space outside the sacrificial altar, on the roofs, in the inner apartments, on the watch towers, on the cross –roads, in the stables, in the sanctuary, over the fences, on the town gates and on the upper rooms of the houses. 25-27.
People climbed the high trees and stood there right from the root to their tops. He smiled seeing them around Him, in that condition. 28.
Shri Hari, clapped His hands and then waved them, indicating thousands of His devotees, to sit down. There was a serene quietitude then. Ladies and gentlemen took their seats in keeping with the already planned sitting arrangement. Sages, Brahmins, householders, senior-people, scholars, sculptors’ disciples, took their appropriate seats, allocated to them in their designated groups. 29-32.
Instantly, amongst His own devotees who were present there, Shri Hari, advised the musicians, who were waiting for a long time to play music. 33.
The musicians played music very skilfully and beat the drums, showing the talent of the movements of their hands. 34.
Shri Hari, who watched this, praised their skill and the quickness of the movements of their hands. At that time, He noticed that some people had come from different countries. In order to get the news of their country, He invited, in His assembly, those people who represented as the chief delegates of their country. 35-36.
O King, they all immediately got up with great joy and stood in front of Him with folded hands, staring at his moon like face. 37.
Thus ends the tenth chapter entitled, ‘Description of the sitting arrangement at the time of Annakuta festival ‘ in the third Prakaran of Satsangi jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan,also titled as Dharmashastra (the rules of the code of conduct). 10